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1、汉语长句英译 汉语长句成因; 翻译要点; 翻译方法,1 汉语长句的成因和特征,长句,指字数较多、结构较复杂、含有多层意思的句子。 第一,句子包含很多转折或附加成分,因而使句子的容量不断扩大,结果形成一个内容很复杂的句子,但它所要表达的中心思想仍然是一个。 英语长句宛如大树,有树干,有枝权,有树叶。 而汉语句子一般简短明快,结构比较松散,主句与从句之间、从句与从句之间,缺乏应有的连结,恰似一根春竹,一节之后又生一节,中间掐断无伤大雅,第二,句子要表达的层次很多,从意思上看,这些层次都是平行的,但是又不能截然分开,虽然他单身一人,又处在异乡客地,但正如他的同事和学生描述的那样,他为人愉快开朗,温文

2、尔雅,诚实谦虚。 Although alone in a new land,he was described by his fellow workers and students as cheerful,friendly,honest,and modest,2 汉语长句的翻译要点,第一,把握好译文的要点。首先要梳理汉语长句的结构,拎出主干,确定主、从句,找出主语、谓语。 第二,安排译文的框架结构。 第三,形成准确通顺的译文。措辞、词序、连贯性、逻辑,在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这

3、好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片。双方见面寒喧几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开,只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会主动掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒有些勉强,In Paris,Cocktail parties and buffet receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friendsOn such occasions,strangers may get to know each otherIf they are Asians,they will,very res

4、pectfully and with both hands,present calling cards to their interlocutors before any conversations startsThis seems to be the required courtesy on their partHowever the French usually are not so ready with such a formalityBoth sides will greet each other and even chat casually about any topics and

5、then excuse themselvesOnly when they find they like each other and hope to further the relationship,will they exchange cardsIt will seem very unnatural to do so before any real conversation gets under way,3 汉语长句的翻译方法,1)断句法 即把原文的一句话分成两句或更多句来 译。断句可以在句首处、句中间或句尾处,1】总分复句 A先总说后分述: 父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年盐,她的男朋友是什么样的人

6、父亲一看就知道。 After all,father has eaten more salt than she over the yearsHe will be able to tell at a glance whether her boyfriend is a man of character,B先分述后总说,另一种态度,学习的时候用脑筋想一下,学那些和我国情况适合的东西,即吸取对我们有益的经验,我们需要的是这样一种态度。 The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditio

7、ns,namely the experience useful to usThat is the attitude we should adopt,2 转折复句,我在学堂里坐着,心里也闷,不如给他家放牛,倒快活些。 I feel sitting in school boring anywayId rather look after our neighbors buffaloes,3 内容复杂的长句,中国学生很灵,一挥而就,洋教师阅后,评出了最佳作文一篇,学生们听后大为不解,这种文章怎么能被评为“最佳”? His Chinese students,quick at writing,finishe

8、d the homework at one go and turned it in in no timeHe went through the papers and picked the one that he thought the bestWhen he read it out to the students,they were generally perplexedOf all the comments,why did he like this one best,4长句结尾部分是“反问”或“感叹”分句,年岁不好,柴米又贵;这几件旧衣服和旧家具。当的当了,卖的卖了;只靠着我替人家做些针线活

9、寻来的钱,怎么供得你读书?(吴敬梓儒林外史) Times are hard,and fuel and rice are expensiveOur old clothes and our few sticks of furniture have been pawned or soldWe have nothing to live on but what I make by my sewingHow call I pay for your schooling,5为了表达原句的强调语势,我们的民族将再也不是一个被人侮辱的民族了,我们已经站起来了。 Ours will no longer be a n

10、ation subject to insult and humiliationWe have stood up,2) 合句法,1根据原文各句之间的逻辑关系, 在译文的句与句之间加上连接词语如and,while,for等 还是热,心里可镇定多了。凉风,即使是一点点,给了人们许多希望。(老舍:骆驼祥子) It was still hot but everyone felt much better,for the breeze,though slight,brought them hope,2原文是并列句、排比句,The technological design of this bed cushio

11、n is advanced with novel structure,beautiful shape and various patternsThey are comfortable and convenient to carry 这种床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式多样,舒适大方,携带方便,3)主从区分法,1表示原因或条件的部分,一般应从属于表示结果的部分. 他们患得患失,拒绝接受分配给他们的任务。 Swayed by consideration of gain and loss,they refused to accept the jobs assigned to them,2表示方

