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1、英汉互译II,第八讲 吴伟雄,2,但这件事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 But there has been too much publicity about this case. 四、语篇词语的翻译 我们同样有着辉煌悠久的历史,我们同样有着崇尚壮怀激烈的英雄主义;在那遥远的大地,鼓舞飞扬,号角激荡。 (第七届亚洲艺术节开幕式美的之夜文艺晚会主持词) We share the same history, brilliant and long. We all advocate the splendid heroic songs. The drums are beating and bugl

2、es are sounding in the continent faraway, and the echoes prolong. (Tr. WWX,3,你这么有学问,上知天文,下知地理。 You are a learned man, knowing all about heaven and earth. 这位爷好相貌,真是天庭饱满,地阁方圆,虽无宰相之权,而有陶朱之富! Oh, what auspicious features! Truly an inspired forehead and a commanding jaw! Not the makings of a prime minist

3、er, but the potentials of fabulous wealth. 何来陶朱之富?越国大夫范蠡助勾践复国后,谢绝封赏,偕西施乘舟达太湖,迁徒到宜兴鼎山隐居山村,建窑做起制陶的生意。因陶为红色,又因范蠡经商有道成为巨富,故民间成他为“陶朱公,4,5,珠海领事林碑记 珠江入海,毓秀河山,香炉湾畔,翠木叠峦。携万顷碧波之壮阔,承烟墩山脉之繁荫,得天地之爽气,吸朝霞之灼华,海滨园林,静幽森蔚。 己丑牛年,适逢建设珠江口西岸核心城市之良机,珠海市人民政府、广东省人民政府外事办公室诚邀外国驻穗领事官员,齐聚海滨公园,传叙友谊,展望鸿图。于谈笑风生中,共营领事林,播希望之种,扬四海之情,五

4、洲气象,汇融于此。 特立此碑,愿中外友谊之树枝繁叶茂,万古长青! 珠海市人民政府 广东省人民政府外事办公室 二九年二月二十八日,6,7,Stele Commemorating the Zhuhai Consul Grove This stele was erected at the beginning of 2009, the Chinese Year of the Ox, when Zhuhai was designated by the State to be shaped into the core city along the west bank of the Pearl River

5、Estuary, to commemorate the establishment of the Consul Grove by the foreign consular officials in Guangzhou and the representatives of the undernamed in Haibin Park, a park in the coastal park city of Zhuhai which overlooks the Pearl River joining the South China Sea. The trees planted here are the

6、 seeds of hope and will prove to be a witness to international harmony. May the Sino-foreign friendship trees be evergreen! Zhuhai Municipal Peoples Government Foreign Affairs Office The Peoples Government of Guangdong Province February 28, 2009,8,Stele Commemorating the Shula Consul Grove(方案1) This

7、 stele was erected at the beginning of 2009, the Chinese Year of the Ox, when Zhuhai was designated by the State to be shaped into the core city along the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary, to commemorate the establishment of the Consul Grove by the foreign consular officials in Guangzhou and the

8、 representatives of the undernamed in Haibin Park, a park in the coastal park city of Zhuhai which overlooks the Pearl River joining the South China Sea,9,The trees planted here are the seeds of hope and will prove to be a witness to international harmony. May the Sino-foreign friendship trees be ev

9、ergreen! Zhuhai Municipal Peoples Government Foreign Affairs Office The Peoples Government of Guangdong Province February 28, 2009,10,赏析P 455 - 6 的翻译技巧。 学会灵活变化,破译四字词组,组句化零为整。 提示:用that带出宾语从句后,再which带出连串定语从句翻译(参考P 277例5,变通表达)。 He went on (indulging in) wishful thinking that chicken would breed more ch

10、ickens, selling which would bring him money, with which he could buy cows, which would breed too and selling oxen would make for him more money, with which he could become a money lender, which, a succession of steps for getting rich, of course, had nothing to do with production. 体会which灵活而规范的应用,带出的

11、须是完整句子,11,P 458 优劣判断:从词语选用的角度,说出优的理由。 1. Key link关键环节;pre-requisites, 先决条件 2. traffic circleon the way from Beijing to traffic circle,道路的圆形交叉路口;圆环 3. According to law, or According to law,依法, 4. stand comparison 5. her bark was worse than her bite Bark and Bite.doc 在择比结构中领悟,12,第四章第五节 汉语的基本句型及其翻译,一.

