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1、中考英语总复习第二轮二.冠词,冠词: 1.不定冠词 2.定冠词 3.零冠词,a、an,the,不定冠词:1.以辅音音素开头的单词前用a 2.以元音音素开头的单词前用an,He gave my sister useful book yesterday. My brother is honest boy, so he has many friends. This building is _ university. It is _ European country. I bought _used car. There is _ “m” and _ “y” in the word “money,注意:

2、 结合语音考查a和an的区别 考:an umbrella /hour /honor /Englishman /Asian country /eight-year-old boy /F / 考:a useful book /usual (an unusual )day /university / one-leg table /unit /European /K,a,a,a,an,a,an,a,1.不定冠词 a on Sunday ; on Christmas Day ; in spring ; have breakfast (the Spring Festival) 比较: on a Sunda

3、y morning.在一个星期天的早晨. (表示某一个。) Summer is the best season for swimming. 夏天是游泳的好季节。 I had a big lunch yesterday.昨天我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。(表示某一个) I will never forget the summer we spent in Hawaii. 我永远不会忘记我们一起在夏威夷度过的那个夏天。(表示特指,3. 球类运动、棋类 play basketball football chess 4. 可数名词复数或不可数名词在表示一类人或事物时 I like tomatoes money.

4、 (但复数名词被一个限定性定语修饰,则要加the Eg: I like the tomatoes on the table.) 5.名词前已有this ,that, these,those, my, your, some, any, no, every等时,不加冠词。 This ball is mine. Come this way , please . 6.与by连用的交通工具名词前 By car bus train subway. 7.国名、地名、人名、头衔、职务、称呼前 ChinaBeijingTompresidentMr. Chen,f. 固定词组 go to school 去上学 g

5、o to bed 上床睡觉 go by train 乘火车去 go by boat 乘船去 at table 在用餐(at the table在餐桌旁) in hospital 住院 at school in school at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 in town 在城里,1.There is _ f in the word football. 2.I have a little brother. He is _ 8-year-old boy. 3.Nowheis_artist.1haveknownhimsincehewas_one-ye

6、ar-oldboy.A.a;anB.a;aC.an;anD.an;a 4.Afterthattheyhad_sleep.A.anightgoodB.anightsgood C.agoodnightD.agoodnights,an,an,5.Therecame_greatnoise.Itfrightenedus. A.the B.a C./ D.that 6.After_quickbreakfastIhurriedto_school.A./;/B.a;/C.the;theD.the;/ 7.Thereis_Win_wordmap.A.a;an B.an;a C.an;the D. a;the 8

7、.Whatwas_yesterday?;-November24.A.date B.thedateC.dayD.theday,9.Weshallvisityourcountryin_comingyear.,A.a B.the C.one D.that 10._monkeycanclimb_trees.A./;theB.A;/C.The;aD./;/ 11.Hehastriedtwice,andthecaptainaskshimtohave_thirdtry. A.the B.a C.another D.other 12.Wecansee_sunand_moonin_picture. A.a;th

8、e;the B.the;a;theC.a;the;a D.the;the;the,13.Whynotaskyourfathertodraw_mapforyouifyouwanttogetto_ Aliceshouseeasily?A.a;an B./;an C.the;a D.a;/ 14.Mostofusarefrom_.A.thesouth B.south C.thesouthern D.southern 15._night,astrangerknockedatthe door.A.One B.The C.An D.A,1._ Great Wall is _ longest wall in

9、 the world. A. The theB. A .a C. A .the D. The .a 2.Whos _ woman over there? A. / B. the C. a D. an 3.Shanghai is in _ east of China. A. /B. anC. aD. the 4.I can see a little white sheep in the field. _ sheep is Nancys. A. AB. TheC. AnD. / 5._ old lady in brown is _ university professor. A. An .aB.

10、An ./C. The .anD. The .a,A,B,D,B,D,6.Did you enter for _ high jump or _ 400-meter race? A. a .a B. a .theC. the .aD. the .the 7.More college graduates would like to work in _ west part of our country _ next year. A. the .the B. /- /C. / .theD. the ./ 8.The scientists from _ United States live in _ N

11、inth Street. A. the .theB. / .theC. / ./D. the ./ 9.There is _ report in todays newspaper. Its about the international film Festival, Shanghai. A. anB. aC. the D. / 10.My grandpa used to have _ walk in the garden after _ supper. A. a .aB. / .aC. a ./D. / .,D,D,D,B,C,11.There is _ “h” in the word “ho

12、nest”. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12.Which ocean is larger, _ Pacific or _ Atlantic? A. the .theB. a .aC. / ./ D. the ./ 13.Tom likes playing _ piano while Tim likes playing _ football. A. the .theB. / .theC. the ./D. / ./ 14._ young are willing to serve _ old. A. The .theB. / ./C. A .theD. A .an 15._ W

13、hites are watching TV after supper every evening. A. /B. TheC. AD. An 16._ Yellow River is _ second longest river in our country. A. The ./ B. / .the C. / ./ D. The .the,B,A,C,A,B,D,17.That evening _ Greens sat before a bright fire and had _ nice supper. A. the .aB. / ./C. / .aD. the ./ 18. Be careful with your spelling. There is _ “n” in the word “hundred”. A. aB. anC


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