教学设计Unit 5 A Very Special Olympics_第1页
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教学设计Unit 5 A Very Special Olympics_第4页




1、一教材分析:本节课的话题是在饭店点餐和服务。本节课是一节听说课。通过词汇、功能句式的输入,听说活动的展开,使学生巩固听力技巧,提升听说技能,增强语言的综合使用水平。二学情分析:1.学生特点:学生对英语学习有热情,通过三年的英语学习与积累,他们已经具备一定的英语学习与应用水平。但因为学习态度、学习方法的差异,学生的英语使用水平也体现出一定的差别。2. 学生地位的分析:整节课以学生为主体,学生的活动时间占以上。学生充分参与课堂教学活动。 三教学目标:1.知识与技能:掌握生词的读音、意思、拼写、词性和用法,掌握词组和功能句式的用法。能用听力材料里的信息解决实际问题。用功能句式表达思想。掌握听力策略、

2、提升听、说水平,促动英语思维。2.过程与方法:Presentation-practice-production, Situational Approach and Communicative Teaching. 3.情感态度与价值观:在饭店准确地点餐和服务,做一个有礼貌的人。四教学重、难点的确立与突破:1.重点:掌握表达询问是否能够点餐,询问哪种酱料和店里吃还是外带的功能句式。通过听的活动,获取信息去解决实际问题。应用词汇和功能句式围绕“在饭店点餐和服务”这个话题实行交流。突破方式:应用情境教学法和交际教学法,组织丰富多样的活动,为学生提供充分的练习机会。2.难点:准确、流利地用英语交流“在饭

3、店点餐和服务”。突破方式:设计难度递进式说的活动。教师启发引导,学生合作互助,使表达水到渠成。五教学策略:“低、小、多、快”。低起点: 注重学生的学情和知识的输入;小步子: 注重认知规律,教学体现循序渐进;多活动: 以丰富多样的教学活动为学生提供充分的练习机会,保持学生学习的兴趣;快反馈: 即时检测,发现问题,增强指导,调整教学。六教学模式:“目标闭环”。即出示目标,实施目标,目标检测。七学法分析:自主学习和合作学习相结合。通过独立思考的问题的设置,促动学生的个性化学习,实现其学习的主体地位。通过合作学习,实现生生合作,生生互助,促动其英语的使用和英语思维的发展。引导学生注重英语国家的文化和构

4、词法的规律。八教学辅助手段 课件和录音机九教学过程:步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Present learning aims.Pay attention to learning aims. Make sure Ss can study with clear learning goals. Step 2Lead-in:Show pictues about the restaurant, the waiter and customers. Look at the pictures and predict what will be mentioned. Arouse Ss interest

5、 , activate their schemata and bring up the topic.Step 3Present the new words with pictures or in the context. Learn the meaning, pronunciation, spelling, part of speech, and usage of the new words.Input the new words. Step 4Listening tasks:Play the tape. Set two listening tasks. Direct Ss to grasp

6、the main idea of the listening script. 1.Listen carefully and check the food that is ordered.2.Listen carefully and fill in each blank.Listen and fulfill the two tasks. 1.Listen carefully and check the food that is ordered.2.Listen carefully and fill in each blank.Apply the listening methods. Make S

7、s solve practical problems with the information by listening. Master the listening methods and improve the listening skill.Form a basis for the speaking activity. Step 5Speaking activities:Encourage students to practice Dialog B with their partners. Then make their own dialogs with the key expressio

8、ns. After that, invite some pairs to have a show. Practice Dialog B with partners. Then make own dialogs with the key expressions. After that, some pairs have a show.Make Ss consolidate the patterns. Practice speaking to improve the speaking ability. Therefore,the following speaking activities seem

9、much easier.Step 6Present the rest new words with pictures or in the context. Show the origin of the expression named “go Dutch”.Learn the meaning, pronunciation, spelling, part of speech, and usage of the new words. Know about the origin of “goInput the new words. Increase studentsknowledge of cult

10、ure. Arouse students interest in studyingDutch”.English.Step 7Before speaking: Bring in a question to talk about: We go to fast-food restaurants more often than other kinds of restaurants. What differences are there when ordering food? Lead some studenst to show their opinions.Think actively and exp

11、ress some opinions about the given questions. Fill in the information gap. Improve speaking and listening abilities as well. Step 8Speaking tasks:Set three speaking tasks. Play the tape. Make students read while listening. Then check the answers together. After each task, there is another speaking t

12、ask. First, have a quick look at the given questions.Then, read while listening. After that, answer the questions. Next,prepare the new dialog with the partner. At last, have a show. Improve Ssspeaking, listening and reading abilities. Step 9Set another speaking activity. Direct students to make the

13、ir own dialogs with all the given expressions. Then invite some pairs to have a show. Make a new dialog with all the given expressions. Some of them have a show.Explore and train Ss speaking ability. Offer Ss a chance to express their opinions freely. Develop their English thinking, as well.Step 10I

14、ntoduce some social communications about having meals at the restaurant. Lead students to read them together. Read some social communications about having meals at the restaurant with the teacher together. Have a general view of this social communication. Enrich students knowledge with expansion.Ste

15、p 11Sum up the key expressions. Recall the key expressions with the teacher together. Sum up the key points. Step 12Set the homework:1. Recite the new words, phrases and key funtions about eating at the restaurant.2. Write a dialog with the key functions learned in this lesson. 3. Finish extra exercises ofLesson One. 4. Previewthe first part of Lesson Two.Keep the homework in mind. Consolidateunderstanding and mastery. Blackboard: Unit 5 Le


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