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1、高二牛津高中英语第五模块第一单元阶段测试I卷部分 第一部分:单项选择(共45题,每题1分,共45分) 1.A.Joh n p lays footballas wellB. as well as2.A.3.A.4.Although I enjoyto music, I donliste n; manyB. liste ning; muchIf you don go to the party,I.so do B. so will C. nor do-The light in the office is still on.Oh, I forget.A. turni ng it off B. to t

2、urn it off,if not better tha n, David.C. so wellk nowabout it.C. liste ning; manyD. n either shall5. so well asD. to liste n; muchC. turni ng off itthe work.D. to turn off itYou can hardly imagi ne what great difficulty we hadA. to doB. done C. doing D. doWhat do you suppose

3、 made her so unhappy?her wallet.A. lose B. Lost C. Los ingD. To losethis po ssible effect may put us in a dilemma.A. Having overlooked B. Overlooked C. To overlook D. Overlooked My brother is not good at sp eak ing En glish.I suggestEn glish for two hours every day.A. he p ractice sp eak ingB. him t

4、o sp eakC. he sp eak ingD. his p ractici ng to sp eak_ it is to have a picnic in the hills on such a nice day!A. What a fun B. How funC. What funD. How a funReaders canquite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A. get over B. get in C. get alongD. get throughIt was surprising thatworm

5、s could eat upgra in.A. so little ; so muchB. such little; so muchC. so little; such muchD. such small; so manyThey looked forward with hopefrom you, but you n ever wrote a word to them.A. of heari ng B. to hear C. to heari ng D. heari ngThe boy wan ted to p lay football in the street, but his paren

6、ts told him.A. not to B not to do C. not do it D. do not toHe _to Shan ghai, for I saw him a mome nt ago.A. must have gone B. can have gone C. must n have gone D. can have bee nLet Harry p lay with your toys as well, Clare-you must lear n to.A. supportB. care C. spare D. shareThe injured were lying

7、in hos pitalthe shock from the traffic accide nt.A. to suffer B. suffered C. suffered from D. sufferi ng fromWeather the size of crops.A. determ ines B. is determ ined to C. is determ ined byD. make up its mindTherein the worldChina is a great country with a long history and rich culture.

8、.A. are no doubt ; thatB. are not doubts ; ifC. is no doubt; thatD. is not doubt; if19. I cantit when people speak with their mouths full.A. live B. sta nd C. keep D. take20. The poster was revisedthe suggestions of other group members.A. based on B. to base on C. bas ing on D. which based on21. Bil

9、l was doing a lot of p hysical exercise to build up his.A. ability B. force C. stre ngth D. mind22. Joh n was late for the bus in ess meet ing because his flight had bee n _A. kept B. stopped C. slowed D. delayed23. There was nothing they could do.A. but waitB. excepi wailing24. -Go for a p ic nic t

10、his weeke nd, OK?. I love gett ing close to n ature.A. I couldn agree more B.I afraid not.C. I believe notD. I don tink so.if we don arrive when weD. p atie ntby a heavy storm.C. only to wait D.阳 1亡铝山导 availed25. My mother always gets a bitA. an xiousB. ashamed C weak26. I won stand yourto me like t

11、hat.A. talk B. talks C. talk ing27. She used her family history as aA. basis B. base C. basic28. Don be soD. talkedfor her no vel.D. basicallysay we will.to her!A. mean B. meany C. meanly D. meann ess29. Joe just wan ted to p lay a joke on her . He did not mean _A. hurti ngB. to hurt C. hurted D. hu

12、rts30. She told us she was busy now and that sheus later.A. was helped B. help C. helped D. would help31. Sarah felt likewhe n she found out that she had bee n chatt ing on li ne with a boy stude ntSarah.of her same class.A. cryB. to cry C. being crying D. crying32. He was determ ined not to be the

13、firstit.A. say B. say ingC. to say D. says33. The brave soldiers were determ ined to save all the people _A. trapped B. being trappedC. were trapped34. We drove all the way to the beach ,.A. have funB. just for fun C. make fun of35. Don hesitateme if you have any questi ons.A. ask ingB. asksC. to as

14、kD. asked36. Thousa nds of people were at the air port,the visit ing p reside nt.A. cheered for B. cheered aboutC .to cheer about37. A good stude nt is hon est and kind to others .In other words ,he n everA. yells B. teases C. betraysD. blames38. He failed in the drivi ng test aga in. He.in the fiel

15、d.D. trappingD. have a funD. cheeri ng forhis friends.A. must have disa ppoin tedB. must have bee n disa ppoin tedC. might be disappointedD. couldn be disappointed39 .He felt guilty about los ing ,and bad aboutfootball as you are.A. being as gifted atB. being so gifted forC. not being as gifted atD.

