1、Chapter Two The skills of choosing the proper meaning of a word,一、词义选择法 (The skills of choosing the proper meaning of a word,I What is diction By “diction” we mean the proper choice of words and phrases in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original,The noted British linguist
2、, the founder of the London School, Firth points out that each word when used in a new context is a new word. 所谓词义选择,就是说,它本来就有这个意思,问题是要我们去选,把其在特定场合的正确意思选出来。大家知道,在现代英语中,一词多类、一词多义的现象比较普遍。一词多类,是说一个单词可以有几个词性,词性不同,意义则有可能不同。一词多义,是说一个词有多个意思。在众多的词义中,选择出一个最确切的词义,是正确理解原文所表达思想的一个基本环节,是做好翻译的基础。它是翻译的难点之一,同时又是翻译的
3、技巧之一,Lets see some examples,toilet table / paper / water /glass/cream /article/powder/training/cover/soap make tea/bed/war/cloth/way/paper/shoes/a poem/efforts/progress/sentences/revolution/a decision/a big deal,吃醋/药/透/败仗/苹果/回扣/耳光/红利/喜酒/官司 be jealous /take medicine /have a thorough grasp/suffer defe
4、at/eat an apple/get commission/get a slap in the face/ get dividends/ attend the wedding banquet/be sued in a court of law,闹/征求/提出/保留/接受/取得一致/补充几点/对某人很有意见 get into dispute/ask ones suggestion/put forward ones suggestion/have preservation on/take ones suggestion ( criticism)/reach an agreement/add so
5、me points to/have complaints about (of,II Correspondence between English and Chinese at word level(对应,1 word-for word correspondence(完全对等) e.g. Marxism; Aspirin; laser; 2 one word with multiple equivalents of the same meaning (一词多译 ) e.g. wife ;potato;医生;人;犬,one word with multiple equivalents of dif
6、ferent meaning(一词多意) e.g. cousin: carry ; 羊 equivalents interwoven with one another(词义混杂 ) e.g. say, speak, talk, tell=说,讲,谈,诉 5 words without corresponding equivalents(无对等关系 ) teenager::13至19岁的青少年; prey:被扑食的动物,阴:the soft inactive female principle or force in the world; 阳:the strong active male prin
7、ciple or force in the world,III Methods to discern the right meaning of words 1 E-T Translation (英译汉时词义选择的种方法) 根据词性选择词义 要选择正确合适的词义,首先应确定这个词在该句子中属于哪一种词类,起什么作用,然后才能确定该词的意义。现已大家比较熟悉的单词like为例,Things like air, water or metals are matter. 像空气、水或金属之类的东西都是物质。 The two buildings are very like. 这两座楼很像。 It is t
8、he atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like. 正是原子构成了铁、水和氧等等,Waves in water move like the waveform moves along a rope. 水中的波移动,就像波形沿着绳子移动一样。 We should like to know all the details. 我们想知道一切详情,I was to present everyone present a present 译文: He was too close to the door to close it. 译文: The in
9、surance was invalid for the invalid 译文: The wind was too strong to wind the sail. 译文: The dump was full to refuse more refuse. 译文,It is wise to object to the unknown object. 译文: Peter decided to desert his wife in the desert. 译文: How cant you intimate this to your most intimate partner. 译文: The band
10、age was wounded around the wound. 译文: After a number of injections my face got number. 译文,根据词的使用场合及上下文联系选择词义 英语中,同一个词用在不同的场合、不同的学科或专业范围中,词义往往不同。因此,在判断时,必须充分考虑词的使用场合及上下文联系,才能选择其恰当的词义。这种方法是用得较多、较有效的方法,现以单词power为例说明,Power can be transmitted over a long distance. 电力可以输送到很远的地方。 Energy is the power to do
11、work. 能是做工的能力。 Friction causes a loss of power in every machine. 摩擦能引起每台机器的功率损耗。 The fourth power of three is eighty-one. 三的四次方是81,The combining power of one element in the compound must equal the combining power of the other element. 化合物中的一种元素的化合价,必须等于另一种元素的化合价。 This is a 20 power binocular microsc
12、ope. 这是一加20倍的双筒显微镜。 上面的power都是同一词性,但是用在不同的场合(不同的上下文或专业范围中),意思就不一样了,根据词的搭配选择词义 英语和汉语一样,不少词有自己的一些固定搭配。如形容词与名词、动词与名词、动词与副词以及动词与介词等,这些相对固定的搭配关系,构成了自己的固定意思。我们“按图索骥”,可以找出其合适的意思。例如形容词与名词的搭配,soft music 轻音乐 soft drink 软饮料 soft money 纸币 soft fire 文火 soft heart 软心肠 soft head 无主见者 soft water 软水 soft goods 纺织品 s
13、oft soaper 奉承者 soft ware 软件,下面在以动词make为例,看一看它与其他词搭配的意思: These factories make food products, clothing and many other things. 这些工厂生产食品、服装和其他东西。 Building blocks are usually made of concrete. 建筑砌块通常用混凝土制造,We should make holograms of all famous works of art. 我们把所有著名的艺术作品拍摄成全息照片。 If the stove is not made
