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1、Unit 7 School Clubs 一、 教材分析本单元围绕着“学校社团”为话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。通过阅读一篇Linda和Leo 参观学校社团展示会的短文,了解学校的社团文化;同时在听说读写中引导学生掌握一般过去时。二、 教学对象分析1. 学生对于“学校社团”有一定的了解,有利于开展本单元的各项听说读写任务。2. 学生对于一般过去时的用法其实并不陌生,在小学已经接触过,只是没有进行专项的归纳性学习。在本单元,教师可以系统地帮助学生温故而知新,引导学生在一定的语境中熟练运用If 引导的条件状语从句。三、 单元教学目标1.认知目标学习水平学习内容学习水平的描述语音1. 辅音/t/,

2、/d/,/id/的拼读规则。2. 能流利地朗读课文及与课文水平相当的短文, 语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。词汇1. 重点词汇名词:ant;bee, buttery, fair, haedline, information, photography, power, rocket, skill;动词:attend, disappear, launch, teach, 形容词:amazing, boring, recent, solar, surprised,;代词:another:词组:all the way, learn about, look up, of course, remote

3、control专有名词:Green, Leo, Linda语言技能reading通过阅读一篇Linda和Leo 参观学校社团展示会的短文,了解学校的社团文化;在阅读过程中接触一般过去时这一语法现象,为语法学习作好准备。listening听听两位老师介绍各自带教的社团,捕捉关键信息,完成社团信息表。speaking通过对子活动,了解其他同学参与社团活动的情况及对社团活动的看法。writing了解海报的“四要素”,发挥想像力和创造力,为昆虫社团设计宣传海报。学习策略通过集体合作,发挥个人特长,设计有创意的海报。掌握在图书馆中查找图书的基本方法。文化意识了解中外学生夏令营的情况。情感态度鼓励学生参与

4、丰富多彩的校园文化生活,培养积极进取的兴趣爱好,扩大求知领域,锻炼交往能力。 实用英语学习如何在图书馆中查找图书。 Useful sentences1. Come and join the Solar Power Club.2. Thats amazing.3. I had an exciting time a school yesterday!4. Tell me about it?5. Me too!6. Which club did you go to last week?7. I was so excited that I could not sleep.8. We really en

5、joyed ourselves.9. I cannot wait for2能力发展目标:1)能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语法。2)在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,在写作中句型使文章更连贯和流畅。3)通过指导学生在模拟交际中运用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。四、单元教学重点1.学生熟练掌握重点词汇18个,短语5个 2.指导学生利用所学句型正确表达思想、进行交际活动。 3.指导学生归纳一般过去时并在实践中熟练运用它们。五、单元教学重点 1. 通过形式多样的课堂活动与任务,帮助学生完成阅读理解、听力理解等学习任务。 2. 引导学生积

6、极主动地探究学习,从教材以外的渠道去了解与本单元主题相关的文化背景信息、资料等,并且与同学进行相互交流,顺利开展包括口头汇报、写作展示等拓展活动,培养学生探究学习、自主学习、合作学习的能力。六、教学策略 1.在教学中,教师应积极设情景引入,配合媒体、表情、动作、进行视听说演示,激发学生兴趣。 2.教师应采用有利于学生学习的教学方法,善于引用学生通过阅读或观察、比较对比知识进行归纳总结。增加学习内容的复现和巩固练习、及时反馈学习情况。 3.教师应该根据自己学生的具体情况对教材进行整合,精讲精练,调动学生的学习兴趣,使他们积极参加参与课堂各种学习活动。在阅读的过程中,教师指导学生培养阅读策略与技能

7、及写作过程中的写作技巧训练。七、媒体的选择与设计 1. 充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如课本,教师的身体语言、板书的作用。 2. 适时、合理地使用计算机多媒体或电子白板,增大课堂的容量,更好地辅助课堂教学。八、各课时教学内容安排建议课 时教学内容及课型教学目标及简单教学环节设计第1课时Reading ASeasons(阅读课)一、 定位:input-based, 阅读理解为主。二、 教学目标:语言知识1、 认识和理解单词amazing, another, attend, disappear, fair, power, rocket, surprised, teach 以及短语:all the

8、way, learn about, of course, remote control等, 认识单词launch, photography, solar等。2、 通过阅读,了解Rosie Bridge School丰富的社团活动,熟悉一般过去时的基本结构。语言技能:1.通过阅读标题和图片,预测主阅读篇章的话题和大致内容。2.通过略读和找读等阅读策略逐步深入理解课文。情感态度:了解学校各类社团活动,培养参与学校社团的积极性。教学重点:了解如何介绍社团及其开展的活动。教学难点:根据上下文语境猜测生词的意思。.教学环节设计:Step1.Leading-in1)Free talk.Get Ss to

