已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、商务英语函电练习答案Unit 1.1-I 2-h 3-d 4-a 5-j 6-e 7-g 8-f 9-c 10-b.1-c 2-d 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-b 7-d 8-c 9-b 10-b. 1. you are in the market for Chinese Black Tea 2. Upon receipt of 3. be in line with the market 4. look forward to 5. under separate cover 6. contact us 7. learnt from the Internet 8. your latest cata

2、logue. 1.我公司经营轻工产品已有20年。 2.我们从商会得知你公司有意购买大量红茶。 3.如果你认为我方的价格合理,请与我方联系。 4.我们将非常乐意收到你方寄来的最新商品目录。 5.我们从互联网上得知贵公司的名称和地址。 6.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。 7.我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有声誉。 8.承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称和地址。 9.如能立即航寄目前所能供之货的目录及价目表,我们将不胜感激。 10.有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。 .CFEHDAGB

3、 敬启者:本公司是中国最大的机械设备出口公司之一。随函附上一份有关我公司目前可提供物所有详情的目录,希望贵方能对其中的一些产品感兴趣。若蒙收到贵公司对其中产品的询价,我公司将不胜感激,并报我公司最低价。若贵公司不进口上述商品的话,恳请贵方将此信转交给经营此类商品的进口公司。我公司希望收到贵方及时、有利的答复。 谨上 .ART.()FOB SHANGHAI502Hand-made Artificial Leather GlovesBLACK(001)1.64WHITE(002)1.64FW-502Hand-made Artificial Leather Gloves BLACK(110)1.64

4、RED (115)1.64PT-301Hand-made Artificial Leather GlovesBLACK(001)1.64WHITE(002)1.64RED (018)1.64PT-302Hand-made Artificial Leather GlovesBLACK(331)1.64BROWN(332)1.64REMARKS: The above offer is on FOB SHANGHAI basis, subject to our final confirmation.Unit 2.1-e 2-j 3-I 4-c 5-h 6-d 7-a 8-f 9-b 10-g.1-b

5、 2-b 3-a 4-d 5-b 6-c-7-d 8-b 9-b 10-d. 1. quote 2000 metric tons 2. will be very grateful 3. We are interested in your mechanical toys. 4. the earliest possible date of delivery 5. including our 4% commission 6. know the minimum export quantities 7.subject to our final confirmation8.how to operate.1

6、.为答复你方4月28日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参考。 2. 为了便于你方了解我方的产品,我们立即航寄样品书两份。 3.我方有一家客户对贵国青岛海尔电冰箱感兴趣,请电开400台伦敦到岸价4月船期的报盘。 4.如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们打算订购30万码棉布。 5.请报你方最优惠的上海到岸价,包括我方3% 佣金。 6.按惯例,我们通常从欧洲供应商处得到5%的佣金。 7.目前,我们对各种葡萄酒感兴趣,如果能通过航空邮寄最近的价目表,我们将非常感激。 8 若产品质量好,价格与我方市场相符,我们愿意向你方订一大笔货。 9.贵方2008年4月10日要求我们按CIF纽约报价的传真收到。 10.希望

7、能和贵方开启交易关系。 .CGBDHFAE敬启者:我方从贵方8月1日的来信中获悉,作为计算机制造商,贵方热切盼望与我方建立直接的贸易关系。这正好与我方愿望相同。经过对贵方产品目录的研究,我方有意购买贵方的PH-88型手提式计算机。请报包括我方2%佣金,CIF广州最低价,并告知最早交货期。如果贵方报价具有竞争力并且运货日期可以接受,我方便从贵方大量订货。请尽早回复。 谨上.Description of ArticleAutomatic DishwasherQuantity Required1000Terms of PaymentL/CTime of ShipmentIn JulyUnit 3 .

8、1-c 2-g 3-e 4-i 5-h 6-b 7-a 8-f 9-j 10-d.1-d 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-a 6-b 7-c 8-b 9-b 10-a. 1. allow a special discount of 2%2.meet your requirement 3.has been opened in your favour4.will keep open till October 155.you find our quotation acceptable6.are rather limited at present7.As requested in your letter

9、of May 208.confirmed ,irrevocable L/C at sight.1.请按伦敦到岸价报给我方20吨棕色山羊绒的价格。 2.你方2,000公斤红茶的报盘收悉。 3.我们经营多种轻工业品,详见附表。 4.我们已经按你方要求在箱上注明毛重、皮重及净重。 5.我们正在仔细研究你方报盘,希望将此盘保留到月底有效。 6.我方的产品质量好,价格合理,因此相信贵方能大量订货。 7.如果你方能订购5000打或5000打以上,我们将给予10%的折扣。 8.关于支付条件,我们通常要求保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。 9.如果3月10日之前收到你方订单,我方将报5月上旬船期的实

