1、如何过圣诞节英语作文 12月25日是我最快乐的日子,因为这一天是圣诞节。 _为大家精心准备了如何过圣诞节英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,如果想了解更多的写作技巧我们出guo的作文栏目。 圣诞节的晚上,我做了一个美丽的梦。 我梦见我到了雪人村庄。那里有许多的大雪人在向我招手。我看见那里有许多非常漂亮的小房子。房子里有很多圣诞精灵。精灵们对我很友好,他们带我去见了圣诞老人。圣诞老人说:“我正要去给大家送礼物,你就和我一起去吧。”说罢,圣诞老人一吹口哨,驯鹿们拉着车,嘎哒,嘎哒的跑过来,我和圣诞老人坐上车,圣诞老人背上礼物,我拿着礼物的 _。鹿车飞了起来,我拉开 _,发现这个 _简直太长了,我用两臂使
2、劲把 _伸展开,可还是不够长。我一边念着 _,圣诞老人一边发着礼物。街道上到处都洋溢着孩子们的笑声,他们有的唱歌,有的跳舞,都很高兴。 礼物终于发完了。我和圣诞老人回到了雪人村庄。我正要和他们道别时,圣诞老人叫住了我,老人从他的口袋里拿出了最后一份礼物,送给了我。我谢过圣诞老人后回家了。我觉得这是我最快乐的一次圣诞节。 On Christ _s Eve, I had a beautiful dream. I dreamed that I went to the yeti village. There are lots of snow people waving at me. I saw lot
3、s of very ni _ little houses there. There are _ny Christ _s elves in the house. The elves were friendly to me and they took me to see Santa Claus. Im going to give you a present, said Santa. just go with me. Say, Santa Claus blows a whistle, the reindeer pull the car, ga da, ga das run e, I and Sant
4、a Claus sit on the car, Santas back gift, I hold the list of gifts. The deer got up and I pulled off the list and found the list was so long that I could stretch out the list with two arms, but it wasnt long enough. As I read the list, Father Christ _s sent presents. The streets were filled with chi
5、ldrens laughter, some singing, some dancing, all happy. The gift was finally handed out. I went back to the yeti village with Santa Claus. When I was about to say goodbye to them, Father Christ _s stopped me and the old _n took out his last present from his pocket and gave it to me. I thanked Santa
6、and went home. I think this is my happiest Christ _s. 一年中有很多节日,其中,我最喜欢的节日就是它圣诞节。在圣诞节里,我一直坚信圣诞老人会送给我礼物。圣诞老人总是能知道我的愿望,总是顶风冒雪地驾驶着他的驯鹿来给我们派送礼物。 在圣诞节前夕,我问爸爸妈妈:“圣诞老人在今年还会来给我送礼物吗?”爸爸妈妈说:“会的,会的。”听了爸爸妈妈的话,我欣慰地笑了。 圣诞节的那天晚上,妈妈对我说:“只要你今天晚上乖乖睡觉,不要睁开眼睛,明天早上礼物就会在你床头上。”我爽快地答应了。晚上我许下了自己的愿望:我想要一个雪人公仔。由于我一直想着礼物,所以怎么也睡
7、不着。到了后半夜我突然看见一个模模糊糊的身影走到我的床前,把礼物放到了床边。我看清楚了那个“神秘人”,原来是“圣诞老人”,为了不让“圣诞老人”发现我醒了而走掉,我只得眯着眼睛,呀!真是“圣诞老人”!我高兴地差点尖叫出声来。我等“圣诞老人”走出我的房门后,我也蹑手蹑脚地走出门,悄悄地跟在“圣诞老人”身后,不料,“圣诞老人”发现了我,飞快地逃走了。因为夜里太黑,我也没敢去追。 回到 _,打开灯,在我床头的竟是一个雪人公仔。正巧符合了我的愿望。到了第二天,我对爸妈说:“昨天夜里我看见圣诞老人了。”妈妈和爸爸惊奇地问:“真的吗?”这时,我看见了爸爸的黑眼圈,问到:“爸爸你怎么会有黑眼圈?”爸爸说:“没
8、什么,没什么,可能是没睡好。” 在爸爸的话里,我隐隐约约猜到了点什么 There are _ny festivals in a year. Among them, my favorite holiday is Christ _s. At Christ _s, I always believe that Santa Claus will give me presents. Santa Claus always knows my wishes, always driving his reindeer in the snow to give us presents. On Christ _s Eve
9、, I asked my parents, will Santa give me presents this year? Mom and dad said, yes, yes. Hearing the words of my father and mother, I _iled with relief. On the night of Christ _s, my mother said to me, as long as you sleep quietly tonight, do not open your eyes, and tomorrow morning the gift will be
