



1、39. His remarks were(简洁的)and to the point.西安市第三中学英语单词拼写训练六Dragon Thunder 2012-02-05一.单词拼写(共100小题,每小题1分,满分100分)每空根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,只写一词。1. (远古的)China was a place where states were often at war with each other before Qin Dynasty.2. Chin ese history is filled with great(成就)in

2、scie nee and tech no logy.3. From his_ (口音).We can know that he s from Beijing.4. When did the(宇航员)first land on the moon?5. What has happened? she asked(焦急地).6. This after noon he sudde niy fell ill and an(救护车)was called to carry him to hos pital.7. The boy spoke in a very low voice,( 承认)he had bro

3、ken the glass.8. Here is my(地址),you can easily find my house with it9. Tom work at school is above the(平均,中等)。10. We can save words by(安排)the sentence like this.11. Ais the coldest continent in the world.12. It is not what he said but the (态度)to say it that bothers me a lot.13. The talk went on in a

4、 friendly and peaceful (气氛)。14. When can I come for you?I am (可找得见的,可利用的,可行得通的from 8:00am to 5:30pm.15. I am sorry to say I feel a bit (惭愧,羞愧 )of myself for my rude behavior.16. Several (方法,探索)to the problem have been tried, but none worked.17. There are strong (争论)against solving the problems of Li

5、bya by force.18. Many countries request that China open its market for their (农业的)products.19. There are 26 letters in the English(字母表)。20. We all wonder why he is so (迷恋)cigarettes.21. Would do me the favor to look after my pet dog during my (不在时)?22. Great importance should be 附上)to the developmen

6、t of economy.23. As they had no children of their own, they (收养)an orphan。24. The police did not go near the (被抛弃的) car, fearing there were bombs in it.25. His theory is too(扌由象)for us to un dersta nd.26. She is hungry for news of her husband working (在国外的)27. The 众)enjoyed every minute of the perfo

7、rmanee 。28. There were(总共)four of us attending the debate.29. The average(年度的)income of the Chinese is 3000yuan, one tenth of the American.30. (广告的)products are not always of good quality.31. Walking across the Luobupo Desert alone is obviously a / an (冒险的)action.32. The date of the meeti ng has bee

8、 n (提前)from Mon day to Saturday.33. We were badly(叮咬)by mosquitoes.34. This great invention is bound to(使受益)the whole world.35. The whole city was一_(美丽)lit up during the Spring Festival, especially on the Lantern Festival night.36. The Bank of China has a lot of _ (支行)in the world.(负担)of both the37.

9、 Look, one of the(纽扣)has come off your coat.38. We teachers should actively carry out the educati on reform to reduce the heavystude nts and their paren ts.40. A good medicine tastes(苦的)41. His speech is so(无聊的)that many people fell asleep at the meeting.42. The book gives the(背景)of the second world

10、 war.43. The(重大突破 )in fighting cancer gives hope to cancer patients all over the world.44. The new(女衬衫)make her even more attractive.45. A(平衡的)diet should include energy giving food, body building food and protective food.46. My mobile phone (电池)is running down. I have to recharge it.47. When I got

11、to the top of the hill, I was quite out of (呼吸)。48. I like getting up early in the morning because the morning air is so good to (呼吸)。49. We students shouldnfollow fashions and pursue famous(牌子)。50. “ Mind you(行为),” the mother said to her young boy.51. (现今)most kids p refer watch ing TV to reading.5

12、2. He said that he hadn t been treated _(公平地)by the policeman.53. It a great honor for every country to(主办)the Olympic Games.54. Will it be(方便)for you to start work tomorrow?55. They met with a traffic accident during the ride. (幸运地)nobody was injured.56. No one knows the(原因)of his sudden death.57.

