Unit 7 It’s raining. 教学案_第1页
Unit 7 It’s raining. 教学案_第2页
Unit 7 It’s raining. 教学案_第3页
Unit 7 It’s raining. 教学案_第4页




1、Unit 7 Its raining. 教学案 Hows the weather 天气怎么样 play computer games玩电脑游戏Hows it going?近况如何 not bad 还行sit by the pool 坐在泳池边 drink orange juice 喝橙汁summer vacation 暑假 on vacation 度假take home 带回家 take photos 拍照三 重点句型sentences1 . Hows the weather? 天气怎么样?1) 后可接时间、地点。如:Hows the weather in Zhongshan today? 今

2、天中山的天气怎么样?2) 回答用“Its + 天气”, 如: -Its cloudy. 3) Hows the weather in Beijing?= Whats the weather like in Beijing?4) 注意: weather是不可数名词, 与work, news等一样, 前面不用冠词a (an)。2 Hows it going? 后可接with sb/ sth.用来表达对朋友、家人的关怀。如:Hows it going with Peter? 彼特最近怎么样?答语常为:Great. / Pretty good. /Notbad.等。3 Sounds like your

3、e having a good time. 听起来你玩得好开心。这是一个省略句,相当于 It sounds like youre 4. 名词+y 形容词 windwindy cloudcloudy sunsunny rainrainy fogfoggy snowsnowy 5 Can I take a message for him? 要我给他捎个话吗? Could you just tell him to call me back? 你能否叫他给我回个电话? Could在语气上比Can更加委婉6 Its hot in your country now, isnt it? (反意疑问句)你们的

4、国家现在很热,对吗?Unit7 Its raining. Section A一、尝试练1 Whats the weather like today?_A. Its rain. B.Its raining. C. It rainy. D. Its wind.2. -_-? -Its cloudy. A. Hows the weather like in Shanghai B. Hows the weather in Shanghai C. What is the weather in Shanghai D Which is the weather in Shanghai二、课堂练习 (一)看图填

5、空 Hows the weather? _ is the weather like? What _ he _? - Its _. - Its _. - _(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Its a _ day today (sun). 2. The weather is bad now. Its _ (wind). 3. Sounds like you _ (have) a good time now. 4. Its _ (cloud) now. Is it going to rain?5. Hows the weather now? It _ (rain) now. 6. Its _

6、 (snow) in winter in Harbin now.三、巩固练完成对话Alice: How is it going?Bob : _. Alice: _ is the weather _ in Beijing?Bob : Its windy. Alice: What _ you _ ?Bob : I am _ books and _TV at home. 四、课后作业自主作业一Unit7 Its raining. Section 一、旧知检测1 That boy isnt _the teacher . A. listen B. listens C. listening D. list

7、ening to 2 -_ you _the window? -Yes, I am. A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning 3 -_the weather like today? -Cloudy. A. Hows B. What does C. What D. Whats 二、课堂练习Read the postcard in 2b and answer the questions. Postcard 11. Where is Su Lin now? _2. What is Su Lin studying th

8、ere?_3. Is she visiting some of his old friends there?_4. Whats she doing right now? _5. Hows the weather there? _Postcard 21 Where is Dave now?_2. What are Dave and his family doing there?3. Are they having a good time? _4. Hows the weather there? _5. Hows the weather in Janes country? _三、巩固练 完成句子(爬山)A: Hows it going, Jack? B: Not bad. Were _a vacation _ _ _. A: Hows the _? B: Its _ and _, just right for walking. 四、课后作业 自主作业(二)Unit7 知识点复习一 短语默写天气怎么样 _ _ 玩电脑游戏_近况如何_ 还行_听起来 _ 玩得开心_ 捎个口信_ _(给某人)回电话_ 没问题_现在,马上_ 暑假班,暑假学校_坐在泳池边 _ 喝橙汁_暑假 _ 度假_在山上 _ 戴帽子穿毛衣_带回家 _ 拍照_二、 阅读Gra


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