1、2008年山东省泰安市中考英语试题6 H律孕亍试卷类型:A上校招生琴试第【卷(三潇分共讯分)注魁事项:L卷6 1律朗生专必楼戸己的蛉釘花苇试科冃试症裁型涂 丐存再題L上二帝小匙选出呑墨貂.用吕壬把耳駅卡:上对应题H加符盜肚号隸黑如畫戲 戒用援妄擔干净后+揖请称Uf迪專誉杼号F能捽金试注匕第一部分 听力i共巧小題揖小超I分:満分巧分) I J违择樓!也的囲崎.毎段坪话谨两逓(二)听句子.选样适芳的应歸6. A. At 4:30.7. A. It is my pleasure.8. A. Certainly, here you 蚯.9. A. I m glad you ail enjoy h.10
2、. A. It doesn*i mancr.每个句子读两週. B In half an hour.B、ou are welcome. B. Here we are. B Cw hoe neu umc.C. For half an hour. C . Thanks a kN.C Here are youC. 1 didnt cook so well.英讲试&第2贞:12页)B You d better go to see the doctor at once C I dont think so.席黑甞沁.送择正对话沁读帕皿脚的聊C In the eveningC. On the desk.C H
3、olidays.C She u alts to【ownH A. In the morning.At noon.12. A. In a schoolbag.壽 B. On the bed.13. A. Europe.B. Summer.1.A. She goes to tou*n by train. B. She drives io town.1 A Doing his homeworkB. Listening to the CD.C. Watching a TV pby (四)听一段长对话选择正确答案对话读两遍带有15眇钟的时间阅读卜面5卜小甄16. Whats the relauonship
4、 (关系)beween the two speAers?A. Old friendsB. StrangersC. Oki neighbours.17. How is the weather?A. Fine.B. Foggy.C. Cloudy.18. Where is the man from?A. Neu York.B. Orlando C Titusville.|9. Why did the woman change her seat .1A. She likes the seat near the window.B. The man next to her was smoking and
5、 she felt unpleasant.C. She saw one of her friends.20. What can we learn from the convemion ?A.womanhasnoUKls. B.EnunW祸.露爲丽读 (五)听短文.回杏下面五个爾透择正瞬案 &如&阳貯阳柿收读下面5个小題.C. 57 years okiC. Maybe she is a painC. Planung21. How old is Jack s grandpa now?A. 60013. &63心虱22. Whai does Jack、mo挖I A Three. 4 F B Four
6、.C. Five.第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第-节诳法和词汇(共15小舐每小题】分;满分15分):从A. B. C. D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题氏上将汲项涂黒26. Channel 5. CCIV jsspecial progranimc. lib about2008 Olympic Games.C. the; theA. the;/B.a;a27. What would you la if it .Wc hive to carry i( on. since weve got everything ready. A. rainB. rains28. Ar
7、e you on business here. Kale?Not III my holiday today.A. with pleasure B. my pleasure29. Look* What a nice garden!every day.tomorrow?C. wl! rainC for pleasureD. a; theD. is rainingD much pleasureYes. ItA. is cleanedB. has been cleaned英诒试题第4页(共12页)D. was cleanedC is being cleaned30. After the educati
8、on refonn (改革)in Shandong Province, the pupils havetime to relaxandhomework to do.A. less; more B. more; less C fewer; more D much; many31. do you prefer to study?I prefer to study in a group.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Where32. Since the villagers houses have been damaged in the earthquake, the soldiers
9、are helping them tents (帐篷).A. put onB. put offC. put upD put down33. This wine tastes a little bit strangeIt is. Ifs made apples.A ofB. fromC. byD. in34. More and more kids become unhappythey have too many activities to do.A. butB.orC. becauseD. so35. How much time do youLess than an hour.surfing t
10、he Internet every week?A. costB payC. takeD. spend_ have great lyrics.37. *-WouldB wC whereD. whom011 you please help me with the questions?*5orry. Youknow the answer.D. must; may or even fcr ever.D. problems/ mugo and ask Mary. SheA must; can agse may cause hearingfor a short timeA resultsn .笑B. qu
11、estions C. accidents -g 匕 ifs raining.Thafs great. Ifs too hot these days.A greallyB. heavily C.quickly絕一How was your weekend, Mary?I had a busy .I did a lot of things.A iB. this C. oneD hardly北 Lotsan; may C. need; canD. that第二节完形填空(共10小题,每小题I分;满分10分) 阅读下面短文,拿握其大意,然后从41-50各题所绘的四个选項(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项.
