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1、扬州大学广陵学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 部: 机械电子工程系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外 文 出 处: dvanced English literacy course (用外文写) 附 件: 指导老师评语签名: 年 月 日第一篇译文(中文)2.3注射模2.3.1注射模塑 注塑主要用于热塑性制件的生产,它也是最古老的塑料成型方式之一。目前,注塑占所有塑料树脂消费的30%。典型的注塑产品主要有杯子器具、容器、机架、工具手柄、旋钮(球形捏手)、电器和通讯部件(如电话接收器),玩具和铅管制造装置。聚合物熔体因其较高的分子质量而具有很高的粘性;它们不能像金属一样在重


3、填充;(2)填充或压紧;(3)定型;(4)冷却;(5)零件顶出。 图2-1 注塑流程塑料芯块(或粉末)被装入进料斗,穿过一条在注射料筒中通过旋转螺杆的作用下塑料芯块(或粉末)被向前推进的通道。螺杆的旋转迫使这些芯块在高压下对抗使它们受热融化的料筒加热壁。加热温度在265至500华氏度之间。随着压力增强,旋转螺杆被推向后压直到积累了足够的塑料能够发射。注射活塞迫使熔融塑料从料筒,通过喷嘴、浇口和流道系统,最后进入模具型腔。在注塑过程中,模具型腔被完全充满。当塑料接触冰冷的模具表面,便迅速固化形成表层。由于型芯还处于熔融状态,塑料流经型芯来完成模具的填充。典型地,在注塑过程中模具型腔被填充至95%




7、顶杆空间的U型结构的柱子支撑,注塑模顶杆空间由背面的压板和垫块组成。被固定在中心板上的U型结构,为也被叫做脱模行程的顶出行程提供了空间。在固化的过程中,部件从主型芯周围收缩以至于当模具打开的时候,部件和浇口随着瓣合机构一起被带出来。接着,中央的起模杆被激活,引起脱模板向前移动以至于顶杆能够推动部件离开型芯。带有冷却通道的上下模被提供,冷却通道通过冷却水循环流通来吸收热塑性高分子聚合熔融物传递给模具的热量。模具型腔也包含好的通风口(对于5毫米而言,通风口应该为0.02到0.08毫米)来确保填充过程中没有空气滞留在模具型腔内。图2-2 注塑模具1顶杆 2顶出板 3导套 4导柱 5下顶针板 6脱件销

8、 7复位杆 8限位杆9导柱 10导柱 11型腔板 12浇口套 13塑料工件 14型芯现在使用的有六种基本注射模具类型。它们是:(1)双板模;(2)三板模;(3)热流道模具;(4)绝热保温流道模具;(5)温流道模具;和(6)重叠压塑模具。图2-3和图2-4阐明了这六种基本注射模具类型。1. 双板模一个双板模具由每块都带有型腔和型芯的两块平板组成。平板被固定在压板上。瓣合机构包含工件自动拆卸机构和流道系统。所有注射模具的基本设计都有这个思想。双板模具是用来制作要求大型浇口制品的最合理的工具。2. 三板模这种类型的模具由三块板组成:(1)固定板或压板被连接到固定压盘上,通常包含主流道和分流道;(2)

9、当模具打开的时候,包含分流道和浇口中间板或型腔固定板是被允许浮动的;(3)活动板或阳模板包含模制件和用来除去模制件的顶出装置。当按压进行打开的时候,中间板和活动板一起移动,因此释放了主流道和分流道系统和清除了浇口处模制品的赘物。当模具打开的时候,这种设计类型的模具使分离流道系统和模制件变成了可能。这种模具设计让点浇口浇注系统能够运用。3. 热流道模具在这个注射模具的流程中,分流道要保持热的,目的是使熔融的塑料一直处于流动的状态。实际上,这是一个“无流道”模具流程,有时候它也被叫做无流道模具。在无流道模具中,分流道被包含在自己的板中。热流道模具除了模塑周期中模具的分流道部分不被打开这点外,其他地

10、方与三板注射模具相似。加热流道板与剩下的冷却部分的模具是绝缘的。分流道中除了热加板,模具中剩余部分是一个标准的两板模具。无流道模具相比传统的浇口流道模具有几个优点。无流道模具没有模具副产品(浇口,分流道,主流道)被处理或者再利用,也没有浇口与制件的分离。周期仅仅要求制件被冷却和从模具中脱离。在这个系统中,从注射料筒到模具型腔,温度能够达到统一。4. 绝热保温流道模具绝热流道模具是热流道模具的一种演变。在这种类型的模具中,分流道材料的外表面充当了绝缘体来让熔融材料通过。在隔热的模具中,通过保留自己的温度使模具中的物料一直是熔化的。有时候,一个分料梭和热探测器被加入模具中来增加柔韧性。这种类型的模

