2019届九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla语法归纳与练习课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
2019届九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla语法归纳与练习课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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1、单元语法归纳与练习,情态动词表示推测 一、概述 英语中可以用于表示推测或表达可能性的情态动词有must,can/could, may/might。 1.肯定推测 (1)must用于肯定句,表示有把握的推测,意为“准是,一定”。 You must be tired after long hours work. 你长时间工作后一定筋疲力尽了。 (2)may用在肯定句中,表示对现在把握不大的推测,意为“也许,可能”。 It may be a new invention. 它可能是一项新发明,3)在某些场合下,为了使语气更缓和、更委婉,常用could,might代替can,may。 They saw

2、something in the sky last night.It could/might be a UFO. 昨天晚上他们看见空中有个东西。它有可能是不明飞行物。 You might/could be very tired.你可能很累吧。 2.否定推测,cant用于否定句,表否定推测,意为“不可能”。 The story sounds reasonable,but it cant be true. 这个故事听起来合情合理,但不可能是真的,二、用法 1.“情态动词+do sth.”表示对现在事情的推测。 They must be in the classroom now. 他们现在一定在教室

3、里。 2.“情态动词+be doing sth.”表示对正在发生的事情的推测。 Peter might be doing his homework now. 彼得可能现在正在做作业。 3.“情态动词+have done sth.”表示对过去或已完成事情的推测。 Mary must have arrived already.玛丽一定已经到了,单项选择 ( )1.What did you see that night? Im not sure,it be a dog. A.mustB.cant C.mightD.need ( )2.Mum,Ive signed for the box.Whats

4、in it? Im not sure.It be a present from your uncle. A.needB.must C.mayD.will,C,C,)3.Mr.Smith be at home.He has gone to Hong Kong. A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt ( )4.Wheres Jim? Im not sure.He on the playground. A.is B.must be C.might be ( )5.Andy come to our reading club,but she hasnt decided yet. A.

5、mayB.mustnt C.will ( )6.Jim music.He is playing football. A.must play B.can be playing C.cant be playingD.cant play,B,C,A,C,)7.The little boy has just had lunch.He be hungry already. A.mustB.mustnt C.canD.cant ( )8.This wallet belong to Alice.It has her photo in it. A.has to B.must C.cant D.will ( )9.Whose camera is this? It be Jessicas.She likes taking photos. A.can B.must C.cant D.mustnt,D,B,B,)10.Her watch .I


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