10、盘。 10.由于此货需求量甚大,所以该盘有效期不能超过5天。 .CBDGFAHE敬启者:我方已收到贵方3月16日要求我方报阿德莱德离岸价的邮件,现传真给贵方我方的最新报价单以供参考。详情见附件。至于我们的新客户,我方通常的付款方式为不可撤消的即期信用证,收到信用证后60天内装运。期望早日收到贵方的订单。 谨上.Commodity“SHOP66” Men ShoesSize40-44ColorBlack/CoffeeQuantity4,000pairsPriceUS$20 each pair FOB LONDONShipmentDuring March/AprilPackingIn carton

11、s of 10 pair eachPaymentBy confirmed irrevocable letter of credit Unit 4 .1-c 2-d 3-g 4-h 5-i 6-a 7-j 8-e 9-b 10-f.1-c 2-c 3-b 4-b-5-c 6-b 7-c 8-c 9-a 10-c. 1. are in urgent of the goods 2.is not workable at this stage3.reduce your price by 3%4.had better lower your price5.there is a keen business c

12、ompetition in the market6.will often result in a high market share7.might come to terms 8.your prices too high for the market.1.我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国供应商的价格高出5%。 2.羊毛行市目前疲软,除非你方能降价5%,否则无法成交。 3.兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高。 4.我们的报价相当合理,且已为你地其他客户所接受。 5.至于男式衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格达成交易。 6.我们很高兴利用这个机会向你方介绍我方可提供的各种产品。 7.你们将从在中国

13、投资中获益。 8.如你方能将价格降低3%,我们将立即发送订单。 9.我方目前可现货提供给你方相当数量的一级核桃仁。 10.通常我们给代理商3%的佣金。 .FBHDCGAE敬启者:感谢贵方2007年5月19日寄给我方的报价以及价目单。从贵方的报价中我们发现我们对你们的一些新产品感兴趣,但是很遗憾我们的客户发现你方的价钱偏高,且与行市不符,因为这里竞争激烈而且别的供货商给我们的报价低的多。我们站在你方的立场建议贵方给予5%的折扣,我们或许能达成协议。因为我们的客户急需这批货物,必须要在5月底前装运。期盼贵方有利的答复。 谨上.ORDER NO. 24687 DATE: March6,2007QNT


15、 TO BE SUBMITTED FOR BUYERS CONFIRMATION BEFORE ORDER.THIS ORDER REMAINS OPEN UNTILL MARCH 11,2007Unit 5 I c f j a g I b h d eII. c a c a d c b d b cIII. 1. appeal to our market 2. accept your counter offer 3. after friendly negotiations 4. conclude the business 5. catch the fast selling season 6.at

16、 USD900 per ton 7. satisfactory 8. Through your full cooperationIV. 1. 我方正在考虑接受你方090105号订单。 2. 我们已经接受了你方09111号关于10000台DVD 播放机的订单。 3. 我方将向你方订购如下商品,条件是按指定的价格现货供应。 4. 我方客户认为你方价格可接受,质量令人满意。5. 尽管你方价格低于我方水平,但为了作成首笔交易,我们破例接受这一订单。 6. 我方期待在不久的将来继续向你方大量订购。 7. 我方决定接受你方关于采用即期信用证支付的建议。8. 为推销按摩机,目录上所有价格本月内部都可给8%的

17、特别折扣。 9. 我方很高兴地告知:我方已接受你方新的报价。10. 我们完全可以同意D/P付款方式,但目前国际金融市场(financial market)很不稳定,故我们认为还是采用信用证方式比较稳妥。V. CHEGABDFVI. the shipment must be effected by the end of this November. Other terms and conditions are the same as we agreed before.Please send us your sales confirmation in duplicate for counter-s

18、igning.VII. 第5课写作技巧参考答案:1. in receipt of the samples2. under our consideration3. are in a position 4. are sending5. have been developing Unit 6 I. d g e j c i a f h bII. d a c a d a b b b cIII. Purchase Contract No.090201 enclosed one copy for your file strictly conform to are out of stock arrive at

19、 your port apply for execute your order smoothly the establishment of the relative L/CIV. 1. 随付我方20090223号形式发票。2. 为了熟悉产品的原材料和工艺,在向你方大量订购之前我方希望得到你方产品的样品。3. 关于5000箱 (Ponds Skin Care)的销售确认书222号一式三份已收到,现签退一份供你方存档。4. 请按照合同中的规定装船。5. 接下来我方向你方保证将毫不延误地发送该货。6. 我方相信上述货物将完好无损地到达你方。7. 我们确认向你方供应10吨绿豆,每吨3000欧元成本加运