11、具对于多孔中心浇口的制件来说是理想的。5. 温流道模具它是热流道模具的一种演变。在这种模具中,流道而不是流道板被加热。这是通过电子芯片嵌入探测器实现的。6. 重叠压塑模具重叠压塑注射模具顾名思义。一个多重两板模具其中的一块板被放在另一块板的上面。这种结构也可以用在三板模具和热流道模具上。两板重叠结构使单一的挤压输出量加倍,与一个型腔数量相同的两板模具相比,还减少了一半的合模压力。这种方式也被叫做“双层模塑”。2.3.3压膜机1. 传统的注塑机在这个流程中,塑料颗粒或粉末被倒入一个机器料斗中,然后被送入加热料筒室。一个活塞压缩物料,迫使物料渐进地通过加热料筒中物料被分料梭慢慢散开的加热区域。分料

12、梭被安装在料筒的中心,目的是加速塑料体中心的加热。分料梭也有可能被加热,以便塑料能够内外一起被加热。物料从加热料斗流经喷嘴进入模具。喷嘴是料斗和模具之间的密封装置它被用来阻止因为剩余压力而引起的物料泄露。模具在注塑机的末端被夹具夹紧闭合。对于聚苯乙烯而言,机器末端两三吨的压力通常用在之间和流道系统中每个小的投影面积上。传统的活塞式机器是唯一能生产斑点部分的类型的机器。另一种类型的注塑机将塑料材料充分地混合,以至于仅有一种颜色被生产出来。2. 柱塞式预塑机这种机器使用了分料梭活塞加热器来预塑塑料颗粒。塑料颗粒变成熔化状态之后,液态的塑料被倒入一个蓄料室,直到塑料准备好被压入模具。这种类型的机器比

13、传统的机器生产零件的速度更快,因为在制件冷却的时间中,模具腔被填满进行喷射。由于注射活塞在流动的物料中工作,因此在压缩颗粒的时候没有压力损失。这种现象能够应用在带有更多投影面积的大型制件上。柱塞式预塑机的其他特点与传统的单一活塞式注塑机是一样的。图2-5举例说明了柱塞式预塑机。3. 螺杆式预塑机在这种注塑机中,用挤压机来塑化塑料物料。旋转的螺杆使塑料芯块向前,提供给挤压机料筒的加热内壁。熔融的,塑化的物料从挤压机移动到一个蓄料室,然后通过注射活塞移动到模具中。螺杆的应用有以下优势:(1)便于物料更好的混合及塑料溶化后的剪切作用;(2)流动物料硬度的范围更广及热敏材料可以流动;(3)能在更短的时

14、间内进行色泽改变;(4)模具制件中的应力更小4. 往复式螺杆注塑机这种类型的注塑机使用了一个水平的挤压机来代替加热室。螺杆的旋转使塑料物料向前移动通过挤压机料筒。随着物料流经带螺杆的加热料筒,物料从颗粒状态变为塑料熔融状态。螺杆往复的过程中,传递给模制物料的热量是由螺杆和挤压机的料筒壁之间的摩擦和传导引起的。当物料向前移动的时候,螺杆返回到在挤压机料筒前方决定物料容量的行程开关处。在这个时候,与典型挤压机类似的挤压过程结束了。当物料注射到模具中,螺杆向前移动来转移料筒中的物料。在这个注塑机中,螺杆既充当活塞,又充当螺杆。模具中的浇口截面冻结阻止回流之后,螺杆开始旋转并且向后移动,进行下一个周期

15、。图2-5展示了往复式螺杆注塑机。这种形式的注塑有几个优点。它更有效地塑化热敏感材料,由于螺杆的混合作用更快地混合色泽。给材料加热的文都能够更低,并且整个周期时间可以更短。第一篇英文(原文)2.3 injection molds2.3.1 Injection molding Injection molding is principally used for the production of thermoplastic parts, and it is also one of the oldest. Currently injection-molding accounts for 30% of

16、 all plastics resin consumption. Typical injection-molded products are cups, containers, housings, tool handles, knobs, electrical and communication components (such as telephone receivers), toys, and plumbing fittings. Polymer melts have very high viscosities due to their high molecular weights; th

17、ey cannot be poured directly into a mold under gravity flow as metals can, but must be forced into the mold under high pressure. Therefore while the mechanical properties of a metal casting arepredominantly determined by the rate of heat transfer from the mold walls, which determines the grain size