13、I am sorry, but I am not interested in( 保险).58. At his birthday party, he( 真诚地)expressed his thanks to his friends.59. As every one kno ws, he is a(世界著名)ex pert on DNA.60. It s wrong to read other 匚s私人的)letters without permission61. He dived into the water, leaving only his face (裸露)62. I could hear

14、 them_ (私语)under the tree over there .63. Her dream was to be a(音乐家)when very young.64. Seconds count in(紧急情况 )and knowing what to do can mean the differenee between life and death.65. It is well known that a cow has four (胃).66. The students in our school study very hard,(尤其)those in our class67. N

15、owadays children can choose to go to different (幼儿园).68. Officers can t work properly without certain important pieces of ).69. Some people work together un der(压力70. Mr. Zhang is among the(有经验的)managers.71. I haven t a thing in 的)with her.72. Mr. Li studied law at college and became a( 律W) after gr

16、aduation.73. From her ( 迷惑)expression on the face, I know she hasn got my idea.74. My feelings at the moment are beyond (描述).75. He works as a (秘书)in the company.76. The isla nd is (连接) with the mainland with a bridge.77. The hospital is attached to the m (医学的) college.78. The world is gett ing(饥渴的)

17、 ,nothing is more imp orta nt tha n start ing savi ng water right now.79. A great celebration was held on his(50 岁)birthday.80. I m mak ing _(准备)for the coming exam.81. The word “ see ” has the same 发音)as the word “ sea ”82. China is sure to turn all her wishes into (现实)as we all know.83. I can t sl

18、eep with those吵_闹)children in the house.84. The build ing(环绕)with gree n trees is the our library.385. There are no(辛钢琴)in the school for the poor children to play.86. Our government announced every citizen enjoy the freedom of( 宗教).87. The nurses in the hospital are very kind to (病人)88. I want to r

19、eport the(丢失)of a p ackage.89. The(乘客) and their suitcases which were still wait ing had to be tran slated to ano ther plane.90. If we don t take(措施)to save the wild camel, the n it will be in far greater dan ger tha n the panda.91. Though I am alone, I don t feel (孤独.)92. Tom is a (有天赋的)student in

20、playing piano.93. Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, (富有的),and wise.94. The (附近的)cinema can seat 3000 peopie.95. Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of (体力的)situation96. Tom father is so(可靠的)that every one in our village trusts him.97. Tom is preparing for an exam. Don t

21、 (打扰) him98. Plants can absorb carb on dioxide and release(氧气)(礼貌,习惯)to take off your shoes。99. The U k has a (气候)that is changeable.100. Before en teri ng a house in some Asia n coun tries, it is good二.短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(竹,并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:

22、把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线(_),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词 ;Today we had the honor of in vit ing Pro fessor Huds on, a foreig n teacher from Beiji ng Uni versity, give us anEn glish less on . All of us were dee ply imp ress ing by this un forgettable En glish less on. The p rofessor bega n the cla

23、ss in an amusing English story, which attracted our attentions at once . He speaks slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well . Great inspired, most of us took a active part in classroom activities . After class, many stude nts being in terviewed sp oke highly of him . They said n ever befo

24、re they had exp erie need such in teresti ng a class. From his less on, we came to a con clusi on what it is not so difficult to lear n En glish if we find a good way4答案一单词拼写1. ancient 2. achievements 3. accent 4. astronaut 5. anxiously 6. ambulance 7. admitting 8. address 9. average10. arranging 11

25、. Antarctica 12. attitude 13. atmosphere 14. available 15. ashamed 16. approaches 17. arguments18. agricultural 19. alphabet 20. addicted 21. absence 22. attached 23. adopted 24. abandoned 25. abstract26. abroad 27. audience 28. altogether 29. annual 30. Advertised 31. adventurous 32. advanced 33. bitten34. benefit 35. beautifully 36. branches 37. buttons 38. burden 39. brief 40. bitter 41. boring 42. background43. breakthrough 44. blouse 45. balanced 46. battery 47. breath 48. breath


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