12、并在答題卡上将该项涂黑1 have only seen my father cry once. It was at the Alton train station, back when the trains still ran. I was on my way to Philadelphia to _41the train that would take me lo Boston andcollege. I was eager (热切的)to go. College, with its 42 and lhe promiw of the bener future had become more
13、interesting. It 43_ me to see tears in my faihefs eyes as he shook my hand and said goodbye.For eighteen years, we had never had a(n) 4 45 I was not short. I was going somewhere, and he was seeing me off. He _46me. but he had not needed to say before, and now his tears were _47_ LThe tears in my fat
14、hers eyes told me that we would have less and less to do with each ocher. 1 had taken my _48_ from his. and now I was learning it. The train 49_ and I boarded (住上) it Mv falher lked smaller from lhe train. We _50_ goodbye to each ocher through the 沁。Was wearing the heavy winter coat that my father h
15、ac bought for me to keep me fromcatching a cold41. A. return42. A. habits43. A. shocked44. Ame45. A. because46. A taught47. A.律何gin New England.B. catchC. designD. watchB. licenseC. coursesD advertisementsB. supposedC. helpedD. encouragedB. luckC. chanceD interestB. thoughC. soD andB. beatC. forgotD
16、. lovedB. knowingC. creatingD. describing4& A. money49. A. continuedB. timeB. brokeC. presentC. arrived50. A. reachedB. wavedC. talkedD. lifeD. leftD cheered第三部分阅读理解(共20小题,每小题1分;满分3分阅读下列短文从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中.选出故佳选项,并 在答题代上将该项涂黑A friends grandfather went to America from Eastern countries. Alter he wa
17、s proces.d (移氏 人境检査)at Ellis Island, he went into cafeteria (白助誓厅)in lower Manhattan (o get something to eat. He sat down at an empty Uble and waited for a waiter to take his order. Of course no waiter came at all. At last, a woman held a plate full of food and sat down opposite him. When she saw th
18、e old man without any food, she told him how a cafeteria worked.-Start out at that end? she said. wJus( go along the line ar.d pick out whai you want. At the other end theyll tell you how much you have to pay After you pay for the food, you can bring it here and cal i(”soon knew how everything works
19、 in America/ the grandfather told a friend. Life is like a cafeteria here You can ge( anything you want only if you are willing to pay the money. You can even get success, but you*ll never get it if you wait for someone to bring to you. You have to get up and get it by yourself.”51. Maybe the old ma
20、n came from.A. PolandB.IndiaC. Canada52. Who came when he sat down at an empty table?A. A waiter. B. A man.C. A woman.53. From the text, weDEgyp【(埃及)A. get help from your friendsC. get up again if you fail54. At last, the grandfatherD. No person, know if you want to get success in America you should
21、 B know how a cafeteria works D try to get it by yourselfB was very angry with the waiterD. had nothing to eatA. got the food himselfC ate the womans food55. Which is the best title for the passage?A- Kom 肚販 counlries lo Africa B. Life is Like a Cafeteria in America C How to Eat in a CafeteriaD. Eat
22、ing in America英谄试題第5页供i2页)KangarooAppearana: Shoa front legs, long gd Mrong twek tep. 1 I-coking like a big mouse.Place: Australia.Food: Grass.IntereinR things: li is the national symbol 像征)of Australia. There are more kangarexn than people in this country 56. If someone sees a newly bom koala bear,
23、 he will be surprised because if s veryA. weakB. smallC. short57. A baby koala canl live withoutA. its fatherB. grassC. its mother58. The kangaroo is the national symbol ofA. CanadaB. AustraliaC. America59. There are morethan people in Australia.A. kangaroosB. koala bearsC. monkeys60. We can gucz th
24、at koala bears and kangaroos are A. beautifulB P,ayfu,D. blackD peopleD. BritainD. elephanbanimals in Australia.C. endangered D 口艸血Kala bearAppearance: A litUe short and 加注 妣 fat animal, looking like a toy hear.Flcv: AusiraliaFood: Eucalyptus teaves (松树叶円事阴吐 of kaVerdayfw-lt koala, and I pound O, le
25、aVC& some others milk per day for a baby koala.Ibbit: Sleep all daj and 5 al night.Interesting things: A baby koala is very small when k is bom. It has no hair. And it can、see either. It lives in its moiherl pouch (育儿袋)for 5 7 months.英讲试題第6页(共12页)China had decided to uke action (o stop the use of pl
26、astic bags. Supe曙:;:驚 outlets (经请店)inChina 讪 not be allowed to hang仏 p应 earners and all p嗣c E musi be clearly marketed wi山 Pnces Iroin *. . nrooerlv wastinghave also caused.Tcoplc usc too many pbsnc even year and fad to deal M them 冋丽- viable oil and littering thecouncry; Ch.na sgoved 囂二cloth bags,
