1、阜阳市三义校园足球特色教学问题与加强策略摘要中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见、国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020 年)和关于加强全国青少年校园足球工作的意见等有关开办校园足球特色学校的文件发布后,校园足球活动在全国蓬勃开展起来。在开展过程中存在一些问题和制约因素,尤其在农村地区更为明显。解决这些问题,阜阳市三义校园足球特色学校做得很好。在资金短缺和没有标准足球场地的情况下,在家长不理解和没有专业足球教师等因素制约下,学校领导大力支持和体育老师的努力,组建了一支以留守儿童;为主体的学生足球队,探索出一套适合农村校园足球发展的教学理念和经验,更好地向周边乡镇农
4、联赛;(4)做好安全教育,为学生购买意外保险,将意外风险降到最低,打消教师、家长对足球运动的担忧;(5)让学生劳逸结合,减轻学生的学习压力,提高家长的支持力度;(6)三义校园足球特色学校是一个典型的案例,可以进行参观学习,相关经验可以在农村等条件艰苦的地方推广,促进阜阳周边地区校园足球特色学校快速发展。关键词:阜阳市;小学;足球特色学校;校园足球;个案。AbstractAfter the publication of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening Yo
5、uth Sports and Strengthening the Physical Fitness of the Youth, Outline of the National Medium and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) and Opinions on Strengthening the National Youth Campus Football Work and other documents related to the establishment of campus football cha
6、racteristic schools, campus football activities have been booming across the country. However, There are some problems and constraints in the development process, especially in rural areas. To solve these problems, Fuyang Sanyi Campus Football School has done well. In the case ofshortage of funds an
7、d lack of a standard football field, under the constraints of parents and the lack of professional football teachers, school leaders strongly supported andthe efforts of physical education teachers to form a student football with left-behind children as the main body The team explored a set of teach
8、ing concepts and experiences suitable for the development of rural campus football, better radiating to surrounding rural schools in rural areas, and guiding the rapid development of campus football special schools in surrounding counties and cities.The article mainly adopts research methods such as
9、 literature method,questionnaire survey method, interview method, case study method and mathematical statistics method,from the aspects of student participation in football activities, basic situation of physical education teachers, school football team formation, campus football culture promotion a
10、nd promotion, football course establishment, etc.,in-depth analysis of Fuyang City s campus football special schools, especially the city s distinctive Sanyi Campus Football School, obtain the difficulties and constraints encountered in the development of Fuyang City s campus football characteristic
11、 school, and provide a model reference for further promoting the development of campus football in Fuyang and even Anhui.The survey shows that the problems existing in the development of Fuyang City s campus football special schools: (1) School leaders do not pay much attention to the development of
12、 campus football; (2) The school lacks professional football teachers, and there are few opportunities for township physical education teachers to go out for training; (3) There is a shortage of school funds, insufficient funding, and insufficient football equipment on the court; (4) The number of f
13、ootball teams formed by the school is small, the male football team is more than the female football team, and the number of football leagues in the school is less; (5) Parents have little support for their children’s participation in campus football activities and have little knowledge of foo
14、tball. They are mainly concerned that their children will be injured or take up a lot of learning time when they participate in campus football games,which will affect their cultural performance.Based on the analysis and research of the above problems, the countermeasures are proposed: (1) The schoo
15、l increases the number of professional football teachers,improves the treatment of sports teachers, improves the teacher management system,and provides more training and guidance to football teachers; (2) The school actively carries out a variety of campus football activities, using the Internet, me
16、dia and other communication platforms to promote the construction of campus football culture; (3) The school increases the time and number of students participating in campus football training, encourages and supports girls to participate in campus football, and develop more campus football leagues;
17、 (4) Schools should conduct safety education, purchase accident insurance for students, minimize accident risks, and dispel the worries of teachers and parents about football; (5) The school allows students to combine work and rest, alleviate the students study pressure, and increase the support of
18、parents; (6) Sanyi campus football characteristic school is a typical case, which can be visited and learned, and relevant experience can be promoted in rural areas and other places with difficult conditions, and promote the rapid development of campus football characteristic schools around Fuyang.K
19、eywords:Fuyang City;elementary school;football characteristic school;campusfootball;case。1、 前言1.1 、选题依据。在2015年2月27日审议通过了中国足球改革发展总体方案在方案中提出,全国校园足球特色学校在5000多所基础上,2020年达到2万所。2017年国家体育总局强调:校园足球特色学校、校园足球试点县和改革试验区建设是校园足球重中之重,树立一批校园足球教育教学先进典型,起到模范带头作用。校园足球成为促进阳光体育运动;每天锻炼一小时;的开展和进一步落实的又一重要举措。阜阳市位于安徽省西北部,面积9
22、足球发展的一个模式,在省级比赛中获得优异成绩,在当地有很大的影响力。1.2、 研究目的。随着在全国各地宣传和推广校园足球特色学校,阜阳市先后成立了 195 所校园足球特色学校,其中小学有 87 所。作者从中选取了 16 所小学为调查对象,分析影响阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校开展存在的问题、不足之处和发展制约因素,为阜阳市乃至周边地区的小学校园足球特色学校推广与发展提供一些参考依据和借鉴。1.3、 研究的意义。文章对阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校开展现状进行研究,从不同角度全方位地认知和分析阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校开展的真实情况,找出开展过程中存在的问题和不足。通过对三义校园足球特色学校的案例分析,
23、总结足球教学新问题和新经验,概括出适合阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校的发展经验,推动阜阳市以及周边地区小学校园足球事业的可持续发展。2、文献综述2.1、校园足球特色学校的概念界定2.2、关于校园足球活动开展现状的研究2.3、关于校园足球教学开展现状研究2.4、关于校园足球后备人才培养的研究2.5、关于校园足球特色学校发展现状的研究2.6、国外研究现状3、研究对象与方法3.1、研究对象.3.2、研究方法3.2.1、文献资料法3.2.2、 问卷调查法3.2.4、 访谈法3.2.5、个案分析法3.2.6、 逻辑分析法.4、研究结果与分析.4.1、阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校开展现状分析.4.1.1、阜阳市校园足球特色学校基本情况4.1.2、阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校学生参与校园足球活动情况的调查与分析.4.1.3、阜阳市小学校园足球特色学 校体育教师基本情况的调查与分析.4.1.4、阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校足球课程开设情况.4.1.5、阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校场地设施情况的调查与分析.4.1.6、阜阳市小学校园足球特色学校足球训练和比赛情况的调查与分析.4.1.7、阜阳市小学校园 足球特色学校学生参与校园足
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