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1、范文范例参考新视野视听说第三版第4册答案unit 1sharing1完美 word 格式整理版task 3b c f d c atask 42 4task 51. (1)anti-social2. (1)appreciate3. (1)tolerant4. impress(2)aware of (2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awaylisteningtask 2 activity 2lark: speaker 1owl:speaker 2speaker 6speaker 3speaker 4 speaker 5 speaker7task 2 activ

2、ity 3 1.peaceful 2.beautiful3.lovely part 4.party5.with a passion 6.last second范文范例参考7.walking their dogs 8.with a bounce 9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the eveningsviewingtask 2 activity 22 4role-playingtask 1 ac

3、tivity 2g a f h b d c emore practice in listening short conversations 1d a b c clong conversationsc b d apassages:passage 1a c d cpassages:passage 21.distressing 2.desperate 3.urge 4.acquire28完美 word 格式整理版5.are totally unaware of 6.are isolated from 7.eract with 9.impulse10.are convinced

4、ofnews:report 1b creport 2b a cunit testpart1d d b c dpart 2c a a a dpart 3c b d d cpart 41.at 2.section 3.connects4.at the bottom of 5.shining6. as7. cross8. running away from 9.streaming down10. destroyedunit 2sharing task 21.excited 2.on the banks3. beach parties4. find out 5.looking forward tota

5、sk 3f a d c e btask 41 2 3 8 10task 51 2 4listeningtask 2 activity 1a:2 3 4 5b:1 6task 2 activity 21.thursday, 20/5/2004 2.163.204.by the river 5.raining 6.fancied7. have the guts to tell him8. good-looking, romantic and intelligent 9.three children10. im happy11. fell good about who i was12. good l

6、uck for the future13. be happy with who you areviewingtask 2 activity 13 6task 2 activity 21.the longest-living communities 2.9003.go about their business 4.fruit and vegetable 5.ingredients6.cell damage 7.high quantities 8.health protective 9. 1,20010. 20 percent less11. getting more for their mone

7、y12. healths worthrole-playingtask 1 activity 21 3 4 5 7 8 10more practice in listeningshort conversationsa d c b dlong conversationsc b a dpassages:passages 1b c d apassages:passages 21.proportion 2.estimated3.have profound impacts on 4.potential 5.economically6.pensions 7.originate from 8.resident

8、ial9. poses a challenge to10. be transformed intonewsreport 1b dreport 2b d cunit testpart 1b d c b cpart 2d c c b apart 3b c a a dpart 41.launched 2.corner 3.bankruptcy 4.virtually 5.directing 6.discharged from 7.secured 8.substantial 9.not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesunit 3sharing task 21.e

9、njoy 2.free 3.ernationally 5.festivals6.spend your free timetask 3d e g h b a c ftask 42 3 5 6task 52 4 5 8listeningtask 2.1a d g e b f ctask 2.2136 8viewingtask 2.11.(1)husky sledding(2)382.(1)wing-walking(2)353.(1)driving on route66(2)194.(1)bungee jumping 5.(1)swimming with dolphinstask

10、 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9role-playing task 1.21 3 4 7more practice in listeningshort conversationsd d c b along conversations(2)17(2)1d d b cpassages:passage 1b c a cpassages:passage 21.resorts 2.sprung up 3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect on 5.combat6.wilderness 7.unspoiled 8.steams of 9.guidel

11、ines10. auction offnews report 1 d breport 2b cunit testpart 1a b b b cpart 2c c d d bpart 3d a b c dpart 41. audience 2.teenage 3.celebrate 4.popular 5.conquers 6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement 9.to choose10. apart fromunit 4sharing task 3d f a e b g ctask 41.brighten your mood2.a nu

12、rturing environment3.a stable family 4.health5.feel contentment 6.makes the difference 7.feeling satisfied withtask 51 5listeningtask 2.1speaker 1:e speaker 2:a fspeaker 3:bspeaker 4:cspeaker 5:dtask 2.21.hotels or even cities 2.make money3.has doubled 4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats

13、6.junk mail or adverts 7.robbed8. more crimes9. have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineviewstask 2.1d b a c dtask 2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)give it up (3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite 4.(1)slow down(2)t

14、ake more leisure5.(1)economic growth possessions(2)consumer goods(3)materialrole-playingtask 1.11.cosmetic surgery 2.against 3.dangerous 4.frozen solid 5.for6. health7. downloading music for free 8.against9. theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. for14. cd sales15. file s

15、haring16. concerts17. banning cars from city center18. against19. polluting than cars20. a reduction in shop sales21. perfectly fine22. for23. the environment24. electric buses25. pollutedtask 1.21 3 4 6 7 9 10presenting:task 1.2e b c d amore practice in listeningshort conversationsc a b c dlong con

16、versationb a b dpassage: passage 1a d d cpassage: passage 21.prevalent 2.scary3.be classified as 4.epidemic 5.ratio 6.diagnosed 7.keeping track of8. was still associated with9. affirm10. in terms ofnewsreport 1a dreport 2a cunit testpart 1d b a c dpart 2c d a c bpart 3a b a b dpart 41.over 2.compani

