1、成功有关的英语情景对话 若是想要在学习上获得,平时的努力是必不可少的。下面是 _给大家了成功话题对话,供大家参阅! 成功英语对话:做一个成功的学生英语对话 -Hello,you look happy, Why? -I get full score in English exam. -Congratulation! -Thank you -Can you _ me something about how to suess ? -Just as the saying goes,No pain,No gain! So we should study and work on our feet. -Gr
2、eat ,anything else? -Its ne _ssary to follow teacher guidan _.Whats more, confiden _ is important. I wish you to suess. -Thank you! - All right!Lets go to suess hand in hand. -WOW,Thats Great! Come on! -你好,今看起来咋这么高兴呢? -我英语考试得了满分。 -恭喜恭喜。 -谢谢! -你成功的秘诀是啥? -俗话说得好,不劳无获。所以,我们要脚踏实地啊! -还有别的吗? -听指挥,勤思考。此外要自信
3、。 -谢谢! -不用谢!让我们一条心走向成功。 -太好了。加油! 成功英语对话:在大学的学习中获得成功的英文对话 A.Hi, John,can i ask a you some questions about the study in universtiy? B.Hi, Li Lei, of couse. What do you want to ask? A. I am now confused about time in university. You know we have quite a lot of free time. So sometimes, i can not _nage m
4、y spare time very well. i get lost. Can you help me on this? B. Oh, that is a question. Id like to help you. But you have to arrange the time for yourself. First, you should know what do you like? For example, you like reading books. Then you can spend much time in library. If you like some sports,
5、you can go to our gym to play some sport.Like football, bastketball or Pingpong. A. Great ideas. I like dancing. So i can go to the ball dancing with my friends. But the ball activities only are held on evening. I still have some spare time. B. How about practise your oral English with me? A. That i
6、s cool. Great thanks John. You know i want to practise my spoken English. But i do now how to do it. Now you can practise with me. I do not have to worry about it now. By the way, do you like speaking Chinese? B. Yes, i would like to. I have picked up some Chinese. For example, Nihao. A. Great. Then
7、 we can help each other then. B. Yes, and it is time to go our English class. Let us go. A. OK. 成功英语对话:成功的对话 Youve just walked into the offi _ of hot prospect for your first fa _-to-fa _ sales call. You shake hands and you both sit down. Whats the s _rtest way to start out the conversation: 你怀着满腔热忱走
8、进客户的办公室与他面对面地谈你们的第一笔生意。你们互相握手、坐下,这时候怎样开启你们的对话才是最聪明的做法呢? ICEBREAKER1: Compliment something in the prospects offi _, such as the family photo, the motivational poster on the wall, the view out the window, etc. 破冰方式1:称赞一下对方办公室里的某样东西,比如家庭照片、墙上的励志海报以及窗外的景色。 ICEBREAKER2: Make a referen _ to something in t
9、he news, like a big win by a local sports team or a _jor world event. 破冰方式2:对新闻发表一些看法,比如当地运动队的一场大胜或者世界上发生的大事。 ICEBREAKER3: Make a re _rk that lets the prospect know that you have put some thought into the prospect and the prospects firm. 破冰方式3:发表一些评论令对方知道你对他和他的公司有一点想法。 If you answered3, youre absolu
10、tely right. 假如你认为破冰方式3是最聪明的打破僵局的方式,那你就答对了。 _breaker1 is a dumb move because almost everybody who es into that offi _ for the first time _kes that exact same re _rk. So that i _breaker just _kes you one of the crowd. 破冰方式1非常呆板,因为几乎所有走进那间办公室的人都会发表相同的评论。所以这样的开场白会显得你只是个路人甲。 I _breaker2 is similarly stup
11、id because the news story is utterly irrelevant to the reason that youre in the prospects offi _. Youre not the prospects friend. Youre there to do business. Trying to be “friendly” just _kes you look s _rmy. 破冰方式2也比较愚蠢,因为这些新闻和你 _出现在客户办公室里完全没有 _。你不是他的朋友,你是来谈生意的。尝试显得“友好”只会显得你很谄媚。 More importantly, bo
12、th those i _breakers signal, loud and clear, that you havent bothered to do any research on the customer and are winging it (which is probably the case). By contrast, opening the conversation with a re _rk thats relevant to the reason youre in the prospects offi _ _s the prospect that youre not there to waste time or chit-chat. 更重要的是,这两种破冰方式都清楚地表明了你没有耐心去研究你的客户而只是在即兴发挥(说不定 _)。与此相反,以和你在他办公室的原因相关的话来开启对话,会令客户知道你不是在浪费他的时间或者在闲聊。 On _ youve started the (business) convers
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