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1、英语口语大全交际口语范文 我们要提高自己的英语口语成绩才可以进步哦,今天就给大家 _一下英语口语,喜欢的要收藏起来哦 Amy:Graham, why are you always on the phone? with Jane? Graham:Because we are partners in our scien _ lab?. Why are you so jealous? Amy:The other night when you came home there was lipstick on your right cheek. How do you explain that? Graha

2、m:My aunt Mary just flew in from Cleveland? and she laid? one right on my right cheek. Amy:Are you sure? Graham:Of course I am. I only love you, Amy. Amy:Okay, Im sorry. I believe you. Graham:Why do you always ause me like that? Amy:Because you are the most handsome boy at the university and I love

3、you so much! I guess I just go crazy? sometimes. Thats all. Graham:Oh, Amy. I am the luckiest guy in the world. Amy:Why? Graham:Because I am loved by the most beautiful girl in the world! Amy:Oh. Graham. I love you so much and I really believe in our love. 艾米:格雷厄姆,你 _总是和简打 _? 格雷厄姆:因为我们是科学实验室里的搭档啊。你干

4、嘛这么猜忌啊? 艾米:前两天的晚上你回家的时候,你右脸颊上有个口红印,你怎么解释? 格雷厄姆:我姑姑玛丽从克利夫兰乘飞机来了,是她在我右脸颊上留的。 艾米:你确定? 格雷厄姆:我当然确定了。我只爱你,艾米。 艾米:好吧,对不起。我相信你。 格雷厄姆:你 _总是那么指责我啊? 艾米:因为你是这所大学最帅的男孩,而我又那么爱你!我想有时侯我只是爱你爱得发疯了,就这些原因。 格雷厄姆:哦,艾米,我是世界上最幸运的人了。 艾米: _? 格雷厄姆:因为我被世界上最漂亮的女孩爱着啊! 艾米:哦,格雷厄姆,我是那么爱你,我真的相信我们的爱情。 打算 Salesgirl:Would you like to s

5、ee our new shirts? Steve:Sorry, Im not really that interested in those things. Salesgirl:They are very ni _, you know. Steve:Really? Salesgirl:And not expensive either?. Steve:Oh, I dont care about that. Salesgirl:Everybodys buying them. Steve:Are they? Salesgirl:Yes, they are very fashionable, you

6、see. Steve:Im afraid Im not interested in? fashion. There are so _ny other really important things in the world. Fashion seems so trulyunimportant. Salesgirl:I see. But looking professional is important. If you dont look good, people will think you are not a good or s _rt person and they might not t

7、rust you either. Steve:But thank you very much all the same?. Salesgirl:Sorry. I couldnt help you. 女店员:您要看看我们的新款衬衣吗? 史蒂夫:不好意思,我对那些东西不是很感兴趣。 女店员:您知道,这些衬衣非常不错。 史蒂夫:是吗? 女店员:并且还不贵。 史蒂夫:哦,我不关心这个。 女店员:很多人都在买。 史蒂夫:是吗? 女店员:是的,您看,它们很时尚的。 史蒂夫:恐怕我对时尚可不感兴趣。世界上有很多真正重要的事情。时尚其实真的不重要。 女店员:我知道。但着装职业化也是很重要 要的。如果外表不好的

8、话,人们会认为你不是一个好人或者不是一个聪明的人,他们也不会信任你。 Harry:Do you want to hear something spooky? I met my uncle yesterday. Sally:Big deal?! Thats not very scary. Next youll _ me hes dead. Harry:He _d? ten years ago. Sally:Stop playing around. You know, I get scared when you start talking like this. Harry:You big coward! Im just joking. Sally:You know, I get spooked from ghost stories and scary movies. The scary movies _de my hair stand on end, and keep me awake at night. Harry:Actually, I wasnt pletely joking. I saw him in a dream last night. Sally:Maybe you just miss him.


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