18、and grain orientation in the final casting, in injection molding the high pressure during the injection of the melt produces shear forces that are the primary cause of the final molecular orientation in the material. The mechanical properties of the finished product are therefore affected by both th

19、e injection conditions and the cooling conditions within the mold. Injection molding has been applied to thermoplastics and thermoses, foamed parts, and has been modified to yield the reaction injection molding (RIM) process, in which the two components of a thermosetting resin system are simultaneo

20、usly injected and polymerize rapidly within the mold. Most injection molding is however performed on thermoplastics, and the discussion that follows concentrates on such moldingsA typical injection molding cycle or sequence consists of five phases (see Fig. 2-1): (1) Injection or mold filling; (2) P

21、acking or compression;(3) Holding;(4) Cooling;(5) Part ejection Plastic pellets (or powder) are loaded into the feed hopper and through an opening in the injection cylinder where they are carried forward by the rotating screw. The rotation of the screw forces the pellets under high pressure against

22、the heated walls of the cylinder causing them to melt. Heating temperatures range from 265 to 500. As the pressure builds up, the rotating screw is forced backward until enough plastic has accumulated to make the shot. The injection ram (or screw) forces molten plastic from the barrel, through the n

23、ozzle, sprue and runner system, and finally into the mold cavities. During injection, the mold cavity is filled volumetrically. When the plastic contacts the cold mold surfaces, it solidifies (freezes) rapidly to produce the skin layer. Since the core remains in the molten state, plastic flows throu

24、gh the core to complete mold filling. Typically, the cavity is filled to 95%98% during injection. Then the molding process is switched over to the packing phase. Even as the cavity is filled, the molten plastic begins to cool. Since the cooling plastic contracts or shrinks, it gives rise to defects

25、such as sink marks, voids, and dimensional instabilities. To compensate for shrinkage, addition plastic is forced into the cavity. Once the cavity is packed, pressure applied to the melt prevents molten plastic inside the cavity from back flowing out through the gate. The pressure must be applied un

26、til the gate solidifies. The process can be divided into two steps (packing and holding) or may be encompassed in one step (holding or second stage). During packing, melt forced into the cavity by the packing pressure compensates for shrinkage. With holding, the pressure merely prevents back flow of

27、 the polymer melt. After the holding stage is completed, the cooling phase starts. During cooling, the part is held in the mold for specified period. The duration of the cooling phase depends primarily on the material properties and the part thickness. Typically, the part temperature must cool below

28、 the materials ejection temperature. While cooling the part, the machine plasticates melt for the next cycle. The polymer is subjected to shearing action as well as the condition of the energy from the heater bands. Once the shot is made, plastication ceases. This should occur immediately before the

29、 end of the cooling phase. Then the mold opens and the part is ejected2.3.2 Injection Molds Molds for injection molding are as varied in design, degree of complexity, and size as are the parts produced from them. The functions of a mold for thermoplastics are basically to impart the desired shape to

30、 the plasticized polymer and then to cool the molded part. A mold is made up of two sets of components: (1) the cavities and cores, and (2) the base in which the cavities and cores are mounted. The size and weight of the molded parts limit the number of cavities in the mold and also determine the eq

31、uipment capacity required. From consideration of the molding process, a mold has to be designed to safely absorb the forces of clamping, injection, and ejection. Also, the design of the gates and runners must allow for efficient flow and uniform filling of the mold cavities. Fig.2-2 illustrates the

32、parts in a typical injection mold. The mold basically consists of two parts: a stationary half (cavity plate), on the side where molten polymer is injected, and a moving half (core plate) on the closing or ejector side of the injection molding equipment. The separating line between the two mold halv

33、es is called the parting line. The injected material is transferred through a central feed channel, called the sprue. The sprue is located on the sprue bushing and is tapered to facilitate release of the sprue material from the mold during mold opening. In multicavity molds, the sprue feeds the poly

34、mer melt to a runner system, which leads into each mold cavity through a gate. The core plate holds the main core. The purpose of the main core is to establish the inside configuration of the part. The core plate has a backup or support plate. The support plate in turn is supported by pillars agains

35、t the U-shaped structure known as the ejector housing, which consists of the rear clamping plate and spacer blocks. This U-shaped structure, which is bolted to the core plate, provides the space for the ejection stroke also known as the stripper stroke. During solidification the part shrinks around

36、the main core so that when the mold opens, part and sprue are carried along with the moving mold half. Subsequently, the central ejector is activated, causing the ejector plates to move forward so that the ejector pins can push the part off the core. Both mold halves are provided with cooling channe

