1、1,数字逻辑设计及应用,Chapter 2 Number Systems and codes (数系与编码) 介绍在数字逻辑体系中信号的表达方式、类型,不同表达方式之间的转换,运算的规则等,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,2,Review of Chapter 1 (第一章内容回顾,Analog versus Digital (模拟与数字) Digital Devices (数字器件): Gates(门电路)、 Flip-flops(触发器) Electronic and Software Aspects of Digital D
2、esign (数字设计的电子技术和软件技术,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,3,Review of Chapter 1 (第一章内容回顾,Integrated Circuit(IC,集成电路) Programmable Logic Devices(PLA、PLD、CPLD、FPGA, 可编程逻辑器件) Application-Specific ICs(ASIC, 专用集成电路) Printed-Circuit Boards (PCB, 印制电路板,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑
3、设计及应用,4,Chapter 2 Number Systems and codes (数系与编码,Two kinds of Information (信息主要有两类): Numeric Data (数值信息) Nonnumeric Data (非数值信息,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,Number Systems and their Conversions (数制及其转换,Nonnumeric Data Representation Codes (非数值信息的表征 - 编码,5,Chapter 2 Number Systems
4、 and codes (数系与编码,数字系统只处理数字信号 0 , 1; 需要将任意信息用( 0 ,1 )表达; 用(0,1)表达数量: 数制 二进制 用(0,1)表达不同对象: 符号编码,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,6,2.1 Positional Number System (按位计数制,Any Decimal Number D Can Be Represented as the Following (任意十进制数 D 可表示如下,D = dp-1 dp-2 . d1 d0 . d-1 d-2 . d-n,推广: D2 =
5、 d i 2i D16= d i 16i,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,7,2.1 Positional Number System (按位计数制,按位计数制的特点 1) 采用基数(Base or Radix), R进制的基数是R 2) 基数确定数符的个数 如十进制的数符为:0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9,个数为10 二进制的数符为:0、1,个数为2 3)逢基数进一,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,8,2.1 Positional Number System
6、 (按位计数制,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,Decimal and Binary,Decimal system: base is 10, the digit may be 0 to 9,Binary system: base is 2, the digit may be 0 or 1,bit: one digit in binary system,9,2.2 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers (八进制和十六进制,基数,数码,特性,Octal Number (八,进制,8,07,逢,八,进一,Binar
7、y Number (二进制,2,0,1,逢二进一,Hexadecimal Number(十六进制,16,09,AF,逢十六进一,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,为什么要用到8进制或16进制数,10,说 明,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,选择什么数制来表示信息, 对数字系统的成本和性能影响很大, 在数字电路中多使用二进制. Most Significant Bit(MSB, 最高有效位) Least Significant Bit(LSB, 最低有效位) 101110
8、0010112 MSB LSB,11,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,表2.1 十进制、二进制、八进制与十六进制数,12,二进制与八进制和十六进制之间的转换,位数替换法:保持小数点不变,每位八进制数对 应3位二进制数; 每位十六进制数对应4位二进制数; 二进制转换时,从小数点开始向左右分组,在MSB前面和LSB后面可以加0; 转换为二进制时,MSB前面和LSB后面的0不写; 例:1011100010112=56138=B8B16 10111000.10112=270.548=B8.B16,1000110010012 = ( )8
9、= ( )16,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,13,2.3 General Positional-Number-System Conversion (常用按位计数制的转换,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,A Number in any Radix to Radix 10 (任意进制数 十进制数) Method: Expanding the formula using radix-10 arithmetic (方法:利用位权展开,Example 1:( 101.01
10、)2 = ( )10 ( 7F.8 )16 = ( )10,More easy way(更简便的方法)? ( F1AC )16 = ( ( ( F16 ) +1 ) 16 + A ) 16 + C,14,2.3 General Positional-Number-System Conversion (常用按位计数制的转换,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,A Number in Radix 10 to any Radix (十进制 其它进制) Method:Radix Multiplication or Division (基数乘除
11、法) Integer Parts (整数部分): 除 r 取余,逆序排列 Example 2:( 156 )10 = ( )2 Decimal Fraction Parts (小数部分): 乘 r 取整,顺序排列 Example 3:( 0.37 )10 = ( )2,15,2.3 General Positional-Number-System Conversion (常用按位计数制的转换,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,Example 4:Require 10-2 ,Complete the following convers