12、式或状态的部分,一般应从属于表示行为或动作的部分. 其后走过三个人,头带方巾,都有四五十岁光景,手摇白纸扇,缓步而来。(吴敬梓儒林外史) Behind him came three men in square caps,all some forty to fifty years oldFanning themselves with white paper fans, they advanced slowly,3表示方法和手段的部分,一般应从属于表示目的的部分,我们用自己动手的方法,达到了丰衣足食的目的。 By using our own hands we have attained the o

13、bjective of “ample food and clothing,4 属于修饰或说明关系的分句或短语,一般应译作从属部分,这个战争,在东方历史上是空前的,在世界历史上也将是伟大的,全世界人民都关心这个战争。 The people of the whole world are attentively following this war,which has no precedent in the history of the East,and which will go down as a great war in world history too,5背景情况描述部分,一般应从属于结论

14、部分,帝国主义国家对外侵略扩张,争夺世界霸权,必然走向战争。 Engaged in aggression and expansion abroad in contending for world hegemony,the imperialist countries inevitably will go to war,6 否定或反说部分。一般应从属于肯定或正说部分,国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力威胁。 (中美联合公报) International disputes should be settled on this basis,without resorting to the use

15、 of threat or force,4)扩充法,1用集体名词代替个体名词。用扩充法使集体名词个体化 甲班学习成绩很好。 The students in Class A have won a brilliant academic record,2上文中未出现而在下文中出现的词,读后满口生香,余味无穷,写得一手好词! After reading the ode,fragrance pervades the mouth and aftertaste remains ever palatableHow superbly written it was,3 为使上下文连接紧凑,可增加一些衔接词,努力学

16、习罢,努力学习三年五载,你就会精通英语了。 Study hard! Study hard for three to five years! By that time you will be proficient in English,4为画龙点睛,突出原文意思,增加相应的物主代词,清溪一曲,水浅鱼梭,蛱蝶蹁跹,寻红觅绿。风光旖旎,笔拙难描! In the shallows of a rill shuttle shoals of fishesButterflies flit to and fro,hutting for red and greenThe scenic charms are bey

17、ond my clumsy description,5 暗含某种意思而又必须译出,这里主要涉及语意的扩充,既发高烧,又抽搐不已,的确是很危险的。 The case in which the patient is running a high fever and suffering from convulsion has got into grave danger indeed,6】中国特有的如新的政治词汇、日常用语、中国俗语等,常用扩充法,三个代表 Three represents theory (The Party must always represent the requirements

18、 of the development of Chinas advanced productive forces,the orientation of the development of Chinas advanced culture,and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China,5) 转句法,断句是把原文中的从句拉出来翻译成独立的句子,而转句法则是把原文中的一个词或词组拉出来翻译成独立的句子,这些词或词组在原语中作主语、定语、状语、插入语、同位语等,敌人的武力是不能征服我们

19、的,这点已经得到证明了。 It has been proved that the enemy cannot conquer us by force of arms(形式主语转句,6) 破折号法,1 原文重提前述词时,破折号加在前述词之前. 一是持之以恒,以勤补拙;一是不耻下问,虚心求教。这些就是克服学习中困难的法宝,我们应该珍爱这两个法宝。 One is combination of unswerving perseverance with assiduity making up deficiency in wisdom,the other is stooping with modesty t

20、o ask advice from the common run of peoplethese are magic weapons of conquering the difficulties in the way of studyWe must cherish both of them,2如果原文主语和表语指的是同一内容,而主语太长。表语很短。翻译时可以主表倒置,并用破折号将过长的主语拆开翻译,一切与环境科学有关的医学(包括中医)、化学、生物学、地理学、物理学以及为环保服务的最新科学技术手段如污染监控卫星、激光、电子计算机、机器人、遥感等,都是我们学习的科目。 The subjects of

21、 our study are all those associated with environmental science medicine ( including traditional Chinese medicine),chemistry,biology,geography,physics and the most uptodate means of science and technology serving the needs of environmental protectionpollution-monitoring satellite,laser,electronic computer, robot,remote sensing etc,3原文语气有较大的转折时,匡衡凿壁偷光,王冕牛角挂书,车胤囊荧照诵,孙康映雪读书。难道我们还怕什么学习中的困难吗?世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 Kuang Heng read by light from a hole gouged through the wall;Wang Mian read,while grazing the cattle with his books hung on its h


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