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1、Unit 8,Is there a post office near here,Section A,Grammar,LEAD IN,01,on the left/right,next to,in front of,behind,betweenand,across from,在左,右边,在的旁边,紧挨着,在前面,在后面,在和之间,在的对面,4,Look at the map, then make conversations,with your partner. One ask for how to get,to the place, the other gives directions,Is t

2、here a,supermarket,near here,No, there isnt,Grammar Focus,Is there a bank near here,Are there any restaurants near here,Yes, there is. Its on Center Street,Yes, theres one in front of the post office,Grammar Focus,02,Its behind the police station,Its next to the post office,Wheres the hotel,Wheres t

3、he bank,Wheres the park,Where are the pay phones,Its across from the bank, behind the hotel,Theyre between the post office and the library,一,There be,结构,There be,表示“某地或某时有某人或某物,其特点有三个,1,该句型的否定句是在,be,动词的后面加,not,例,桌子上没有书,There arent any books on the desk,2,该句型的一般疑问句要将,be,动词提到,there,之前,肯定回答,Yes, there

4、+ be,的适当形式,否定回答,No, there + be,的适当形式,not,例,这儿附近有银行吗?(作肯否回答,Is there a bank in the neighborhood,Yes, there is. / No, there isnt,3,该句型中,be,动词人称或数变化与离它最近的名词,保持一致。有两个或更多的名词,be,动词要与它最,靠近的名词保持一致,即遵循,就近原则,例,在我的铅笔盒里有两支铅笔和一支钢笔,There _ two pencils and a pen in my pencil-case,There _ a pen and two pencils in m

5、y pencil-case,are,is,Group work,03,restaurant,hotel,hospital,post office,bank,Look at the map and answer the questions,Where is the hotel,restaurant,police,station,hospital,post office,bank,Where is the hospital,restaurant,police,station,hotel,bank,Where is the supermarket,restaurant,police,station,

6、hotel,hospital,bank,Where is the bank,restaurant,police,station,hotel,hospital,Where is the pay phone,Is it next to,the hotel,Is it the,park,Yes, it is,Yes, it is,Exercise,04,Exercise,根据所给汉语完成句子,1,桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔,There _ a book and two pens on the desk,2,钱包里有些钱,There _ some money in the wallet,3,在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片,_ _ some cards in Jims bag,is,is,There are,4,里面还有其他的东西吗,_ _ anything else in it,5,我们学校有许多学生,There _ many _ in our school,6,谁正坐在你的右边,Who is sitting _


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