20、费鹿特丹,9月份装运。8. 我方已经汇去样品费20.50美元和运费22.00美元。9. 请提醒你们客户注意,由于行市上涨,我们的价格已作调整。10. 若你方有任何问题,请尽管和我们联系。V. CHDAGFEBVI. Art. No.CommodityQTYUnit PriceAmountHX082Dinnerware Set542 23.50/setHX083Dinnerware Set800 20.40/setHX088Dinnerware Set250 30.00/setPrice TermCIFC5 TORONTOTotal AmountShipment: Not later than

21、April 30,2009, / before or on April 30, 2009Payment: By T/TPacking: Each set in one cartonInsurance: to be covered by the seller for 110% invoice value against All Risks第6课写作技巧参考答案:1. benefit you a lot2. inform us3. cant match the market level4. are informed5. can be consideredUnit 7 I. e d i c h g

22、a f j bII. d b c c d d d b d cIII. cancel your orderare in urgent need ofby the end of October been ready for shipmenttake immediate action by now / up to the present momentexecute your order smoothly caused us very serious inconvenience(has) greatly inconvenienced us. (has) resulted in the great in

23、convenience of us. (has) brought us great inconvenienceinvolved us in very serious inconvenienceIV. 1. 请尽早订舱以避免装运延误。2. 我们遗憾地获悉延迟装运我方订货。3. 此信用证无展延可能,特此提请你方注意该信用证的有效期。4. 我们不允许无限期拖欠款项,期望这几天内收到你方上述金额的支票。5. 若发货期有任何变更,请提前告知我方。6. 我方认为我们无法忍受你方再一次拖延开出信用证。7. 我方同意接受你方的建议,把卸货港改为洛杉机。8. 到目前你方的信用证仍未到达。9. 我方想提醒你方注意

24、:装运期快到了。10. 我方已经说服制造商接受提前装运这个订单的货,条件是相关信用证必须在七月三十日前开到我方V. BFDEAGCHVI. Have you received the 30% payment?Have you completed the loading of the goods? (unload)If not, when could you complete it/ finish it at the earliest? /If not, would you kindly tell us the earliest date we can expect shipment?/ you

25、 can effect shipment?第7课写作技巧参考答案:1. Awaiting your early reply.2. Please send, possible3. While quoting4. As required5. how to handleUnit 8 I. g h a j e c f i e cII. d d c b a d a c c bIII.1. as stipulated in the L/C/as per the stipulations in the L/C/according to the stipulations in the L/C 2. make

26、necessary amendments 3. negotiate the documents 4. to your port/ sailing for your port5. advance the shipment =move up 6. transshipment and partial shipment7. effect punctual shipment8. after the time/date of shipmentIV. 1. 请将条款“船名由买方指定”从信用证中删除。2. 由于港口拥挤,请将13547号信用证的装运期展至6月1日。3. 很遗憾我们无法将装运期提前到8月初。4.

27、 很抱歉我们不能满足你方要求,问题是下月的舱位已没有了。5. 现遗憾地通知你方,我们将上述信用证与有关合同核对时发现金额不足。6. 我们发现你方信用证的条款中有下列3点与合同规定不符。7. 请将单价从每打RMB32 增加到每打RMB35 ,并把总金额相应增加到RMB 28000。8. 有效期应为2008年2月15日,而不是2008年2月5日。9. 由于你方拖延开证,我方只好拒绝接受该信用证。10. 期待早日收到装船通知。V. HECFBADG VI.Total amount should be USD23,554.00 instead of USD23,454.00Insurance is t

28、o be effected for 110% of the invoice value, not for 130%.Trade terms should be CIF Hamburg, not “CIFC2% Hamburg”第8课写作技巧参考答案:1. be available2. satisfactory to you3. are dealers of4. it understandable5. your prices unacceptableUnit 9 I.jfcdhbiegaII.aabdbbbacb III. 1.any special requirement for packin

29、g2.a dozen each3.100 dozen to a case4.are packed in gunny bags5.at the Sellers decision6.well-waterproof, suitable for long transportation7.well protected from moisture8.foam-lined wooden case secured with an iron bandIV. (略)V. BACDEFGHVI.1.50 tons of Wheat 2. new gunny bags 3 100kgs. 4. 1.5 kgs.5.

