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1、2021年高考英语江苏专用考前三个月文档:专题四+任务型阅读+第三步+模拟演练(二)模拟演练(二)A(2021南京四校联考)Today,knowledge can be found in any place.With the Internet having become accessible to nearly everyone,its now possible to study and get knowledge on any subject without having to attend college,or going for a university course.However,a

2、s convenient as it may seem,can learning on your own really match or be even better than traditional education?In the following lines,we examine the advantages of formal education as well as being self-educated.Perhaps the biggest advantage of being self-taught is that youre able to save a lot of mo

3、ney.Today,to get a degree,one has to spend thousands of dollars on college fees,books,transportation,etc.However,being self-taught means that you dont have to pay most of these expenses.Youre only required to spend on important books.Learning by oneself is quite likely to require much time.However,i

4、ts possible to learn faster on your own,by concentrating on only those areas youre interested in.Besides,by being self-taught,youll be able to avoid unimportant subjects and instead concentrate only on those that are necessary for the field you want to get into.Whats more,unlike a formal education s

5、ystem,there are no set rules when you choose to self-educate.You arent supposed to read a particular book,watch a video,take a test,etc.,at particular times.This lets you manage your study time based on your own convenience.You can thus work full-time and at the same time learn part-time,which makes

6、 you gain income as well as valuable real-time work experience.However,there are also advantages of formal education.For example,you can get a college degree which means youve achieved a level of knowledge in that particular field.Many companies tend to prefer those who have a college degree.So,if y

7、ou possess a degree,you naturally gain an advantage over other people while looking for a job.College and university curriculums are designed to offer as complete a level of knowledge on the subject as possible.These curriculums are based on tried and tested methods,which make sure you get to learn

8、a subject in the best,and the most complete manner.Being formally educated also means that youll get into a college or university,where you will be guided by learned teachersand other subject experts.Thus,both formal education and self-education have their own advantages.Neither is better than the o

9、ther.In the end,the choice between the two comes down to personal preference and situation.Self-education and Formal EducationB(2021南通一模)What have we become?A society in which someone can have hundreds of online friends and yet go for days without human contact.We scan;we click;we text people in the

10、 next room instead of speaking to them;we even check our library books out by ourselves when once we might have chatted to a friendly person with an ink pad and a date stamp.Loneliness can be dangerous.Recent research suggests that it may shorten peoples lives and make them more vulnerable to seriou

11、s illness.It can distort(扭曲) senses of reality and even become an element that drives a few desperate young men to open fire on a cinema audience or a classroom full of children.Electronic voices on various devices can be the only ones some people hear.And what those voices say is not always true.No

12、 man is an island,we are frequently reminded.There are those who choose to lead solitary(孤独的) lives,and live them well,but on the whole we are sociable beings and we suffer if we are on our own too much.Human contact makes us happier,although virtual relationships can be very positive.So what could

13、lonely people do to make real friends?An answer,among many,is to read more books.Reading begins alone but becomes a shared activity when a reader,for example,joins a book group,attends a literary festival or signs up for a continuing education course on an aspect of literature that interests them.Th

14、eres no shame in turning up to any of these alone,and fellowship is guaranteed.Fellow readers may well turn out to be like-minded;its a basis for new friendships and sustained relationships.Sharing an understanding of a book is a good way of sharing feelings safely.Literary characters can be useful

15、as personas.But there is another important reason why everyone should read more books,and in particular fiction.The responsibility to fight loneliness lies with those who do not suffer from it.Lonely people often feel that there is no one who understands them or can share their point of view.They ne

16、ed to know that actually there are.That requires everybody else to make the imaginative leap of feeling that connection,and reading fiction helps.It makes people more empathic(移情)sympathy for fictitious(虚构的) characters can translate into compassion(同情) in real life.The stories of strangers reach us

17、through many means:not only news bulletins,interviews,biography and memoir(回忆录),but also drama and fiction.Walking a mile in their shoes might help turn some of those strangers into real friends.C(2021南京、盐城一模)Until about 18 years ago,it was widely assumed that most of brain development occurs in the

18、 first few years of life.But recent research on the human brain has shown that many brain regionsundergo prolonged development throughout adolescence and beyond in humans.This advancement in knowledge has increased old worries and given rise to new ones.It is hugely worrying that so many teenagers a

19、round the world dont have access to education at a time when their brains are still developing and being shaped by the environment.We should also worry about our lack of understanding of how our rapidly changing world is shaping the developing teenage brain.Decades of research on early neurodevelopm

20、ent suggested that the environment influences brain development.During the first few months or years of life,an animal must be exposed to particular visual or auditory stimuli(听觉刺激) for the associated brain cells and connections to develop.In this way,neuronal circuitry(神经元回路) is shaped according to

21、 the environment during “sensitive periods” of brain development.This research has focused mostly on early development of sensory brain regions.What about later development of higher-level brain regions,which are involved in decision-making,control and planning,as well as social understanding and se

22、lf-awareness?We know these brain regions continue to develop throughout adolescence.However,we have very little knowledge about how environmental factors influence the developing teenage brain.This is something that should concern us.Theres a lot of concern about the hours some teenagers spend onlin

23、e and playing video games.But maybe all this worry is misplaced.After all,throughout history humans have worried about the effects of new technologies on the minds of the next generation.When the printing press was invented,there was anxiety about reading corrupting young peoples minds,and the same

24、worries were repeated for the invention of radio and television.Maybe we shouldnt be worried at all.Its possible that the developing brains of todays teenagers are going to be the most adaptable,creative,multi-tasking brains that have ever existed.There is evidencefrom adultsthat playing video games improves a range of cognitive functions such as divided attention and working memory.Much less is known about how gaming,social networking and so on,influence the developing adolescent brain.We dont know whether the effects of new technologies


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