



1、一用所给动词的正确形式填空(动词的形式:原形;三单;动词不定式;动名词) 1. he often(go) to the english corner.2. he(like)(speak) english at the english corner. 3. ann(have) many friends here in china.5. liu ting doesnt(like) english at all. she seldom(speak) english there.4. my parents(be) both office workers.6. maria is a student. s

2、he(study) in a school in beijing now. 7. -jane( live) in england?8. michael( not like)(eat ) some chicken.9. kangkangs father(be not) a teacher.10. why not(say ) it in english? 11. lets( go)(shop). 12. what about(drink ) a cup of tea?13. what do you want(do )? i want(visit) my uncle .14. joe is my s

3、ister. she(like)(play) basketball very much. 15. my mother(tell) me(do ) my homework at once.16. i am glad(meet )you here in china.17. may i(study ) chinese with you, kangkang? 18. could you please(tell) me your name?19. what can i(do) for you?20. may i(use) your bike ? 21. could you please( study )

4、 english with me ?22. let me ( help) you(study) english.23. our english teacher(make) us(read ) the dialog loudly 24. lets(begin ) our class.25.(not) watch tv.26. please(bring) my bag here. 27. would you like something(eat)?28. hed like a cup of tea(drink)29. there are some(bus ) in the picture.二用所给

5、单词的正确形式填空(代词形式变化,名词单复数形式变化,动词名词之间变化,名词和形容词之间变化,动词形式变化,形容词和副词之间变化, 肯定形式与否定形式间的变化)1. help( you) to some chicken , kids.2. what do you think of the english corner? it is(help) to us.4. he is a(work). he(work) in a factory.3. they are my(friend). they are very(friend) to me.5. my father is a(teach). he(

6、teach) in a high school.6. look, they are all(farm)? 7. may i have some( noodle)8. who are the(man) on the sofa?9. they work on the -_-(farm)10. jane , help (you) to some meat .11. he lives in, he speaks(england) 12. lisa , can you help(i )(find ) my bag ? 13. whose dress is this? oh , its(me )14. i

7、 d like a glass of water.(i) , too. 15. two hamburgers for(he),please.16. this is(she) shirt, -( you) is blue.17. there are five(people) in my family. 18. there are 30( class) in our school.19. do you have any(friend) here in china? 20. sorry , i dont have(some) pens.21. would you like(some )rice an

8、d chicken? 22. i live in, i am(china)23. yao ming is a basketball(play). he plays basketball very(good ).i. 词汇。a) 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。21. jims father isnt very old. hes(四十) now.22. dont(着急). your friends can help you.23. the students(需要) some pens and pencils at school. 24. this pencil-box looks

9、very small, but its very(重的).25. the(盐) and the white sugar look almost the same.b) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。fat, buy, mouse, list, aunt26. myworks in a big hospital.27. i see manyin the old house. 28. mom, pleasea pen for me.29. hi, ann! this is my shopping.30. jane is akid. she often eats too much

10、 food.ii. 从 a、b、c 三个选项中选择最佳选项。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ( ) 31. whats thirty and sixty? a. theyre ninety. b. its nineteen. c. its ninety. ( ) 32. , sir? yes. i want some sugar.a. excuse me b. how do you doc. can i help you ( ) 33. how muchthe hamburgers? $15.a. are; theyreb. is; itsc. has; theyre ( ) 34. bot

11、tles of milk do you buy? two.a. how manyb. how muchc. how old ( ) 35. how do you like this shirt? a. fine, thank you. b. its nice.c. thats all right. ( ) 36. can you run over to the store tosome vegetables?a. pick upb. eat upc. make up( ) 37. mrs white buysthings in the store every day.a. a littleb.

12、 a fewc. much( ) 38. wheres jack? i dont know. a. thanks all the same.b. youre good.c. thats bad (糟糕的). ( ) 39. i like the pants very much. can i?a. try on it b. try it on c. try them on ( ) 40. mr smith buysfor his family.分,共10分)a. three kilos of sugars b. three kilos of sugar c. three kilo of suga

13、r iii. 完形填空。(每小题 1a shopkeeper (店主) goes around his shop. he 41 a young man at the table. the young mandoesnt work,42 smokes (吸烟).the shopkeeper asks (问), “ 43 do you get a week?”“six hundred a week,” the young 44 answers. the shopkeeper gives six hundred 45 him. “ 46 your money. dont come back here

14、,” says the shopkeeper. the young man 47 the money and runs away. he looks very happy. the shopkeeper talks to the manager (经理), “ 48 do you have that young man work here? he doesnt work, and always (总是) 49 .” the manager says, “he doesnt work in our shop. hes here to 50 something. hes waiting for h

15、is shirt.”( ) 41. a. looks at b. sees c. looks ( ) 42. a. andb. orc. but( ) 43. a. how many b. how muchc. what ( ) 44. a. girlb. boyc. man( ) 45. a. forb. toc. from ( ) 46. a. here are b. here isc. there is ( ) 47. a. takesb. brings c. gives( ) 48. a. where b. what c. why ( ) 49. a. smokes b. eats c

16、. speaks ( ) 50. a. sell b. get c. have“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage. minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. in every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. as a professional clerical and teaching position, i understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employ


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