17、onship 3.lover 4.definition 5.scarce 6.diary7.the sight of 8.defeated 9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsunit 5sharing task 3d h a f b e c gtask 41 4 6task 51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons (3)terribly 2.intellect3. specific4. learn through art 5.all aspects6.(1)alive(2)performance(3)intense em

18、otionslisteningtask 2.1sarah(woman):b tim:anigel:ctask 2.21. gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3 )bring jobs (4)entertainment and activities3. (1)concern me(2)expensive4. i personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities (2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens 6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved

19、 (3)not so sure 7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to(2)leave out (3)hanging around(4) routine(5)bringing along9.the older generationviewing task 2.1134task 2.21.a2. makes a mess 3.public buildings 4.wrong5.v6.definitely 7.a8.quite exciting 9.v10. a11. pleasing to the eye12. positive13. environment14. a15

20、. nice picture16. offensiverole-playingtask 1.1c a b dtask 1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above (3)go up 2.(1)around the corner (2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left 5.(1)head over to 6.(1)walking by(5) folk music(2)hang out and read (2)circle back(2)a center of (3)attracted7. loo

21、ks like8. (1)modeled on(2)the hundredth anniversarypresenting:task 1.11.setting of the movie 2.actor(s)/actress(es) 3.plot summary 4.recommendation 5.director6.reviewers opinion of different elementspresenting:task 1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping (2)shocking(3)hilarious 3.sensational4.electrifying 5.(1

22、)poignantly(2)moving6.(1)breathless (4)thoroughly(2)hard-hitting (3)emotionally-drainingmore practice in listeningshort conversationsc d b c dlong conversationb d c apassages:passage 1c a d bpassages:passage 21. anticipation2. glamorous3. be conferred upon4. collective5. nominate for6. exceptions to

23、7. accomplished8. absolute9. recipients10. is entitled tonewsreport 1c areport 2a d bunit testpart 1c c b b dpart 2a b d c apart 3d b a c cpart 41. tremendous2. strategic3. applied4. honored5. escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. a series of9. strong relationship10. a wide range ofunit 6sharing task 21.

24、 quite late2. go on3. important4. going on5. the media and the newstask 31.internet 2.television 3.internet 4.radio5.newspapers 6.newspaperstelevision internettask 4e c b a f dtask 51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time 2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay (2)discriminate 4.(1)outlets(2)spread(

25、3)risktask 61 2 3listeningtask 2.1f e d g c a btask 2.21.(1)hear this story 2.what happened was(2)about this guy3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)recall(3)the first4.(1)then from that(2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was

26、that(2)ended up7. thats what happenedviewingtask 2.1b a a d c c ctask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the wrong guest division (2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle(2)love a good news blunderrole-playing t

27、ask 1.1b a d ctask 1.2a b b a b a a b b apresenting:task 1.1235more practice in listeningshort conversationsb a b d clong conversationc d a cpassages:passage 1d c d bpassages:passage 21. differentiate themselves from2. frown upon3. concise4. combat5. severe6. is geared up for7. embraced8. compact9.

28、is supplemented with10. sensationalnewsreport 1c areport 2d c bunit testpart 1d b a a dpart 2b d a c cpart 3c b d a cpart 41. contest2. queens3. outgoing4. cheers5. title6. tours7. performed8. to convince9. in protest10. draw world attentionunit 7sharing task 21. minor2. worry3. affectstask 31. very

29、 crowded places2. heights3. height, flying4. flying5. spiders6. rats7. committing to marriage and family8. dogs9. pencils and the noise they make on papertask 423task 51. liked or loved2. (1)keep people in their homes(2)society3. (1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4. trapped in a small spaceviewingt

30、ask 2.1a e g h f b d ctask 2.21357role-playingtask 1.2134568910121416171920presenting:task 1.21246789more practice in listeningshort conversationsb a c b dlong conversationd b d apassages:passage 1b a d cpassages:passage 21. motivations2. hazard3. develop an appetite for4. associated with5. contribu

31、te to6. follow suit7. consensus8. authorities9. inadequacies10. exaggerationnewsreport 1d b areport 2b d aunit testpart 1a d b b dpart 2c b a d dpart 3b a d c cpart 41. five-day2. competitiveness3. unmanned4. regularly5. extra6. households7. previously8. less time9. ill effects10. remained unaffecte

32、dunit 8sharing task 3a e d c btask 42 3task 51. funniest novel2. completely normal3. easy4. (1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5. by defaultlisteningtask 2.21. took up the challenge,2. tag line3. playing off4. blown away5. (1)took life under control(2)make a switch6. come back withviewingtask 2.1b d c a

33、 btask 2.2357role playingtask 1.21. im a big fan of detective novels2. what i really liked about it was the main character3. im not that keen on detective novels4. i just couldnt get into it5. i couldnt stand it6. im not really into fantasy7. the thing i love about it is the writingpresenting:task 2d c e f a bmore practice in listening,short conversations,d c b a clong conversations


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