12、主谓单句 1.防止主语的机械对应(P. 461) (1)汉译英确定主语要体现句中的逻辑关系; (2)汉译英时许多主语可译成其他成分。 例1. 珠海近几年发生了巨变。(理解多种主语译法) ICE:珠海去年发生了巨变。 例2. 这个地区多雨。 1998年10月我在英国学习。 October 1998 found me studying in England. 1999年,我市的教育改革工作取得很大的成绩。 1999 saw great progress in terms of education reform in our city,13,3)方位时间句首主语,可译成There Be句型 勤能补拙

13、。(译文P 463,还可译为) Diligence is the means by which one makes up his dullness. It makes up for lack of natural talent by hard work. 2. 翻译汉语句子的非谓语动词,要补加动词。 参看本章第一节。 (P 352) 3. 防止谓语动词的机械对应(P 463) 汉语“搞”字的译法和英语“make”的用法 有人认为汉语没有词用,尽时“搞”字,英语呢,14,汉语的“搞”字 搞调查 conduct (make) an investigation 搞马列 practise M. 搞特殊

14、化 seek for privileges 一心一意搞建设 concentrate on economic development 搞小动作 play tricks 搞改革carry out reform 大搞现代化 bring about modernization,英语的“make” make an investigation make a die make friends A news maker A trouble maker make a living make a complaint make a compliment of make money make a mess make

15、water make love The tide is making now. make time with 勾引异性 make a play for 色情引诱,15,4. 要译出汉语动词隐蔽的时态、情态和语态 P.465 例1. 到本世纪未时中国会繁荣起来。 “会”表将来,“起来”表“已经”,隐含“将来完成时”。 P.465 例3. 他想去那里碰碰运气也不错。 推测起来“可能不错”,隐含“情态动词”。 P.465 例4. 街旁多种了树。 街旁不可能“种树”,是“被种上树”,隐含“被动语态”。 二. 无主句 1. 祈使句子无主语,照译成为无主句。P. 465 2. 要求意味无主句,译祈使或补主

16、语。P. 465 3. 叙事说理无主句,译文应当加主语。P. 466 P. 466 例1. 译文如书,或“主语连贯”翻译如下,16,P. 466 例1原文整齐对称,译文也应整齐对称 Perceiving backwardness, one can solve the lag behind problem; Learning from the advanced, one can catch up and surpass them. P. 466 例3. 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?” Is it not a delight, said the

17、Master, to acquire knowledge and put it into practice now and then? Is it not a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar? Is it not an intelligentleman, who is careless alike of being known or unknown? (许渊冲译,并解析,17,学”:译成 learn 还是 acquire knowledge? 许渊冲认为:Learn 可以是得到知识,也可以是学会手艺,故译成 acquire knowledge

18、 更精确。 “说”,通“悦”,指精神上的愉悦,固译delight;而“乐”,指生活上欢乐,固译pleasure。 君子,许译为钱钟书的独创词 intelligentleman 有人在中国翻译人才网2004/08/29的帖子上问是许渊冲把“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎” 翻译如下吗?HowhappyweareTohavefriendsfromafar! 有人在2004/08/30的帖子回答吴伟雄所译。 http:/,18,学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?” How delightful it is, To acquire knowledge and put it

19、 into practice! How happy it is, To meet friends from a far distance! What an intelligentleman it is, Being known or unknown, who is careless,19,P. 467 例6. “一定要言行一致埋头苦干。” Deeds and words must be matched and theory and practice closely integrated. We must reject flashiness and every sort of boasting.

20、 There must be less empty talk and more hard work. The spirit of steadfastness and dedication to work should be developed. 上译主语、语态变化大,结构不美。可改译如下 It is imperative to match word to deed, to integrate theory into practice, to reject flashiness and boasting, to turn empty talk into more concrete jobs, a

21、nd to develop the spirit of steadfastness and dedication to work. (同一段里主语尽量连贯。参见P.482-7, 482-10,20,4. 汉语主语虽省略,须补译时要补上。P. 467 P. 468 例3. “层层的叶子中间星星。” The leaves were dotted in between the layers with white flowers, some blooming gracefully; others, as if bashfully, still in bud. They were like bright

22、 pearls and stars in an azure sky. 上译语法准确,修辞不美,逻辑不清, They意不明。可改译 White flowers dotted in between layer and layer of the leaves, some blooming gracefully, while the others still in bud bashfully, like bright pearls or stars in the sky. 叠字“层层”译成 layer and layer,体现叠字风格,21,5. 汉语主语难判断,三种译法可选择。P. 468 Ther

23、e be结构, 主谓单句, 被动式 P. 469 例3 一切都是经过考虑的。 Everything is thoughtful. 6. 汉语主语隐含了,潜心挖掘译出来。P. 469 三. 流水句 P. 471 例4 四. 主题句 P. 472 例4 五. 联动句 P. 473 例1,22,六. 兼语句 参考三种译法(P. 473 P. 474) P. 474 例8. “我们公司请外宾共进晚餐。”也可 Our company requested the company of the foreign guests at dinner with us. 七. 意合句(P. 475 ) 注意译出语义重心。 P. 475 例1. 八. 主次信息句 P. 476 例6. “桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。” Guilins mountains and waters rank first in China while Yangshuos top those in Guilin. 请评议以上译文。 此


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