27、and using baskets for ihcirWhik providmg convenience for consumers (消费者),峽 pZ & serious pollution and waste of energy and resources.“ npnole to return to carryingMWe should encourage peop代vegetables rne statemert wid. (in)(feeIn addition, the production, sale and use of bags less than 0.025 mm *ck I
28、S 鶯:md profits same date. The firms (hai break the rules will flee fines or confiscation (览收)of p(WW).China also said it would consider increasing!taxes (税)iq discourage the production and sale離语试题第7页(共12页)ber of plastic bagsof plastic bas and enccuraxc lhe recycling inJuMiy.Kubhish collectors have
29、io cpara(c plztic for reprocessing and cut the numthat are burnt ur buried (掩埋)叶The move brings China into line with a p-ouing international trend (趋势to cul 曲* or use of plastic ha;s. From Ireland io Uganda and South Africa, governments have expenme Mlh heay taxes, with the aim of gelling rid uf pia
30、stiu bags.61 Chifw decided W ukc ate bon to stop the use of plastic bagu because-A. they arc not free any moreB. they can provide convenience for cmtimersC. they have polluted the environment and wasted valuable oilD. the firms have increased the cost62. The underlined word banned in the fifth parag
31、raph probably nieaiisA计划B禁止 C打破 D消费63. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT (me?A. The company that wont obey the rules will face fines.B Taxes will he irureaZ to divourage【he production and sale of pl靳tic bags.C. Rubbish cd lectors will bum or bury all plastic bags.D. Plastic sho
32、uld be sepjiraied tor reprocessing64. From lhe passage, we can infer (推附D that _ .A. China will be among lhe strongest nations in (he worldB people all carry cloth bags er baskeb for their vegetables C more energy and natural resources will be mvc(1D supermarkets and shops will get more profit65. Wh
33、ats the mainidea of the passage?A. Plastic Bags are FreeB. Recycling industryC. How to Proect the EnvironmentD. Free Plastic Shopping Bags to be Banned卜Gch dcxrion and American saentists have reponed doing an operation in which the 心心 * wide 血 operating iuvhl This kind of operation is known as robot
34、ic operationDoctor Marcgin did lhe operation in an office in New York City last month, 豳 nity eight yearx)ld woman patient wa in a tiospiud in Strasbou!, FranceA doctor in Strasbourg got the patient read)Ke placed medicdl cools and叭 video camerain her总寫:寫囂5 管曲gd恤网顾on a叫screen. Then 沁 gaHbladdcr (黑:笃
35、J心曲呎叽皿如叭込“讼碍“血 叽Z爲;:咲 “ 啊吶 soon aher the operauon anU X 论 pg蔦:爲:驚n Pj:2h such a robouc eperauon is based oc Tpced 叫心讣lhC d0ClW 嗣 the Ribot- Whn&ogy rau.M be able to e a dg”tO a mg to move the took quickly.a 心山 s吐;:;:;: SUTSSfUl Ec Kag win -prove an opeg g wamplc.叹 way. lhat a 毗;穿吹er movements than a
36、 person can. A robot 唤赫逊 turn wok m 八 inai a doctor hand cannot.mean that docton could do ansay such a robotic operation will make possible safer and better operations in the iney say n will improve doctor training. It will alsoOpCratiQ 011 风叭 in dangerous places far away. And it could mean that peo
37、ple could have PCrations done by top doctors wiihout having to travel to the cily where doctors worL 皈Robodc operation* means uA. a special kind of robot invented by doctorsB an operation done far awayC. &n operation done with the help of a robotD something done to mend a robot67. We use the robot i
38、n the operation because.A. it can send messages 祈 a high speedB. even a top doctor caifi do the operation himselfC can make the operation safer and betterD. operations can be done without any doctors68. we warn to use the robot in ihc operation, we must solve the problem ofA. top doctorsB. smaller m
39、ovementsC. doctor trainingD high-speed telecommunications69. If the smaller movement canl be done by doctors in the operation, we may usesolve it.A. more toolsB. a robot machineC. a video cameraD. teiecommunications70. Which of the following is NOT true?A Robotic operation is good for doctor trainin
40、g.B. Robotic operation has been used in the USA.C. Experts speak highly of robotic operation.D The robot is used to watch the patient clearly英涪试題第贞(共12页)越号第-节第二节第三节总分得分试卷类型q a 泰安市二00八年高中段学校招生考试:.英语;试题龙电.I成绩统计栏鉉第II卷5选择也共&0分I注蘆察项:1. 用钢笔或圆珠笔应接答在试卷上。2. 答卷前将密封线内的项日填写涪勉第四部分书面表达(共三节)繁得分 评卷人IH第一节词汇运用(共两题,满分15分)i (一)单词拼弓(共S小题.毎小頼I分满分5分)丨枳
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