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1、托福写作掌握正确技巧备考事半功倍 托福写作备考技巧可以帮助大家更加高效地备考,具体来说托福写作备考技巧主要有三个:1.多积累;2.思考观点;3.培养听力和归纳总结能力。今天和大家分享托福写作备考技巧分析 ,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作备考技巧分析丨掌握正确技巧备考事半功倍托福写作备考技巧一 重积累开始练习立写作时,同学们往往会遇到不知如何下手的问题。因此,我们在练习的初期,可以先阅读些新托福写作的范文、相关书籍;精读里面的*,注意作者的*结构和展开方式,同时积累例子和细节。这样,我们对于立写作的套路就有了基本的了解。另外在关注*的展开方式时,我们同样可以学习范文里的句式结构和高深的

2、词汇。并不是鼓励大家抄袭,而是真正地掌握较高的句子结构和较复杂的词汇,这些都会给我们的作文加分。托福写作备考技巧二 思考观点经过了范文学习的过程,我们就可以开始针对不同话题的*思考自己的观点,列出提纲,寻找supporting details。这样,在做好了充分的准备后,我们就可以有准备地开始真正的练笔阶段。在托福写作练笔的初阶段可以不计时间,但熟悉了写作的流程后定要每次写作都计时,模拟真实的考试环境。托福写作备考技巧三 听力和归纳能力综合写作部分是听力和写作的结合,不需要大家发表个人观点,因此考察的是听力能力和复述的能力。在听力前的三分钟要认真阅读题目中的文字,文字中会有3个支持文字观点的论

3、据,听力则会针对这三个观点逐个展开。对于听力部分,同样提醒大家要多做笔记,记住细节,在作文展开中体现出来。因为综合写作的模式比较固定,因此可以提前准备好模版和固定的句式。注意,篇的综合写作定有变化多样的句式,这个在我们准备模版的时候定要体现出来。托福写作模板:电影比电视更有教育意义do you agree or disagree: the movies are worth watching only if they can teach something in real life.托福独立写作范文no matter who you are, you are definitely in a di

4、re need for excitement and thrill. then, a controversy might appear among the public whether citizens should only watch those movies that can teach something in real life. some of you may only watch those movies that can help to expand ones knowledge and reveal the life stories, however, i strongly

5、disagree with the statement and i think there will be a variety of reasons to watch movies.initially, entertainment is the principle reason for the entire world watching movies. be it comedy, science-fiction, drama or action, movies are a medium of leisure and recreation for every single individual

6、ranging from those on streets to the high and mighty residents in penthouses. put it in another words, the greatest of all benefits of watching a movie is that it entertains you and calms your tumultuous heart down. take me as an example. i feel very tired after the full devotion to my career in a w

7、eek and there is no time for the gym and outdoor activities just because of the busy work schedules. then, i will choose to lie on my couch and watch movies of many kinds with a bowl of munchies like popcorns and sodas during the weekends. by being engrossed in a comedy show that can evoke hearty la

8、ughs, i will encounter situations with a positive frame of mind. besides, when watching the horror movies, i will feel excited, scared, and emotional during those two and a half hours, leading me to be transferred to a world far away from the reality. obviously, no matter what kind of movies they ar

9、e, they will be worth watching if they can entertain you.another general concern about movies is that they can help fasten the bonds between families. more often than not, what audiences are more focused on, during the process of watching movies, is the time they spend with their families rather tha

10、n the well-orchestrated plots or the life lessons they might disclose. current citizens can afford to spend too much time having fun like traveling around the city or having a party because most of them are under huge pressure from the society and most of their time has to be occupied by a variety o

11、f professional tasks. however, watching movies wont consume too much time, serving as a stress buster and lubricant to strengthen relationship with families. almost at every weekend, i will hang out with my girlfriend to watch movies whatever the genre is and staying with each other at that moment c

12、an help shorten our mental distance and we can just hold hands of each other and feel so close between us. accordingly, my personal experience can help explain how we spend with our families or lovers like watching movies matters more than what we can learn from the movies.in a word, i dont think on

13、ly those movies that tell us important life stories are worth watching. what i truly believe is those movies that can entertain audiences and provide viewers with a chance to stay with each other are more welcomed.托福写作模板:大学生选择专业students should choose the major such as science, technology, and engine

14、ering which can help them find good jobs instead of the major which they are interested in.点睛题目大意:大学生应该选择哪种专业:能够帮助他们找到好工作的专业(比如科学类,技术类和工程类)vs自己喜欢的专业。此题目波波建议选择感兴趣的专业:理由如下1.学习更有动力 2.从长远来看,更有利于就业。托福独立写作范文the question of “ what is the most important subject or skill the schools should teach? ” has never

15、 failed to attract attention from educators, school administrators and even politicians especially when it comes to subjects like technology, engineering and math. some argue that students should be encouraged to take such classes rather than the ones they are interested in since they give them a be

16、tter shot to find jobs. however, personally, i am not in favor of this position based on the following reasons.admittedly, it is true that courses like technology, engineering and math are verytechnical, most of which can be applied in solving real world issues. however, the exposure that students h

17、ave to apply these theories are very limited in class. taking technical oriented classes will not give students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities, on the other hand, there are enormous benefits for students to take courses that they are interested in.first off, taking courses th

18、at students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals. old saying “ interest is the best teacher” remains relevant as it did a century ago. interest serves as the internal motivation for students to explore in the area that they are interested, on the contrary, if

19、they are forced to take courses for a utilitarian purpose, they might not keep their interest for a long time thus have a lower learning efficiency. recent study conducted by the society of developmental psychology shows that students will be more enthusiastic and passionate about learning when give

20、n the freedom to make their own choices to take classes. also, giving students the opportunity to choose the classes they are interested in can help them to explore their real interest, thus their potential can be fully tapped before heading off for career options.additionally, taking courses students are interested in have enormous practical purposes and they can be a great source of leisure and relaxation. for instance, lots of students like art and music but sel


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