1、精品教学教案设计I Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第学期育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰一任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校q %宀紐八二V:无工-a1 -.二-pi厂二一 J :-,“丿- j-i =_a*応;j 精品教学教案设计 | Excellent teaching plan育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰Unit 4 School lifeReading Period 1Students in Grade 7Part1 Analysis of teaching materialThe teaching material wh
2、ich I am going to talk about is the firstlesson in Reading, Unit 4. It s the further comprehension on the basis ofEddie s and Millie s daily activities. The lesson tells us that Millie writes a letter to her online friend about her school life. From this lesson, students can not only get some more w
3、ords about daily activities, but also master some sentences to talk about school life. learning interestThe purpose of this lesson is to arouse students develop their basic reading skills - skimming and scanning. It is also good for students to try to look for key words and the main points with the
4、aim of remembering and understanding better. The students are expected to be able to organize ideas to write their own daily activities in school.Part2 Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: At the end of the lesson,the students can master some useful words and phrases, such as practise, exercise, chat with.m
5、aster some key sentence patterns, such as practise after school onWednesday afternoon;learn how Millie spends her school day at school;Ability aims: At the end of the lesson,the students can improve the ability of getting information by reading, listening, speaking and reading; improve the ability o
6、f describing the school life;EaEmotion aims:to arouse students interesrnt ingleEanglish;to make students have good cooperation and self-confidence;to make students have active attitudes towards their school lives and study and foster their love for life;Part3 Teaching emphasis and difficultiesEmphas
7、is: to improve the ability of getting information by reading and listening;Difficulties : to catch the detailed information by using different reading skills;try to talk about the school life using some words orexpressions;Part4 Teaching design thinkingThis period is taken from the first period of R
8、eading, which requires students to catch useful information and master some reading skills.During the teaching process, students can enjoy some pictures to arouse their interest and lead in the theme first. Then they can catch detailed information by using different reading skills. At last, students
9、 can try to talk about Millie s school life and talk about their daily school lives. I canalso in troduce some other read ing skills for differe nt readi ng tasks.P art5 Teachi ng methodsTask-based teach ing method/ Communi cative teach ing methodAudio-visual method / Coop erative methodPart6 Teachi
10、ng aids: a multi-media computer, a tape reorder and ablackboard. The teachi ng aids can make the class lively and formstudents iciefft competenee in using the Ianguage.Part7 Teachi ng p roceduresStepi Lead-i nPlay a short video about our school life. Students can say somewords and phrases about it.
11、I can show some pictures to sum up theactivities they often do at school, as well as some words, such as: domorni ng exercises, start less ons.The purpose is to pay atte nti on to teach ing vocabulary in situati onand arouse stude ntsin terest in school activities and time.Step2 p re-readi ngFirstly
12、 , I will ask students to listen to the email and answer thefollowi ng questi on: Whats the email about? It has four choices.Secondly, I will ask the students to listen again and match eachp aragra ph with right main idea.P ara.1Millies school activitiesP ara.2MillieieridsP ara.4Millie s schoolPara.
13、3Millie s and her friends -school activitiesSte p3 while-readi ng :Para 1 : Students can read it together and answer:Does Millie like her school very much?Para 2 : Read after the tape and do the true or false exercise. They need to correct the mistakes over the senten ces.The n read them together. P
14、ay atte nti on to their pronun ciati on and inton atio n.Senten ces:1. Millieschool starts at 7:30 in the morning.2. Usually Millie has lessons first.3. Millie favourite subject is English.4. Millie good at Maths.5. Her lessons begin at 8:15.Para 3 : Students can read it by themselves and answer the
15、m:What do they ofte n do after class?How are all her frien ds?Para 4 : Students can work in pairs and fill the blanks.Millie goes to the school l every day. She goes to thev . Millie is a mReadi ng Cevery Tand T. She also likes p lay ingof the school volleyball team. Shepafter school on Wedn esday a
16、fter noon.If stude nts behave well, I will give a small p rese nt for p raise.The purp ose is to devel op stude nts ability of sca nning and improve theircomp rehe nsion of the email.Ste p4 P ost-readi ngFirstly , ask students to reread the email and review the content they havelearned. Work in grou
17、ps and use the key words to say something aboutMillie s school life with partners.Model: Dear Tommy,Now I am I /Our school Usually we Our lessonsMy favourite/ I have TheyAfter class, weSometimes my friends we have Weoften also I aminWeBest wishesMillieSecon dly, I will ask stude nts to talk about th
18、eir own school life throughthe mai n structure. Arra nge p ara. 1 to Group1, p ara. 2 to Group2, p ara. 3to Group3, p ara. 4 to Group4. Each gro up can talk the mai n idea withpartners.P ara.1My schoolPara.2My school activitiesPara.3My friendsP ara.4Our after-school activitiess answer is right,We can take the form of competition. If a g
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