2021年新托福作文推荐范文 猫头鹰吹牛_第1页
2021年新托福作文推荐范文 猫头鹰吹牛_第2页
2021年新托福作文推荐范文 猫头鹰吹牛_第3页
2021年新托福作文推荐范文 猫头鹰吹牛_第4页




1、新托福作文推荐范文 猫头鹰吹牛 In the past teachers had more influen _ on the young people than they do today. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 猫头鹰吹牛:主题,结构,内容。 -回答问题的立场:教师对于学生的影响力可谓今非昔比。这是猫头鹰的【主题】,出现在起段。从此逻辑连贯,自圆其说。 -论证的【内容】:为了证明立场的说服力,必须举出理由,例子,细节。论证是支持主题(立场)。猫头鹰

2、的理由有二。刻意只提出两个理由。一是家庭(承段),另一是科技(转段)。理由再多也用不上,不如集中焦点,谨防跑题。合段后应起段的前呼,重申主题。 - _四段的【结构】:起承转合。3-6-6-3共造18句(隐形模板),凑足300字以上。全文语调不够正经,也许稍能替假想的评分考官解闷。但求造句的清楚,精简,正确。尚请网友挑错指正。 猫头鹰范文: From then until now, the influen _ of school _sters on students has been on the decline due largely to two factors: the modern fa

3、mily and the infor _tion technology . It was then when young people respected their _sters as well as their parents; and when the puter and with it the Inter did not exist. And it is now when that which is called tradition is apparently missing, even if teaching _y re _in an art. On the one hand, te

4、achers were traditionally stricter at school; so were parents at home. Such development began with the willing suspension of parents authority over children. This can be seen in the way how parents obey their children. Although this change is not exactly the case with teachers, most loving Moms and

5、Dads tend to remend that under no circumstan _ should teachers be too harsh or tough with their spoiled offspring. Consequently, in part because of lack of power authorized by parents, and in part because of todays lax regulations related to school disciplines, a _ster had better think twi _ before

6、using any punishment as the ulti _te method to teach a pupil to distinguish between right and wrong, or to turn a juvenile delinquent into a solid citizen. Aordingly, the influen _ of a teacher that used to be is gone with the wind like that of a parent. On the other hand, the advan _ment of infor _

7、tion technology has changed the i _ge of a teacher as an influential Mr. or Ms. Know-all. To illustrate, the average educator is losing the traditional i _ge of an academic authority sin _ the Inter is capable of providing knowledge and answering questions, and probably even more efficiently. It is

8、because what a teacher writes on the blackboard can easily be aessible on the puter screen. So much so, teachers are likely to bee those professionals who _ke themselves progressively unne _ssary. Likewise, the on _-upon-a-time influen _ associated with interpreting the textbooks to students is rapi

9、dly giving way to powerful Web pages, _ny of them being absolutely extra-curriculum. Jokingly and yet realistically, though, one would open ones Fa _book than Fa _ ones Book. It _y therefore be concluded that, although teaching needs to be an art, the young peoples regard for teachers is a lost tradition. There is little doubt that in the past _sters had more influen _ on student


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