10、 on your bed. I readily agreed. In the evening I _de my wish: I want a snow _n. I couldnt sleep because I was thinking about presents. In the middle of the night I suddenly saw a vague figure walking up to my bed and putting the present at the bedside. I see the mystery _n, originally Santa Claus, i
11、n order not to let Santa Claus find me to wake up and walk away, I have to narrow my eyes, ah! What a Santa! I was so happy that I almost screamed. I am Santa Claus out of my door, I snuck out, also quietly behind Santa Claus, and Santa Claus found me and ran away as quickly as they could. Because i
12、t was so dark at night, I didnt dare go after it. Back in the room, I turned on the light, and at the head of my bed was a snow _n. It happened to be my wish. The next day, I said to my parents, I saw Father Christ _s last night. Mom and dad asked in surprise, really? Then I saw my dads dark circles
13、 and asked, daddy, how did you have dark circles? Nothing, he said. nothing. Maybe I didnt sleep well. In my dads words, I vaguely guessed something. 晚上,我们来到雾都宾馆,准备迎接在盛大的圣诞晚会。 没走进现场就能听到热闹非凡的嘻闹声。宾馆地上有许多气球,有红的,黄的颜色五彩缤纷,形状千奇百怪,有桃心形的气球,有梨子形的舞台有一幅漂亮的背景,有无数樱桃般大的“雪花”,还有一个又白又胖的“雪人”“地上”到处是“雪”,就像“白地毯”,顶部还有一行字
14、:我们一起走过,那字像玻璃窗,雪掉在玻璃窗上,慢慢滑下来。多美的一幅画呀! 节目马上就要开始了,我兴奋极了。 没想到同学们的节目那样精彩。比如:刘瑞军和曹誉潇的魔术是那样的神奇,杨可心妈妈的歌声是那样的美妙,还有刘子豪帅哥带来的好笑的百家姓,还有唐正和他妈妈带给大家的令人捧腹大笑的鸭司令遇难我的同学们个个多才多艺,英姿飒爽的 _哥哥也给我们带来了精彩绝伦的变脸节目,把晚会的气氛推向了 _。 在我的心目中,我最投入的就是我们一起表演的感恩的心手语,出场时,我又激动又兴奋,我们大大方方地走出来,用我们熟悉的手语来表达着我们对老师家长的回报。老师一个个走舞台,来到我们中间,灯光渐渐暗了下来,老师手中
15、的红蜡烛照亮了现场。我们在心中感谢老师对我们悉心的教育,感谢长辈们给了我们细致的呵护,我们在心中默默祈祷:祝所有的老师依次为平安,幸福。我们一定会用优异的成绩来回报你们的爱。 风风雨雨中,我们携手走过了3年,我们快乐,我们成长。我们还将怀着一颗感恩的心奔向xx年。 In the evening, we arrived at foggy hotel for the big Christ _s _. Without walking into the s _ne, you can hear the hilarious and hilarious noise. There are _ny balloo
16、ns on the hotel floor, red, yellow. Colorful, strange shapes, peach heart-shaped balloons, pear shaped. Stage has a beautiful background, the size of countless cherry snow, and a white and fat snow _n the earth with snow, like white carpet, the top have a line of words: we walk through together, the
17、 word like a window, the snow fell on the window, slowly slide down. What a beautiful picture! The show is about to start and Im excited. I didnt expect the students to be so wonderful. Such as: rui-jun liu and Cao Yu Xiao _gic is so _gical, Yang can moms voi _ is so beautiful, and funny of Jeff liu
18、, handsome, and tang is talking with his mother to bring a duck _nder killed laugh. My class _tes are all talented and talented, and the _gnifi _nt Olympic brother has brought us wonderful fa _-changing programs, which brought the atmosphere of the _ to a cli _x. In my mind, I am in the us show gratitude language, appearan _, I was excited and excited, we be big enough to e out, use our
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