9、look at the pictures on page 86, Ask Ss to get a general idea of the topic of this unit?(Finish exercise A1 on page 86)Tell Ss here is a poster of the Clubs Fair at Rosie Bridge School.Ask:Q1:Do you know what clubs they are?2) Brain-stroming:Ask: What do you know about?Get Ss to learn some new words

10、 by showing some pictures(Photography, solar, Rocket, Power, fair and so on).Q2:What clubs do you have at your school?Make a list.3)Check the answers.Step2.Pre-readinga) Ask Ss to Look at the picture and the title of the article on P87. Then answer the questions below.1.What is the article about: fa

11、mily life or school life?2.How many clubs can you find in the article?b)Vocabulary presentation: Get Ss to learn some new words by showing some pictures(.another, attended, disappeared, surprised)c)Cocabulary exercise:Get Ss to finish exercise C1and C2 on page 88 to consolidate the new words.Step3.

12、While- reading1)First reading: Tell Ss to read the text quickly and finish exercise (双语报B1版:走进课文题目).2)Second reading: Read the text again and complete exercise D1 and D2 on page 89.3)Chect the answers.Step4.Post-readinga) Discussion explain(group work): Get Ss to Discuss: Which club would you like t

13、o join? Discuss this with your classmates and give your reasons. (finish exercise D3 on page89)Step5.Learning lagnuage points:a.Deal with some useful phrases and expressions in the passage. Guide the Ss to learn and use them in their own speaking and writing.1)attend, 拓展: join +sb;join in+组织; take p

14、art in +活动/比赛2)learn about:了解; 拓展:learn of:听说3)disappear 意为“消失”,相当于be gone. 拓展:appear “出现”4) surprised ,surprising ,拓展:amazedamazingfrightened,frightening,interested,interestingtep6.Summary.Get Ss to Summarize what theyve learned.Step7.Homework:(1) Finish the exercises in Students Times. (2) Finish

15、the Reading exercises in Book B.第2课时Listening (听力课)一、定位:input-based, 听力理解为主。二、 二、教学目标:三、 语言知识四、 1.认读和理解单词boring, skill等。五、 2。掌握一般过去时的基本结构。六、 语言技能1通过听力提升捕捉关键信息的能力。情感态度:了解丰富的社团活动能够帮助学生充实生活,建立同伴间的友谊。教学重点:以对话形式谈论社团活动。教学难点:训练听力中边听边记录关键信息的能力三、教学环节设计:Step1. RevisionGet a student to say something about Our

16、School Club.Step2. Pre-listeningAsk Ss:Q1:If you are going to join a school club, which would you like to join?Q2:Besides your interest, what should you think about before join a school club?1 Vocabulary presentation: Get Ss to learn some new words by showing some pictures.( boring, skill)2 listenin

17、g tips: When listening, Wacth the important words, such as names, times and numbers.Step3.While listening 1)Get the Ss to listen to Sarah talking about three cities in Asia. Where can you find these places things, Write the letters in the correct boxes. (finish Exercise A and B on page 76)2) Play th

18、e recording again for the Ss to listen and complete the table (Get students to practice the strategy. Focus on the listening strategy: listening of key words)3)Check the answers.Step4.Post- listening Listening Book B1) Get the Ss to read through the questions in A1、A2 on page 98 first.2) Play the re

19、cording for the Ss to listen and finish A 1, A2 on page 98)3) Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and finish B on page 99 on their own. (Focus on the listening strategy: listening of key words.)4) Play the tape again and Check the answers to B on page 99 in class.Step 5:.Summary: Ask the S

20、s tu summarize what we have learned today.Step6.Homework A Finish related exercises in Students Times.第3课时Language(语法课)一、定位:practice -based,启发学生, 归纳语言知识,开展各层次、强化性和综合性练习,多种技能结合训练, 以练为主。二、教学目标:语言知识1.学习一般过去时的用法以及动词过去式的规则与不规则变化。语言技能:1.运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。情感态度:通过了解社团活动,增强对校园生活的热爱。教学重点:掌握一般过去时的意义和用法。教学难点:掌握动

21、词过去式的规则与不规则变化。学习策略:培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力三、 教学环节设计:1.RevisionCheck Ss homework of listening.Ask Ss to fill in the missing words of the shortened story “ What a day!”2.Language A: The simple past tenseAsk Ss to obverse Reading A, carefully and find out what tense is used to describe things happened in