16、 not being so gifted forD. to avoid to lose40. It seems you n eed to apo logize quicklya good friend.A. avoidi ng to lose B. to avoid losi ngC. avoidi ng losi ng41. I like most about her iscare-free attitude.D. How; aA. What; herB. What; that herC .How ; for her42. We are going to discuss the reas o

17、ns that might lead to.B. break ing frien dsh ipsD. a broke n frien dsh iptwo lettersan agony aunt of a tee nage magaz ine.B. is made up of; writte n toD. con sists of; writi ng toA. break ing frien dsh ipC .broke n frien dsh ip43. This readi ng p assageA. is made of; writi ng forC. is con sisted of;

18、 writte n for44. The teacher asked Tom to read the textA. loudly B. loud C. aloud D. sile nt45. I didn feel like I was overlooking my studies,maybe I could work harder in Maths .A. andB. howeverC. therefore D. but第二部分:完形填空(20分)Its 5-year-old Karmens dream to be a ballerina( 芭蕾舞女演员 ).But Karmen, livi

19、ng in Denver, was born with the AIDS virus and has spent much of her short life going in and out of the hos pital. Karme n _46better tha n anyone dared to hope. Doctors thought she would n ever walk or talk,but she _47 with a walker and sp eaks fairly48Karmens hopes, dreams, and 49 are being documen

20、ted with the help of a Denver orga ni zati on called the Childre ns Legacy.50 by the p hotogra pher Katy Tartakoff, the charityhelps seriously sick childre n and their families write their own51 by p rovid ing books thatguide _52_ alo ng - My Stup id Ilin ess, for 53 childre n, and Let Me Show You M

21、y World, for their siblings( 兄弟姊妹) and parents. The books contain suggestions of 54 to draw or things to write. Tartakoff helps illustrate the books by tak ing black-a nd-white p hotogra phs of the children.For thosechildren who _55_, the books help their families cope. For those _56_ survive, the b

22、ooks help them heal 57_.Karme n may not grow up to be a balleri na, _58._des pite her difficulty walk ing, she was 59_ whe n she put on a tutu (芭蕾舞的短裙 )her mother had bought her. She really took _60_ the persona of a balleri na, says Ms. Tartakoff.This picture of Karme n is one of a collecti on of M

23、s. Tartakoffs _61_ that the charity has p ublished in a book called An Alp habet About Families Livi ng With HIV-AIDS, _62_ poetry. Accordi ng to the book, Sometimes Karmen _63 her head on her folded hands because she is _64_ , and sometimes she needs to talk with God. One of her prayers: Dear God,

24、Please make my_65 andbody strong. PI ease let me grow up.B. has faredB. gets upB.goodC. has spentC. walks awayC. niceD. has exp erie needD. gets aroundD. right46. A. has gone47. A. sta nds around48. A. wellD. sadnessesD. CreatedD. sick nessesD. herD. ill49. A. smiles50. A. Fou nd51. A. stories52. A.

25、 him53. A. healthyB. ill nessesB. FoundedB. no velsB. usB. sickC. strugglesC. BuiltC. p roblemsC. themC. no rmal54. A. chartsB. pi cturesC. p hotosD. desig ns55. A. liveB. fearC. dieD. suffer56. A. thatB. whichC. /D. who57. A. emoti on allyB. happ ilyC. carefullyD. quietly58. A. howeverB. andC. butD

26、. though59 A. changedB. turnedC.shapedD. tran sformed60. A. afterB. i nC. onD. to61. A. collectio nsB. p hotogra phsC. booksD. cop ies62. A. holdi ngB. containingC. writ ingD. i ncludi ng63. A. laysB. liesC. setsD. puts64. A. illB.deadC. tiredD. bored65. A. legsB. armsC. handsD. feet第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,

27、每小题2分,共40分)ATHE BRONTE FAMIL YYorkshire, England was the setting for two great novels (小说)of the 19th century. These were Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre and Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights. The youngest sister, Anne, was also a gifted no velist, and her books have the same extraord in ary, quality as h