12、ion ( 617.28 )10 = ( )2,2-n = 10-2,思考:任意两种进位计数制之间的转换 以十进制(二进制)作为桥梁,n = 7,16,2.4 Addition and Subtraction of Nondecimal Numbers (非十进制数的加法和减法,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,Two Binary Number Arithmetic (两个二进制数的算术运算) Addition (加法): Carry (进位) 1 + 1 = 10 Subtraction (减法): Borrows (借位) 1
13、0 1 = 1,17,Carry in (进位输入): C in (P.32) Carry out ( 进位输出 ) C out Sum ( 本位和 ): S,2.4 Addition and Subtraction of Non-decimal Numbers (非十进制数的加法和减法,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,18,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,表2.3.1 二进制加法真值表,19,Borrow in ( 借位输入 ): Bin Borrow out (
14、借位输出 ): Bout Difference bit ( 本位差 ): D,2.4 Addition and Subtraction of Non-decimal Numbers (非十进制数的加法和减法,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,20,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,表2.3.2 二进制减法真值表,21,2.5 Representation of Negative Numbers (负数的表示,Digital Logic Design and Applica
15、tion (数字逻辑设计及应用,2.5.1 Signed-Magnitude Representation 符号 数值表示法(原码) MSB as the Sign bit (0 = plus, 1 = minus) 最高有效位表示符号位( 0 = 正,1 = 负) 01111111127 11111111127 0010111046 1010111046 000000000 100000000,22,2.5 Representation of Negative Numbers (负数的表示,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,2.5
16、.1 Signed-Magnitude Representation 符号 数值表示法(原码) Two possible representations of Zero 零有两种表示(+ 0、 0) An n-bit signed-magnitude integer range is (n位二进制整数表示范围): ( 2n-1 1) + ( 2n-1 1,23,2.5 Representation of Negative Numbers (负数的表示,2.5.2 Complement Number Systems (补码数制) Radix Complement (基数补码) Diminishe
17、d Radix Complement 基数减1补码 (反码),Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,24,2.5 Representation of Negative Numbers (负数的表示,2.5.3 Radix Complement Representation ( 基数补码表示法) The complement of an n-digit number is obtained by subtracting it from r n (n位数的补码等于从 r n 中减去该数) Example : Table 2-4 P.36,D
18、igital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,25,2.5 Representation of Negative Numbers (负数的表示,Diminished Radix Complement Representation 基数减1补码表示法(反码): The Diminished Radix Complement of an n-digit number is obtained by subtracting it from r n -1 n位数的反码等于从 r n 1 中减去该数 Example : Table 2-4 2-5 P.36,
19、Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,26,2.5.4 Twos Complement Representation (二进制补码表示法,The MSB of a number in this system serves as the sign bit(最高有效位用做符号位); The weight of the MSB is -2n-1 instead of + 2n-1 (MSB的权是-2n-1 而不是+ 2n-1 ) Obtain a Twos- Complement ( 二进制补码的求取 ): Ones Complement (
20、反码) + 1 (Why,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,27,2.5.4 Twos Complement Representation (二进制补码表示法,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,例2.5.1 若约定字长是一个字节,试求119的补码。 解:因119的绝对值11901110111,则补码可以通过下式算法得到: 全1码: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 减去119绝对值: 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 119的反码: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 加1: 1
21、 119补码: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1,28,2.5.4 Twos Complement Representation (二进制补码表示法,Only one representations of Zero ( 零只有一种表示 ) 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 逐位取反 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 约定8位 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,29,2.5.4 Twos Complement Representation (二进制补码表示法,An n-bit Twos- Complement range is (n位二进制补码表示范围): 2 n-1 + ( 2 n-1 1) 约定字长(8比特)后,补码表示数的范围 128127,Digital Logic Design and Application (数字逻辑设计及应用,30,2.5.4 Twos Complement Representation (二进制补码表示法,Positive number has the same: Sign-Magnitude, Ones Complement, a
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