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1、名言大全希望对您有帮助,谢谢关于家庭的名人名言英语导读:本文是关于关于家庭的名人名言英语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、生命因关爱而美丽,人间因感恩而和谐。lifeisbeautifulbecauseoflove,andtheworldis harmonious because of gratitude.2、母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。mother is not the person to rely on, but the person to make dependence unnecessary.3、家,是每个人值得依靠的地方,家是每个孩子成长的摇篮,是每个孩

2、子栖息的港湾。home is everyones place to depend on. home is the cradle of every childs growth and the harbor where every child lives.4、家家都有一本难念的经。every family has a difficult experience.5、嫁人不仅是嫁给一个男人,也是嫁给一个家庭。marry not only to a man, but also to a family.6、家庭乃是社会之缩影,事实上,家庭是具有自发维持能力的最小社会。family is the epito

3、me of society. in fact, family is thesmallest society with self-sustaining ability.7、治家严,家乃和;居乡恕,乡乃睦。rule the family strictly, the family is peaceful; live in the home forgiveness, the home is harmonious.8、亲人不睦家必败。if family members do not live in harmony, they will lose. 9、养成教育与终身学习是家教工作永恒的主题。nurtur

4、ing education and lifelong learning are the eternal themes of family education.10、普通人啊。生在普通家庭,长在普通家庭,一张普通的脸,普通的成绩,想普通的事情。ordinary people. born in an ordinary family, grew up in an ordinary family, an ordinary face, ordinary achievements, think about ordinary things.11、学前教育更要重视孩子良好习惯的养成。pre-school ed

5、ucation should pay more attention to the cultivation of childrens good habits.12、家的现代概念是:人从车库里出来后要去的地方。the modern concept of home is where people go when they come out of the garage.13、我不想家庭是从说谎开始的,这令人厌恶。i dont want families to start by lying. its disgusting.14、人生即是一个要独立的过程,只有脚踏实地地走,才能留下一条属于自己生命的轨迹。

6、life is a process of independence. only by walking down to earth can we leave a track of our own life.15、会破坏别人家庭的第三者,不要指望他/她能和你组成一个美满新家庭。do not expect a third person who will destroy someone elses family to form a happy new family with you.16、我原来以为我会撑起整个家庭,后来才明白,是整个家庭撑起了我。i thought i would support t

7、he whole family, but later i realized that it was the whole family that supported me.17、用阳光的心态培养具有阳光心灵的孩子。raisechildrenwithasunnyheartwithasunshine mentality.18、不要用玫瑰的标准去苛求全世界的花朵,要让每一朵花都绽放出自己独特的色彩和芬芳!do not use the standard of roses to demanding the flowers of the world, let each flower blossom its

8、own unique color and fragrance!19、你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。the family you will have is more important than the oneyou came from.20、幸福的家庭都是相似的;不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。happy families are all alike; unhappy families have theirown misfortunes.21、有德的妇人,即使容貌丑陋,也是家庭的装饰。a virtuous woman, even if she looks ugly, is also a de

9、coration for her family.22、我宁愿用一小杯真善美来组织一个美满的家庭,不愿用几大船家具组织一个索然无味的家庭。i would rather organize a happy family with a small cup of truth, goodness and beauty than a dull family with a few big boats of furniture.23、管理一个家庭的麻烦,并不少于治理一个国家。thetroubleofmanagingafamilyisnotlessthan governing a country.24、结婚以后对

10、于一个男人来说不仅仅是成立了一个家庭,更重要的是从此以后你的肩膀上多了责任二字。after marriage, for a man, it is not only a family, but more importantly, you have more responsibilities on your shoulders since then.25、忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身。worry can rejuvenate the country, leisure can die.26、什么叫家?一个当你想回去而别人不能拒你于门外的地方。what is home? a place where yo

11、u cant be refused when you want to go back.27、一个正在旅游中的家庭,有许多机会同别国人民的家庭接触。“人民访问人民”正是提供了这样的一种机会。a family on tour has many opportunities to contact families of other people. people visit people provides such an opportunity.28、清官难断家务事。housekeeping is difficult for a clean official.29、对媳妇好点,她也是家人,家庭和睦才能幸

12、福。be kind to your daughter-in-law, she is also a family, family harmony can be happy.30、没有母亲,何谓家庭?what is a family without a mother? 31、家教宽中有严,家人一世安然。family education is strict and lenient, and family life is safe and sound.32、家和贫也足,不义富多扰。familyandpovertyarealsoplentiful,and unrighteousness and weal

13、th are troublesome.33、家庭是文明的核心。family is the core of civilization.34、一个幸福的家庭,一定是因为有了一个懂得何时糊涂的聪明女人。她就是决定一个家庭是否能幸福和睦的关键所在。a happy family must be because of a smart woman who knows when to be confused. she is the key to the happiness and harmony of a family.“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage

14、. minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. in every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. as a professional clerical and teaching position, i understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up


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