2018秋期八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Communication Lesson 5 Meeting People教案 (新版)北师大版_第1页
2018秋期八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Communication Lesson 5 Meeting People教案 (新版)北师大版_第2页
2018秋期八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Communication Lesson 5 Meeting People教案 (新版)北师大版_第3页




1、Unit 4 CommunicationLesson 5 Meeting People 教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材第二单元的第五课,话题为人际交往。本课是一节听力课,内容涉及单元话题communication中的face to face communication这一子话题。本课的听力材料是关于某班学生和老师谈论如何接待外国访问学生的内容,其中包含了对中外文化差异的讨论。学生首先通过阅读校园网上有关外国学生和老师来访的新闻了解任务,结合自己的已知进行头脑风暴思考如何接待外国客人。在学生感到完成此任务有困难时,运用记笔记的听力策略获取文章中的有关该班学生计划如何接待外国学生的信

2、息。而后,运用预测等听力策略,小组讨论有关接待时需要注意的内容并通过勾选信息验证预测,在这个过程中重点训练学生听材料直接获取信息和筛选信息的能力。最后学生参考从课文中听出的信息,结合自己想法完成设计接待外国客人的任务。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1.运用预测等听力技能,听录音说出老师所建议的接待过程中需要注意的事项;2.根据所听到的例文,具体写出最终接待外宾时要做的事情【情感态度价值观目标】在设计如何接待外宾的真实交际过程中,避免不恰当的言行,尊重文化差异。 教学重难点【教学重点】Learn to talk

3、about the animals.【教学难点】学习反身代词 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. BrainstormSs read a piece of news on the website of our school.Step 2. Warm-upSs read the task on their worksheet:School NewsA group of English students and their teacher are going to visit our school next week. Lets do somethi

4、ng to give them an unforgettable experience in our school. We are looking forward to your participation.Step 3. GrammerSs brainstorm what they want to do to welcome the students from England.Q: What can you do when you meet them on the first day?(T writes down the key phrases of what Ss mention on t

5、he blackboard.)Step 4. Discuss1.Group discussion(1) Ss form groups of 4 and decide what they want to take charge of.(2) Ss listen to the tape again and write down the key information their group needs.2. Task preparation 2:Ss discuss and write down what they shouldnt do according to the different gr

6、oups.Ss talk about and predict the reason why they shouldnt do those things in pairs.Ss listen again and check their predictions.Step 5 Talking1. Ss list the things they are going to do in groups on their worksheet.2. Ss decide the duty for each one in the group and write it down in the table.3. Ss think about more details about their duty individually and take notes if necessary.Q: What are you going to do? How can you do it? And why?4. Ss sha


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