28、er sisters.Their father was P atrick Bronte born in Irela nd. He moved with his wife, Maria Bron te, and their six small children to Haworth in Yorkshire in 1820. Soon after, Mrs. Bronte and the two eldest childre n died, leavi ng the father to care for the rema ining three girls and a boy.Charlotte

29、 was born in 1816. Emily was born in 1818 and Anne in 1820. Their brother Bran well was born in 1817. Left to themselves, the childre n wrote and told stories and walked over the hills. They grew up largely self-educated. Bran well showed a great in terest in draw ing. The girls were determ ined to

30、earn money for his art educati on. They took po siti ons as teachers or taught childre n in their homes.As children they had all written many stories. Charlotte, as a young girl, alone wrote 22 books, each with 60 to 100 pages of small handwriting. Therefore, they turned to writing for in come. By 1

31、847, Charlotte had writte n The P rofessor; Emily, Wutheri ng Heights; and Anne, Agnes Grey. After much difficulty Anne and Emily found a publisher ( 出版商),but there was no in terest show n in Charlottes book. (It was not p ublished un til 1869. ) However, one p ublisher exp ressed an in terest in se

32、e ing more of her work. Jane Eyre was already started, and she hurriedly fini shed it.It was accepted at once; Thus each of the sisters bad a book published in 1847.Jane Eyre was immediately successful; The other two, however, did not do. so well. People did not like Wutheri ng Heights. They said it

33、 was too wild, too ani mal-like. But gradually it came to be con sidered one of the fin est no vels in the En glish Ian guage. Emily lived only a short while after the p ublicati on of her book, and Anne died in 1847.Charlotte published Shirley in 1849 and Villette in 1863. In 1854 she married Arthu

34、r BellNicholls. But only a year later, she died of tuberculosis (肺结核)as her sisters had. 66. What did the Bronte sisters want to do for Bran well Bron te?A. Help him write stories.B. Help him get trained in art.C. Teach him how to draw well.D. Teach him how to educate himself.67. We kn ow from the t

35、ext thatA. Jane Eyre was p ublished in 1847B. Charlotte Bronte wrote 22 books in allC. the Bronte sisters received good educati onD. Patrick Bronte helped his daughters with their writ ing68. Which of the follow ing was p ublished after the death of its writer?A. Shirley.B. Villette.C. Agnes Grey.D.

36、 The P rofessor.69. The un derl ined words the other two in the 5th p aragra ph refer toA. Shirley and VilletteB. The Pro fessor and Agnes GreyC. Agnes Grey and Wutheri ng HeightsD. The Pro fessor and Wutheri ng Heights70. What do we know about the Bronte sisters from the text?A. Their no vels in te

37、rested few p ublishers.B. None of them had more tha n two books p ublished.C. None of them lived Ion ger tha n 40 years old.D. Emily was the least successful of the three.BHow could we possibly think that keeping animals in cages in unnatural environments mostly for en terta inment purpo ses is fair

38、 and resp ectful?Zoo officials say they are concerned about ani mals. However, most zoos rema in“ collections of interesting“ things rather than protective habitats(栖息地).Zoos teach peoplethat it is acce ptable to kee p an imals bored, l on ely, and far from their n atural homes.Zoos claim(声称)to educ

39、ate people and save endangered species(物种),but visitors leave zoos without hav ing lear ned anything mea nin gful about the ani mals n atural behavior, i ntellige nee,or beauty. Zoos kee p ani mals in small sp aces or cages, and most sig ns only men ti on the sp ecies name, diet, and natural range(分

40、布区).The animals normal behavior is seldom noticed because zoos don t usually take care of the animals natural needs.opportunity forbehavior calledani mals kept inThe animals are kept together in small spaces, with no privacy and little mental and physical exercise. This results in unusually and self

41、-destructive zoochosis. A worldwide study of zoos found that zoochosis is com mon among small sp aces or cages. Ano ther study showed that ele phants spend 22 percent of their time making rep eated head moveme nts or bit ing cage bars, and bears spend 30 percent of their time walk ing back and forth

42、, a sig n of unhappin ess and pain.Furthermore, most animals in zoos are not endangered. Captive breeding(圈养繁殖)of endan gered big cats. Asia n ele phan ts, and other sp ecies has not resulted in their being sent back to the wild. Zoos talk a lot about their cap tive breedi ng p rograms because they