30、To be stenciled/ markedwith our companys initials in a diamond. 6. in 20 ft containers.第9课写作技巧参考答案:1. payment terms; sight L/C 2. shipment date 3. Shenzhen office 4. October delivery 5. bus visitUnit 10I. dbcae fgjhiII.dbada bcdbaIII. 1. at your cost/for your account2. the goods insured3. for 10% ab

31、ove /over the invoice value against All Risks.4 chose F.P.A for his consignment5to fill in this application form first.6. All/Various kinds/types of insurance7The extra premium8. refund/remit the premium to youIV.1.欣告你方,。号合同项下的。将由。轮装运,预期。离开本埠,请办理货物保险。2.我方以发票金额的110%投保仅至目的港。3.请注意保险只包括平安险和战争险。如果要求投保附加险

32、,所需额外保险费将由买方支付。4.货物的保险将由我方以CIF价的110% 投保,如果要求附加险,额外保险费将由买放负担。5.一接到保险人的保险凭证,我们就立即寄给你方。6. 卖方按发票金额进行保险。7. 我们向中国人民保险公司办理投保综合险,保险金额为人民币5,500元。8. 请报由香港至上海保额为18,000美元电视机投保平安险的最低费率。9. 关于保险,按发票金额110%投保到目的港止。10. 保险费率随保险范围而定,如须增加保其他险别, 额外保险费由买方支付。V.EDCBAFGHIJVI.Dear Sirs,Re: InsuranceWe regularly ship consignme

33、nts of bottled beer to Singapore by both passenger and cargo liners of the International Shipping Line.Will you please tell me whether you can issue an All Risks policy for these shipments? If yes/so, what is the premium rate? /If so, on what terms?We wish to know whether you can offer us a special

34、rate in return for the promise of regular shipments./ if we can ship regularly. Your early reply will be very much appreciated.Yours faithfully,第10课写作技巧参考答案:1. which 2. Where 3. through whom 4. whose prices 5. As you knowUnit 11I.bacfe dgihjII.abbab abdbbIII. 1 stating the earliest shipment.2. recei

35、ving your shipping advice 3. bring the delivery forward/ advance the shipment4 without further delay5 arrange for shipping space on the next available steamer6. to deliver the goods in time/ to ensure punctual shipment.7. The shipment date of our L/C 8 allow transshipment (略)V.DEFABCGHVI.Dear Sirs,

36、Order No. 145We are glad to inform you that we have booked shipping space for the consignment under Order No.145, and they will be dispatched tomorrow, which your prompt attention is requested.Name of vesselS.S. “Tianxian” ETDJuly 10, 2009ETAAugust 20, 2009Enclosed shipping documentsInvoice No. CL12

37、20 in duplicate/Non-negotiable Bill of Lading No.AB1234/Packing List No. 5430in duplicate/Insurance Policy No. BG9843/Survey Report No. TF3345/Certificate of Origin We look forward to hearing from you that the goods have arrived safely and in good order and that you are pleased with them.Yours faith

38、fully,第11课写作技巧参考答案:1. acceptance of 2. results from the heavy/large demand3. To accept your offer4. the reason for the delay5. Your placing an order with usUnit 12I.gfchiejbadII.ccddbccbbbIII.i. conform to the original sample/ agree with the original sampleii. compensate your lossiii. at the insuran

39、ce companys disposaliv. the loss of the late delivery/ the loss caused/incurred by the late deliveryv. in good and perfect condition/ in sound conditionvi. ask for a compensation of $460.00/ make a claim for $460.00vii. hold you responsible for the damage. viii. arrival at the port of destination (略

40、)(略)(略)第12课写作技巧参考答案:1. therefore 2. However 3. Otherwise 4. moreover /furthermoreUnit 13. b a d e c g h f j i a d a b a a a a d c1. with you 2. lodged a claim 3. With reference to 4. has given rise to complaint 5. We are really sorry 6. We hope 7. As requested 8. at insurance companys disposal. 9. d

41、rawn a clean draft on you. 10. we are forced to go to arbitration 1. 请注意信用证的规定与合同条款一致。2. 由于我方存货不多了,不得不要求贵公司马上发出已订的货物。3. 希望迅速处理我方要求的事情。4. 他们及时开除了信用证。5. 由于原料短缺,我方工厂不得不拒收订单。6. 按照你方要求, 我们已将全部货物装上Apollo号船。7. 那场雨使得他们没能及时装船。8. 我们对破碎与失窃不负责任。9. 我们采取了一切必要措施开立有关信用证, 该证在一两天内到达你处。10. 无论怎样,我们将向你方提出索赔。. JIBCGEDHFA

42、. 略第13课写作技巧参考答案:1. at 2.as 3.of 4.by 5. together with 6.in 7. for 8.UponUnit 14. iejdbfhgacII. CACBD CCAAAIII .1. continue to increase 2. my application for the post as manager 3. in this instance 4. generous terms in which you wrote about me5. strength our cooperation in shipping business 6. arranging such an excellent program7. your comments on our offer of mens shirts 8. receive you here 9. receive your orde


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