七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页




1、Unit5语法篇 _1. 熟练掌握一般现在时中have的基本用法2. 基本掌握have/has的各种含义一般现在时中have的用法1. have 意为“有”,表示所属关系,有人称和数的变化,其主语是一般人,有时也可以是物。2. have 用于复数名词、第一、二人称单复数或第三人称复数代词作主语的句子中;has为have的第三人称单数形式,用于不可数名词、可数名词单数或第三人称单数代词作主语的句子中。 People have their own hobbies. 人们都有自己的业余爱好。 Tom has three pens. 汤姆有3支钢笔。3. have/has作谓语时的句型转换 (1) 否

2、定句式:主语+dont/doesnt+have (2) 一般疑问句式:Do/Does+主语+have? 肯定答语:Yes, 主语+do/does. 否定答语:No, 主语+dont/doesnt. Do you have a bike? Yes, I do./No, I dont. (3) 当have/has后的名词被some修饰时,在否定句和疑问句中some要改为any。 I have some good friends. 我有一些好朋友。 I dont have any good friends. 我没有一些好朋友。 Do you have any good friends? 你有一些好朋

3、友吗?4. have/has当“有”讲时与there be的区别 (1) have/has与主语为所属关系,强调的是某人“拥有,占有”某物,主语一般为名词或代词;there be句型表示“存在关系”,它强调的是一种客观存在的事实,为there引起的倒装句。 (2) there be与have/has有时可以互换使用。5. 在英国英语中常用have/has got表示“有,拥有,占有”,变疑问句和否定句时不再借助于助动词do和does。 Ive got a computer. I havent got a computer. Have you got a computer?6. have/has

4、的含义相当多,可表示“吃、喝”等,还可构成许多常用的短语,其后跟不同的名词作宾语时,其本身含义也随之发生变化。 have lunch 吃午饭 have a look 看一看 have a glass of milk 喝一杯牛奶 have a party 举行晚会单项选择1.(2015重庆荣昌期末) your sister have a new book ?A. AreB. DoesC. DoD. Is2.(2015河北衡水故城坛村中学月考)You three ping-pong balls and he two tennis balls .A. have ; haveB. have; hasC

5、. has; hasD. has; have3.(2013湖北安陆期末)-Does Bob a tennis ball ?-Yes , he .A. has; doesB. have; doesC. has; doD. have; do 4.(2013河北藁城尚西中学月考)- your sister have a car ? -Yes, she .A. Does; doB. Do; doesC. Does ; doesD. Do; do5.(2014河北栾城期末)Jim a friend here. A. doesnt hasB. doesnt haveC. isnt haveD. dont

6、have 6.(2013河北廊坊大城期末)I two baseballs and my friend five baseballs .A. have; haveB. has; hasC. has; haveD. have; has7.(2015山东泰安青云一中期末) Lets an orange and some milk .A. eatB. drinkC. haveD. has解析及答案:1. 考查实义动词 have 一般现在时一般疑问句的构成。主语为第三人称单数,一般疑问句的助动词要用Does,后面的动词要用原形。故选B。2. 第一空前主语you是第二人称,谓语动词用原形have,第二空前

7、主语he是第三人称单数,谓语动词用has。故选B。3. 含有实义动词的一般疑问句的结构是“助动词Do/Does+主语+动词原形”。第一空应该填have;肯定回答用Yes,主语+do /does,这里主语是he,所以要用does,故选B。4. 当have作“有”讲时,是实义动词,这里的主语your sister是第三人称单数,一般疑问句要用助动词does开头,肯定答语也用does,故选C。5. 当have作“有”讲时,是实义动词,需要借助dont或doesnt构成否定句,因为主语是第三人称单数,故选B。6. 第一人称作主语,谓语动词用have, 第三人称单数作主语,谓语动词用has,故选D。7.

8、 lets后接动词原形,用来提建议。这里的宾语有两个,分别是橙子和牛奶,动词不能用eat或drink,have后面可以跟食品也可以跟饮料。故选C。基础演练一、用have /has填空:1. A dog four legs. A bird(鸟) two legs.2. Our school a library.3. We 37 chairs in our classroom.4. My sister(妹妹) a doll.答案:1. has,has2. has3. have4. has二、根据汉语提示完成句子,使句意完整。1. You (有) two small eyes.2. My siste

9、r (有) three pens.3. Come here and (吃) an apple.4. Mummy, can I (要) a new bag?答案:1. have2. has3.have4.have巩固提高三、句型转换1. She has 3 soccer balls. (改为一般疑问句)she3 soccer balls? 2. My father plays sports every day. (改为否定句)My father sports every day. 3. Do they have a computer? (作否定回答), they. 4. She watches

10、TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)sheTV every day? 5. My mother loves to watch TV. She doesnt love to play sports. (合并句子)My mother loves to watch TV doesnt love to play sports. 答案:1. Does; have2. doesnt play3. No; dont4. Does; watch5. but she四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 1. 你有一个棒球拍吗?Do you ?2. 他没有一个乒乓球拍。He a ping-pong bat.