43、do not want people to worry about a species dying out. In fact, baby animals also attract a lot of paying customers.Haven t we see n eno ugh comp etiti ons to n ame baby ani mals?Actually, we will save endan gered sp ecies only if we save their habitats and put an end to the reas ons people kill the

44、m. In stead of supporting zoos, we should support groups that work to p rotect ani mals n atural habitats.71 .How would the author describe the ani malsA . Dan gerous. B . Unhappy.C .In the state of zoochosis, animals.A . rema in in cagesB .C . attack other ani malsD .life in zoos?Natural.D . Easy.7

45、2.73.What does the author try to argue in the p assage? A .B .C .Zoos are not worth the p ublic supp ort.Zoos fail in their atte mpt to save ani mals.Zoos should treat ani mals as huma n bein gs.Zoos use ani mals as a mea ns of en terta inment.74.D.The author tries to p ersuade readers to acce pt hi

46、s argume nt mainly byA.B.C.D.pointing out the faults in what zoos do using evide nee he has collected at zoos questi oning the way ani mals are p rotected discuss ing the adva ntages of n atural habitatsbehave stra ngely enjoy movi ng around75.Although he argues aga inst zoos, the author would still

47、 agree thatA.B.C .zoos have to kee p ani mals in small cagesmost ani mals in zoos are endan gered sp eciessome endan gered ani mals are rep roduced in zoosit s acceptable to keep animals away from their habitatsCA university graduate described as a “ respectableand intelligentwoman is seekingpro fes

48、si onal help after being con victed of(证明有 罪) shop lift ing for the sec ond time in sixmon ths.Ana Luz, rece ntly study ing for her PhD, has bee n told she could end up behi nd bars uni ess she can con trol the desire to steal from shops.Luz ,who lives with her partner in Fitzwilliam Road ,Cambridge

49、 ,admitted steali ng clothes worth 9.95 from John Lewis in Oxford Street London ,on March 9.P hilli p Lem oyne ,p rosecut ing (起诉),said Luz selected some clothes from a dis play and took them to the ladies toilet in the store .Whe n she came out aga in she was weari ng one of the skirts she had sele

50、cted ,having taken off the anti-theft security alarms (防盗警报装置)She was stopped and caught after leavi ng the store without paying, Mr. Lem oyne said.He added that she was up set on her arrest and apo logized for her actions.Luz, 28, was said to have bee n con victed of sho plift ing by Cambridge judg

51、es last October, but Morag Duff, defe nding, said she had n ever bee n in trouble with the p olice before that.“ She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesn t really have any explanation why she did this,Miss Duff said.“ She did n t intend to steal whe n she went into tSestaret.a loss to exp lai nit. S

52、he is otherwise a very respectable and intelligent young lady .She went to her doctor and asked for advice because she wants to know if there is anything in p articular that caused her to do this. ”Judge David Azan fined Luz 50, and warned :“Youotve criminal record .If youcarry on like this, you wil

53、l end up in prison, which will ruin your bright future you may have.Luz achieved a degree in design at university in her native university in Berlin , Germany for her master ctegree and is Cambridge Uni versity ,UK.76.Spain ,went on to a now studying for afamousPhD at78.What is Ana Luz s nationality

54、?A . American.B . British.What does the un derl ined sentenceA.B.C.D.C. Spanish.“ She is at a loss to explain itIn her opinion it was a loss to the clothes shops where she stole things . She doesn t have adea why she has the desire to steal from shops . She thinks it is a loss for her to explain why

55、 she stole things from shops. Person ally she feels ashamed and embarrassed for her shop lift ing actions.“ shop lift ingD. German.” mea n?Which of the following best explains the meaning of the wordpassage?A . Carrying goods in a lift for a shop.B . Taking goods to the ladiesused in thetoilet.C . S

56、elect ing some goods from a dis pl ay.D . Taking goods from a shop without paying.89.80.TheFrom the p assage we can lear n that.Ana Luz is already got her PhD at Cambridge Uni versity, UKAna Luz is ashamed and embarrassed and knows why she ofte n did sothe uni versity graduate will be put in prison if she steals in shops once morePhillip Lemoyne is the“ respreCliaitteeligent” woman s de


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