



1、Lesson 15订机票273 Imcallingaboutflights to Toronto.我打电话想问一下飞往多伦多的班机情况。274 Idlike to travel aroundthe 10th of May, returning onthe 15th.我想五月十日左右启程,十五日回来。275 Have you got anything on those dates?这些日期的机票有吗?276 There is availability to Toronto on Air Canada on the 11th.加航班在11 日有班机去多伦多。277 Andtheresaweeken

2、dspecial fare.而且周末有特价。278 If you go on Fridaythe11thand come back on nextFridaythe 18th , the returnfare is only 2000 dollars for one.如果你 11 日星期五去,下星期五18 日回来,双程票价每人只需2000 美元。279 Could you tell me the time of the flight, please ?你能告诉我班机的时间吗?280 Would youpreferawindow , aisleorcenterseat ?您比较喜欢靠窗、靠走道还

3、是中间的座位?281 Will you pay bycheque or in cash?您付支票还是现金?282 And the expiration date?还有有效期呢?283 When would you like to collect your ticket?您希望何时取票?284 Ill pop in next week if thats okay.如果可以,我下周来取票。285 But it must be collected not later than 8 00 a.m the 11th.但是不能晚于 11 日上午8 点取票。286 Have you got any seat

4、s left on the 15th at 7 30 a m to Chicago ?15 日上午 7 30 去芝加哥还有机位吗?287 Do you want to fly first or economy class?您要订头等舱还是经济舱?289 Will this be a oneway trip?是单程票吗?290 Do you have any direct flights coming back?你们是否有直飞回来的班机呢?291 Your seats are confirmed on those two flights.您的座位在两个班机上都已确认。292 Is there a later flight this evening?今晚还有晚一点儿的班机吗?293 Can you change the reservation, then , please ?用心爱心专心1那么,请改一下其他的机票好吗?294 Cancel the ticketforFlightAF374, and book one seaton FlightAF 376 to Paris.取消 AF374 机票,再订一下去巴黎的AF376 班机机票。295


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