已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、卖方:The Seller:地址:(Address):Add:电话(TEL):注册号(Register No.):经理(Manager):买方:The buyer: 地址(Address):电话(TEL):注册号(Register No.)经理(Manager):购销合同Sale Contract合同号:Con tract No.:签定时间:Date:整理范本编辑word!一、产品名称、商标、型号、厂家、数量、金额、供货时间及数量P roduct n ame, trademark, model, manu facturer, qua ntity, amount, delivery time a

2、nd qua ntity产品名称ProductName牌号商标Trade mark规格型号Model生产厂家Manufacturer计量单位MeasuringUnit数量Quantity单价(人民币)Unit Price(RMB)总价(人民币)Total Price(RMB)Total Price合计金额(大写):TOTAL AMOUNT所有货物必须完全由公、质量要求技术标准、供方对质量责任的条件和期限:根据厂家标准。司生产,所有包装必须为明纬公司原始包装。提供的样品和大货必须一样Quality requirements technical standard: According to the

3、 factory standard. All the parts must bep roduced by.The p ack ing of all the p arts must be orig inal p ack in gSa mple pro vided must besame with large cargo.三、运输方式和费用负担:卖方负责将货物运到北京公司,卖方将承担该运费。The seller is res pon sible for shipping the above goods to our Beiji ng office, and seller will pay fort

4、ransp ortatio n.四、包装标准、包装物的供应:Shipment Packing standard The supply of packing materials1.标准海运出口包装。Stan dard sea export p ack ing2.所有零件的包装均必须是工厂原始包装All parts of packing must be original packing.五、单据提供 Document Required卖方需向买方提供单据如下:The seller will offer docume nts to the buyer as follows:1. 商业发票 COMME

5、RCIAL INVOICE2. 装箱单 PACKING LIST (With detailed Packing Information)3. 原产地证明 Certificate of Origin整理范本编辑word !4. 一览表 data sheet六、验收标准、方法及提出异议期限:Acce ptance sta ndard, method and objecti on p eriod按厂企标准执行。Accord ing to the manu facture sta ndard.产品质保三年,在此期间如出现质量问题,厂家免费维修三年。Guara ntee p eriod is 3 yea

6、rs. During this time, If the goods have quality p roblems, manu facturer willbe free maintenance for 3 years.七、支付条款 P ayment terms:合同签订后10工作日内,买方向卖方支付合同总金额的 20% (人民币)为预付款,卖方在收到预付款后开始备货,货物备好后,卖方将货物送到买方北京公司,清点货物后当场付尾款。The buyer should pay to the seller 20% of the total con tract value (RMB) as the pre

7、-p ayme nt, theseller will start to prepare the goods after recei ving the pre-p ayme nt. After preparing the goods, theBuyer shall pay the 80% bala need p ayme nt of the con tract value(RMB) to the Seller on the spot whe nthe goods arrived at buyer s Beijing office and checked by the buyer.八、卖方银行账户

8、信息:Ba nk In formation of the seller As follow:受益人名称:Ben eficiary:开户银行名称:Bank Name:账号:Acco unt No.:SWIFT CODE:银行账号:九、交货期:收到买方合同总金额的20%预付款后30天出厂Time of delivery: the goods will be ready for shipping within 30 days after receiving the 20%pre-p ayme nt of the con tract value from the buyer.十、违约责任:按中国合同法

9、执行.Liability for breach of con tract: Accord ing to Chin as con tract law.!、处罚 Penalty11.1:如果买方未能按合同规定及时支付货款,买方需向卖方支付延迟罚金,每天按照合同总金 额的0.1%。If the buyer fails to make the p ayme nt in time accord ing to the Sales Con tract, the Buyer each day should pay 0.1 % of the con tract amount as pen alty to the

10、 Seller.11.2:如果卖方未能按合同规定及时交货,卖方需向买方支付延迟罚金,每天按照合同总金额的0.1%,但不超过合同总金额的10%。如因买方支付货款时间拖延导致卖方未能按时交货,卖方不承担任何处罚。If the Seller fails to deliver the goods accordi ng to the Sales Con tract, the Seller shall pay 0.1 % of the con tract amount as pen alty each day to the Buyer, but the amount shall not be more t

11、ha n 10% of the total amount of the con tract. The late delivery due to the Buyersfailure to make the bala need p ayme nt in time, the Seller shall not bear any pen alty.十二、不可抗力条款 Force Majeure Clause因人力不可抗拒事故,使卖方不能在本合同规定期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负责任,但是卖方必须立即以传真或邮件通知买方,如果买方提出要求,提供由中国国际贸易促进委会或有关机构出具的证明,证明事故的存在。T

12、he sellers shall not be held res pon sible if they owing to Force Majeure cause or causes fail to make delivery within the time st ipu lated in this Sales con tract or cannot deliver the goods. However the Seller shall inform immediately the Buyer by fax or by e-mail. If it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate shall be issued by the China council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authority, certify ing to the existe nee of the said cause or causes.十三、其它约定事项:本合同一式两份,自双方签字盖章后生效,以中文为准。


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