14、up, it will go out. 炉子不添料,就会熄灭,又如: His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after takeoff developing a practical machine developing a specific statement developing a domain theory developing ones capabilities developing a new type of potato developing natural substances developing tubercu
15、losis,练习: 1 Dont pick up strange boys. 2 Could you pick me up sometime before six? 3 The murderer was picked up within 24 hours. 4 She picked up a used camera at the flee market. 5 He slipped and fell, but quickly picked himself up,6 His health and spirits picked up after a week in hospital. 7 Survi
16、vor of the air disaster were picked up by small boats. 8 There are men in that factory picking up 80 pounds a week. 9 How did you manage to pick up the language in such a short period of time. 10 We picked up the story again at the point where Jack had lost his job at the newspaper officer,根据名词的“数”选
17、择词义 英语中有些名词的单数形式与复数形式所表示的词义完全不同,或者复数形式除有单数形式所表达的词义以外,还有新的词义,翻译时可视名词的单复数来选择词义。例: 名词 单数形式 复数形式 facility 方便、条件 设备、装置、机构 main 主线、干线 电源 mean 项、平均值 手段、方法、工具 charge 电荷、负荷 费用 time 时间 时代、倍数,import 输入 进口商品 good 利益、好处 货物、商品 element 元素、文件 原理 work 工作 工件、工厂、著作 再看下面的例句: The soldiers were walking in step. 战士们步伐整齐地行
18、进。 The engineers solved the problem in steps. 工程师们逐步地解决了那个问题。 There was a very heavy rain last night. 昨晚下了一场大雨。 We usually have very heavy rains in the months of June and July. 六七月份通常是雨季,根据冠词的有无选择词义 中文里没有冠词。英文里有冠词。有冠词和无冠词,有时意思相差很大,这是我们做翻译时必须注意的。当前面几个选择词义的方法都用过后,如果还有矛盾或意思不通,可以考虑一下是否由于冠词的缘故。为什么根据冠词的有无
19、可以选出合适的词意? 第一,因为冠词原意有“那”、“这”、“该”的意思。没有冠词时,当然就无这种意思。我们把它的含义表达出来,就是它在该处的恰当词义了。如:They are members of the Department.可以译为“他们是该系的部分成员”。而They are the members of the Department.则可译为:“他们是该系的全体成员”。 第二,冠词有习惯用法。按照习惯,有些结构有冠词,构成一定的意思。有些结构无冠词,也有一定的意思。顺着这些习惯,就可以选出合适的意思。如:Out of question“毫无疑问”,out of the question“不
20、可能的,第三,表示颜色的词前无冠词表示具体的颜色;有冠词表示抽象的颜色或颜色之形象化。 例:She is dressed in pink. 她穿着粉红色的衣服。 She seems to be in the pink. 她看起来身体非常健康。 第四,许多词,前面无冠词,是具体的意思;前面有冠词,词义则有点转意。 例:My watch is behind time. 我的表走慢了。 My watch is behind the time. 我的表过时了。 That style of dress comes into fashion. 那种衣服的式样流行,He can speak and writ
21、e English in a fashion. 他多少会说点、写点英语,但不太好。 根据句型选词义 一个单词,放在句子里不同的位置上,意思往往不同。 例:I dont really know. 我不太清楚。 I really dont know. 我确实不知。 这体现了“往前移,加量加重”的规律。 一个单词,放在不同的句型中意思也往往不同。 例:I dont know whether she is not there. 我觉得她大概会在那儿。 I dont know whether she is there or not. 我不知道她是否在那里,Mr. Wilson loves Miss Al
22、ice as deeply as I. 威尔逊先生像我一样深深地爱着艾丽丝小姐。 Mr. Wilson loves Miss Alice as deeply as me. 威尔逊先生向爱我一样,深深地爱着艾丽丝小姐。 英语语法有这样一条规定:在时间状语和条件状语从句中用现在时代替将来时。这一条可以帮助我们正确选择词义。如: Ask her when Miss Rona comes back. 罗娜小姐回来时,请你问问她。 Ask her when Miss Rona will come back. 请你问她一下罗娜小姐何时回来,按习惯选词义 在人们长期的社会实践中,往往把有些生活意义或科技意义
23、的词组,构成相对固定的形式,而且有其固定的习惯说法,翻译时按其习惯选词义。如:ball-point pen译成“圆珠笔”,不译为“球点笔”。Empty space译成“真空”,而不译成“空的空间”。North and south east and west译成“东南西北”,不译成“北南东西”。Rain or shine译成“不论晴雨”,不是选词义“雨或晴,例:Light-coloured things reflect more light than dark-coloured things. 浅色的物体所反射的光比深色的物体多。 The storage time is made small.
24、存贮期变得很短,8)根据构词法 例:. miniultrasonicprober macrospacetransship pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis (9)根据指代关系 例: Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that. 译文: He(father) had sent John to the university and he was eager to have him distinguish himself. 译文,10)根据不同的
25、学科和专业 例:. The lathe should be set on a firm base; 译文: As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt.; 译文: A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector. 译文: Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC. (底边); He is on the second base. 译文,11)根据感情色彩 She is clever an
26、d industrious. 译文: She is clever and always gets what she wants by playing office politics. 译文: They incited him to get into further investigation 译文: The soldier was shot for inciting his comrades to rise against their officers. 译文,He suggested several schemes to increase sales. 译文: The enemys scheme were bankrupt. 译文: John was an aggressive white-collar worker, who did his job very well. 译文: He pursued an aggressive policy after he seized the power. 译文,C-E Translation 汉译英时的单词选择 上面介绍了英译汉时词义选择的种方法,应该说这种方法(除5外),在汉译英时也基本适用。但是
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