22、 the past.Ask Ss to tell the structure and functions of the simple past tense, then show Ss some typical example sentences of the simple past tense. Tell Ss to pay attention to the rules of regular simple past tense forms of verbs and try to memorize the irregular ones.Get Ss to understand how to as

23、k and anwer Yes/No question in the simple past tense.Get Ss to finish exercise on page 92 and check answers.3. Language B: Time expressions with the simple past tense Ask Ss to tell the typical time expressions of the simple past tense and then help Ss to summarize.Finish the correspondent exercises

24、 in page93.4. More practiceAsk Ss to finish exercises of Book B Unit 7 grammar exercises.(page111-113)Oral practice. Ss tell in groups using the simple past tense: My yesterday 5. SummaryAsk Ss to summarize the structure, functions and some typical time expressions of the simple past tense.6.Homewor

25、kFinish some paper exercises of the simple past tense. Book B Unit 3 language exercises.第4课时Speaking (口语课)一、定位:output-based, 说为主。二、教学目标:语言知识: 1. 学习辅音/t/, /d/,/id/的发音方法和拼读规则。语言技能:1、识别含有辅音/t/, /d/,/id/的单词。2、流利地朗读单词和韵文。教学重点:辅音/t/, /d/,/id/的音和形。教学难点:含有辅音/t/, /d/,/id/这5个音标的单词的辨读。三、教学环节设计:Step1.Talk Bar G

26、et some Ss to talk about School Clubs using 6-8 sentences. Step2. Speaking A-Talk time(1) Get the Ss to pronounce the following phonetic signs correctly: /t/, /d/,/id/ (2) Play the tape for Ss to follow it and say the words aloud.(Ex. A and A1)(3) Ex.A2-Ss listen to the tape and add the words to box

27、es in Ex A2.Step3. Speak up(Pair work)(1) In pairs, talk about the clubs on your school. Follow the exampleS1:Which club did you go to last week?S2:I went to the Computer Club.S1:When did you meet?S2:We met on Monday afternoon,S1:Where did you meet?.S2:We met in Room 201.S1:What did you do at the cl

28、ub?S2:We learnt some computer skills.S1:Did you like the club?S2:Yes, I did. It was very interesting.(No, I didnt. It was boring.Step4.Consolidation: Finish Exercise p116 in Book B.Step5. Homework Some related exercise on Student Times.第5课时Writing 一、定位:output-based,以写和说为主。二、教学目标:语言知识:七、 巩固If 引导的条件状语

29、从句的结构和用法。八、 语言技能综合运用本单元所学内容编写旅游指南,制定旅游计划。情感态度:初步了解“世界遗产”的相关知识,培养尊重并保护自然资源和人类文明的意识,以及培养对祖国丰富的历史文化遗产的崇敬和自豪之情。教学重点:综合运用本单元所学内容编写旅游指南,制定旅游计划。教学难点:构建“蛛网图”,规则写作内容。三、教学环节设计: Step 1:pair worka)In pairs, get Ss to look at the photos on page81 and discuss How to write a Travel Guide about Shanghai, ask Ss som

30、e questions:Q1:Where to go shopping and what to buy?Q2:Where and what to eat?Q3:What to visit?b)Ask Ss:If you are asked to write a Travel Guide about Shanghai,what will you write?Q1:Where to go shopping and what to buy?Where and what to eat?What places of interest to visit?a) Get Ss to complete the

31、travel guide about Shanghai by using the notes.Get Ss to try to use this sentence structure:If you go to, youStep2: group work:Get Ss to make a travel guide similar to the one in A. Write about some interesting places to visit in your city. Include some photos in your travel guide.Use the picture an

32、d the notes on page81 to help you.Step3:ExerciseGet Ss to use the example to write a write the topic:”My favourite city”,You can start like the model on page 104.in Book B.Step4:. SummaryHelp the Ss to summarize what they have learned in this unit.Step 5:Homework 1. Go over this unit and get ready f

33、or the unit test.2. Finish exercise on page 81 and the exercise on page104 in Book B.第6课时More practice A (拓展课)(Optional)一、定位:input-based,本课可作弹性选择, 可定位为泛听材料,也可定位为泛读材料。二、教学目标:通过听力与阅读训练,增补与本单元主题相关的材料,帮助学生了解更多有关月球旅馆的信息。三、教学环节设计:Step1. RevisionCheck the homework assigned the day before.Step2. Leading-in (2) Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess:Which city is it?Hong KongA wonderful place to visit(3) some questions


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