11、答案:1. have a baseball bat2. doesnt have一、单项选择1. - Do you have a nice room? -Yes, _. A. I do B. I have C. he does D. he has2. Jim _ have a volleyball. A. dont B. doesnt C. arent D. isnt3. I dont have _ volleyball. She has _. A. one, an B. one, a C. an, one D. a, one 4. _ she have a soccer ball? A. Do

12、 B. Does C. Is D. Has5. - Do you have a tennis racket, Jane. - A. That sounds fun. B. OK, lets watch TV. C. Sorry, I dont. D. Nice to meet you.6. - Does Tom a brother?- No, he . A. have; doesntB. have; hasntC. has; doesntD. has; hasnt7. I a volleyball and he a tennis ball. A. have; haveB. have; hasC

13、. has; haveD. has; has8. - she have a soccer ball?- No, she . A. Is; isntB. Does; doesntC. Does; isntD. Is; doesnt9. - Does your brother _ ping-pong balls?-Yes, he _ three. A. have; have B. has; have C. have; has D. has; has10. - Do you have a baseball? -_. But I dont have a baseball

14、 bat. A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not C. Yes, I do D. No, I dont答案:1-5 ABDBC6-10 ABBCC二、完形填空 Do you have hobbies(业余爱好)? 1 are your hobbies? I 2 know about you, but I have hobbies. Sports are 3 hobby. First, I think sports 4 good for our health(健康). I 5 them every day. I like ball games best. I can play b

15、aseball and basketball. 6 , I like sports because(因为) playing sports is 7 easy way to make friends. I like tennis. It is interesting but 8 for me. Janet likes tennis, too. Its easy for her. I always ask Janet 9 help. Now she is my good 10 .1.A. HowB. WhereC. WhatD. Who2.A. doB. doesC. dontD. doesnt3

16、.A. myB. yourC. hisD. her4.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are5.A. playsB. playC. watchesD. watch6.A. OneB. FirstC. TwoD. Next7.A. aB. anC. thisD. that8.A. boringB. relaxingC. funD. difficult9.A. inB. atC. forD. with10.A. friendB. sisterC. cousinD. aunt答案:1-5 CCADB6-10 DBDCA _ _一、阅读理解A My uncle has a great spo

17、rts collection. He loves sports very much. And he loves all balls. He likes playing basketball and volleyball. He also likes watching ball games. How many balls does he have? He has 5 basketballs,12 baseballs,10 tennis rackets, 4 volleyballs and 14 baseball bats.1. has a great sports collection. A.

18、My fatherB. My grandfather C. My uncleD. My cousin2. He loves very much. A. sportsB. musicC. ballsD. A and C3. He doesnt play . A. volleyballB. basketball C. basketball and baseballD. soccer ball4. He has balls. A. 5B. 12C. 10D. 215. From the article(文章), we know . A. my uncle is a player B. my uncl

19、e only watches games on TV C. my uncle doesnt have a soccer ball D. my uncle doesnt like playing sportsB Im Leo. Im 13 and Im in Class Six. I have three good friends. They are Lily, Gina, and Ben. Lily and Gina are in Class Seven. Ben is in Class Six, too. Were all in Grade Seven. We like sports. My

20、 favorite sport is ping-pong. It is interesting. I have three ping-pong balls and four ping-pong bats. Lily and Gina are sisters. They dont like ping-pong. They think it is boring. Their favorite sport is tennis. They have five tennis balls and they play tennis with their parents and two brothers. B

21、ens favorite sport is soccer. He has two soccer balls and he plays soccer very well.6. Leo has good friends. A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five7. Leo thinks ping-pong is . A. boringB. easyC. funD. difficult8. Lily and Gina have . A. two soccer ballsB. three ping-pong balls C. four ping-pong batsD. five te

22、nnis balls9. Lily and Gina play tennis with their . A. familyB. friendsC. teachersD. classmates10. 下列哪项陈述是正确的? A. Ben cant play soccer. B. Leo and Ben are classmates. C. Seven people are in Lilys family. D. Lily and Gina think ping-pong is difficult.C No. 1, No. 3 and three other(其他的) middle schools

23、 will start morning classes an hour later next term. The students are very happy. Lisa, a 14-year-old student says to us, Im very happy. I get up (起床) at 6:30 a.m. now. I will get up at 7:30 a.m., because the first class will begin at 8:30 a.m. Tony feels the same. He says, The new timetable is good

24、. I get up at 6:30 a.m. now. I always feel sleepy in the evening, so I have to drink coffee (喝咖啡) every evening to finish my homework. I can finish it with no coffee next term.11. The first class will begin at am in Lisas school next term. A. 8:30B. 8:00C. 7:30D. 7:0012. Tony is when he hears the ne

25、ws(消息). A. freeB. happyC. healthyD. cool13. 划线单词timetable的中文意思为 . A. 统计表B. 时间表C. 闹钟D. 课桌14. By saying I have to drink coffee every evening to finish my homework, Tony means . A. he drinks a lot of coffee B. he likes to do his homework C. he doesnt like to drink water D. he doesnt have enough sleep (

26、充足的睡眠)15. 下列哪项陈述是正确的? A. Lisa is thirteen years old. B. The students are happy about the news. C. Lots of students dont like to get up late. D. Six schools will start morning classes an hour later.D(福建厦门梧侣学校2014年期末) I have three good friends. We like sports very much. My favorite sport is basketball

27、. I have three balls. I think playing basketball is interesting. Jim and Tim think it is boring to play basketball. Their favorite sport is soccer ball. They play soccer every afternoon. They have four balls. Mary is a nice girl. Her favorite sport is volleyball. She plays it very well. Its relaxing

28、 for her to play volleyball. But she has only one ball. Sports are good for us.16. Whats Jim and Tims favorite sport? . A. Basketball B. Soccer ball C. Volleyball17. Whats Marys favorite sport? _. A. Soccer B. Volleyball C. Basketball18. Who has only one ball? . A. I B. Tim C. Mary19. Does Jim think its boring to play basketball? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. We dont know.二、阅读与表达(混合式)A: Hi, Mark!B: Hi, Sue!A: What sport do you like?B: I like baseball. And I have three baseballs and two baseball bats. What about you?A: I dont like baseball. It is boring. I like basketball.B: Oh, I s


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