已阅读5页,还剩29页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 9 How are you today ,New words and expressions,hello hl int.喂 hiha int.喂,嗨 howha adv. 怎样 today tde adv. 今天 wellwel adj. 身体好 finefan adj. 美好的 thanks ks int. 谢谢 goodbye gdba int.再见 see si v. 见 fat ft adj. 胖的 woman wmn n. 女人,thin n adj. 瘦的 tall tl adj. 高的 short t adj. 矮的 dirty dt adj. 脏的 clean k

2、lin adj. 干净的 hot ht adj. 热的 cold kld adj. 冷的 old ld adj. 老的 young j adj. 年轻的 busy bz adj. 忙的 lazy lez adj. 懒的,见面问候语:Hello = Hi(用于熟人之间打招呼) 你好! How do you do? 你好(用于正式场合) 一天中不同时段见面的问候语: Good morning! 早上好! Good morning! /Morning! 早上好! Good afternoon! 下午好,Good evening! 晚上好! Good night! 晚安! Nice to meet y

3、ou! 认识你很高兴。 (第一次见面) Nice to meet you, too! 认识你我也很高兴。 Nice to see you! 见到你很高兴。 (再次见面) Nice to see you, too! 见到你我也很高兴。 How are you? 你好吗? Im fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢,1. fat - adj. 胖的 ex: a fat man The man is fat,Look at,2. thin-adj. 瘦的 ex: a thin woman a thin teacher 反义词: fat,The woman is thin . She is a t

4、hin woman,3.tall -adj. 高的(细而高,多指树和人) ex: a tall boy The boy is tall . Look at the tall trees,4.short -adj. (1 ) 矮的 ex: a short man Look at the short man . My mum isnt tall , she is short . 反义词 : tall,2) 短的 ex: a short ruler a short river / pencil / life / time Ex: The ruler is short,5.dirty-adj. 脏的

5、ex: a dirty coat a dirty room / cup,6. clean adj. 干净的 反义词: dirty ex: a clean shirt a clean house Look at the clean bedroom,另外:clean v. 打扫 ,把弄干净 clean the window clean the classroom,7. hot-adj. 热的 ,烫的 Ex: a hot day a hot room / summer Today is hot . hot water / tea / milk 同义词 : warm ( 暖和的,8. cold -ad

6、j. 寒冷的 ex: a cold day a cold room cold wind / rice The winter is cold . This is a cold winter,9. old-adj. (1)年老的 Ex: an old man old people How old + be + 主语 ? 询问年龄 ? 反义词 : young,2) 旧的 adj. ex: an old coat an old house Look at the old bed . 反义词 : new,10.young-adj. 年轻的,年幼的 Ex: a young boy ( 一个年幼的孩子) a

7、 young tree ( 一棵幼小的树) a young teacher / man,11. busy-adj. 忙碌的,热闹的,繁华的 ex: a busy day a busy teacher I am busy . Are you busy? Look at the busy bee. The bee is busy,反义词 : free 空闲的,12.lazy-adj. 懒的,懒惰的 ex: a lazy dog / boy / bee The dog is lazy . Look at the lazy bee . 反义词: hard-working adj. 勤劳的,勤奋的,Hi

8、 ,Steven,Hello,Helen,heln,sti:vn,How,Im very ,thank you,well,are you today ,And,you ,Im,fine,Thanks,is,How Tony,He fine,is,tn,How,is Emma ,She is very ,too,well,em,Goodbye,Nice to see you , , Steven .Goodbye,Helen,Nice to see you,too,Focus on gramma,宾格人称代词,代词,定义: 代词是一种能代替名词、形容词或数词的词,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,人

9、称,格,数,单数,复数,主格,宾格,主格,宾格,I,you,he,she,it,me,you,him,her,it,we,you,they,us,you,them,Chant,我是I ,你是You ; 男他He ,女她She ,动物的它是It; 我们We ,你们You ,他们They. Who are you ,1.初次见面打招呼用语,Nice to meet you,How do you do,1.用于朋友或相识的人之间的寒暄话,How are you,回答:Fine (I am very well),thank you. And you? 注:And you?是And how are you?的简略说法,本课总结,以疑问词how引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问某人或某物怎么样。 1. how are you?Im fine, thank you. 2. how is she/he? Hes very well, thanks. 3. how is your mother? She is fine. 4. how are you


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