



1、周春情的词汇课教学反思学科英语年级小学三年级教学形式新授课教师 周春情单位河源市第一小学课题名称PEP英语三年上册Unit4 B Lets learn教学反思反思要点:可从教学过程及效果、预设与生成,关键教学事件、优点与不足之处等方面进行分析教学目标:1、 能听、说、认读单词:zoo, bird, panda, tiger, elephant, monkey。2、 能听懂 “Act like a/an ”的指令,并能做出相应动作。教学重难点:1、重点:学习单词:zoo, bird, panda, tiger, elephant, monkey。2、难点:认读单词:zoo, bird, pand

2、a, tiger, elephant, monkey让学生建立音与字母的意识。教学过程:Step1. Free talk.1) Nice to meet you, boys and girls. Good morning. Now Im your new English teacher. You can call me Mavis or Miss Zhou. Hello, boys and girls. (S: Hello! Miss Zhou)2)Please look at the picture(A picture of Old MacDonal had a farm). What do

3、 you see in this picture? S: I see a pig. I see a T: Pretty good! I also see an old man! He has a big farm. Lets have a look at his farm.(播放 “Old MacDonal had a farm ”)T: Do you like these animals? Me, too. Now please look at this picture. (Review “Whats this? Its a cat. dog, duck, pig, bear”) Wow.

4、You did a good job.Step2. Lead-in.1) I like these animals on Old MacDonals farm very much. Lets go to another place to see more animals. Please look at this picture. You can also see this picture on your book. Please open your book and turn to Page 42. Its a zoo. What do you see in this picture?S1:

5、I seeS2:I see Well, not bad.在这一环节进行的过程中学生每说一个动物单词就出示一张没有单词的动物图片,巩固音和义的关系。2) Here is another zoo. Look! What do you see in that zoo? (第10张PPT)S: elephant /bird/T: How many elephants?S: One. T: Yes, an elephant (repeat), one elephant.(并做一个的手势)Step3. Presentation and practice.1) I have a favorite zoo.

6、Do you want to know? Now, lets have a look.PPT逐个呈现五个动物单词,用齐读或带读的方式确保孩子们能准确读出每个单词。2)(单独出示elephant这个单词)What do you see in this picture? S: elephant. T: Elephant? But I see some blue and red letters. How do they sound? T范读并带学生读两三遍ele-phant elephant,让学生建立音-字母的意识. 接着呈现五个单词都有的画面。3) So many blue and red le

7、tters. How do they sound? Please discuss in group. Find out how the letters sound. Times up! Who wants to try? (请一些小组的代表说出其他四个中任意一个单词的拼读发音并给予鼓励,让其带读着全班同学拼读一次。)Well done! Give me five! You are my partner. Can you help me teach them? Good!Thank you! Lets clap hands for him/her. (剩余的几个单词让其他小组代表来拼读。)在此环

8、节进行的过程中,出示单词词条,检测孩子们是否能读出,并让学生把词条贴到相应的图片上。(这一环节可使用信息差的方式。)4) Well done! All of you did a very good job! You know this is my favorite zoo. Do you know how many animals in that zoo? Please listen and count. (第一遍听完后)How many elephants? How many monkeys? Who knows? Now, please listen again. You can writ

9、e down the numbers on your book. Ready? Lets listen.(第二遍)5)Well, Lets check them. (同时把单词磁条板书) How many elephants? (把单词卡贴到黑板,把正确的数字写到单词卡左边)How many monkeys? (把单词卡贴到黑板,把正确的数字写到单词卡左边) 6)Guessing game (引入 “Whats that? Its a/an ”句型):So many animals in my favorite zoo. Here comes another two animals. Who

10、are they? S: They are Zip and Zoom. Yes! And what are they doing? S: They are looking at something. T: What do they see? Lets help them! 接着进入观看图片部分内容猜动物单词的游戏。7)Look and complete the sentences. Its a tiger.Its an elephant.I see two elephants.I see two monkeys.Look at the picture. Whats that? What do

11、you see? Step4. Lets do.T: Here comes some kids. They are very happy! They are dancing and singing. Please close your eyes and listen. (播放Lets chant,播完后问 )What can you hear? S: monkey, tiger, elephant T:Hmnot bad. But you miss something. Lets listen again. What can you hear? S: (接着播放Lets chant部分的视频)

12、 T: Do you like these animals? I like some of them. Well, I have my favorite animal. Do you want to know? Now, let me tell you.I like birds.I like pandas.I like monkeys. T: Please guess which one is my favorite. S: You like让猜对的同学自己说三个句子来考全班同学Bingo! You are right! Give me five! Please play this game with your partners.Step5 SummaryT: Today we learn about animals: tiger, panda, bird, elephant and monkey. You can make your own zoo with t


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