37、ls through which cooled water is circulated to absorb the heat delivered to the mold by the hot thermoplastic polymer melt. The mold cavities also incorporate fine vents (0.02 to 0.08 mm by 5 mm) to ensure that no air is trapped during filling There are six basic types of injection molds in use toda

38、y. They are: (1) two-plate mold; (2)three-plate mold, (3) hot-runner mold; (4) insulated hot-runner mold; (5) hot-manifold mold; and stacked mold. Fig. 2-3 and Fig. 2-4 illustrate these six basic types of injection molds. 1. Two-Plate Mold A two-plate mold consists of two plates with the cavity and

39、cores mounted in either plate. The plates are fastened to the press platens. The moving half of the mold usually contains the ejector mechanism and the runner system. All basic designs for injection molds have this design concept. A two-plate mold is the most logical type of tool to use for parts th

40、at require large gates. 2. Three-Plate Mold This type of mold is made up of three plates: (1) the stationary or runner plate is attached to the stationary platen, and usually contains the sprue and half of the runner; (2) the middle plate or cavity plate, which contains half of the runner and gate,

41、is allowed to float when the mold is open; and (3) the movable plate or force plate contains the molded part and the ejector system for the removal of the molded part. When the press starts to open, the middle plate and the movable plate move together, thus releasing the sprue and runner system and

42、degating the molded part. This type of mold design makes it possible to segregate the runner system and the part when the mold opens. The die design makes it possible to use center-pin-point gating. 3. Hot-Runner Mold In this process of injection molding, the runners are kept hot in order to keep th

43、e molten plastic in a fluid state at all times. In effect this is a runnerless molding process and is sometimes called the same. In runnerless molds, the runner is contained in a plate of its own. Hot runner molds are similar to three-plate injection molds, except that the runner section of the mold

44、 is not opened during the molding cycle. The heated runner plate is insulated from the rest of the cooled mold. Other than the heated plate for the runner, the remainder of the mold is a standard two-plate die. Runnerless molding has several advantages over conventional sprue runner-type molding. Th

45、ere are no molded side products (gates, runners, or sprues) to be disposed of or reused, and there is no separating of the gate from the part. The cycle time is only as long as is required for the molded part to be cooled and ejected from the mold. In this system, a uniform melt temperature can be a

46、ttained from the injection cylinder to the mold cavities. 4. Insulated Hot-Runner Mold This is a variation of the hot-runner mold. In this type of molding, the outer surface of the material in the runner acts likes an insulator for the molten material to pass through. In the insulated mold, the mold

47、ing material remains molten by retaining its own heat. Sometimes a torpedo and a hot probe are added for more flexibility. This type of mold is ideal for multicavity center-gated parts 5. Hot-Manyfold This is a variation of the hot-runner mold. In the hot-manifold die, the runner and not the runner

48、plate is heated. This is done by using an electric-cartridge-insert probe. 6. Stacked Mold The stacked injection mold is just what the name implies. A multiple two-plate mold is placed one on top of the other. This construction can also be used with three-plate molds and hot-runner molds. A stacked

49、two-mold construction doubles the output from a single press and reduces the clamping pressure required to one half, as compared to a mold of the same number of cavities in a two-plate mold. This method is sometimes called “two-level molding”. 2.3.3 Mold Machine 1. Conventional Injection-Molding Mac

50、hine In this process, the plastic granules or pellets are poured into a machine hopper and fed into the chamber of the heating cylinder. A plunger then compresses the material, forcing it through progressively hotter zones of the heating cylinder, where it is spread thin by a torpedo. The torpedo is

51、 installed in the center of the cylinder in order to accelerate the heating of the center other plastic mass. The torpedo may also be heated so that the plastic is heated from the inside as well as from the outside.The material flows from the heating cylinder through a nozzle into the mold. The nozz

52、le is the seal between the cylinder and the mold; it is used to prevent leaking of material caused by the pressure used. The mold is held shut by the clamp end of the machine. For polystyrene, two to three tons of pressure on the clamp end of the machine is generally used for each inch of projected

53、area of the part and runner system. The conventional plunger machine is the only type of machine that can produce a mottle-colored part. The other types of injection machines mix the plastic material so thoroughly that only one color will be produced. 2. Piston-Type Preplastifying MachineThis machin

54、e employs a torpedo ram heater to preplastify the plastic granules. After the melt stage, the fluid plastic is pushed into a holding chamber until it is ready to be forced into the die. This type of machine produces pieces faster than a conventional machine, because the molding chamber is filled to

55、shot capacity during the cooling time of the part. Due to the fact that the injection plunger is acting on fluid material, no pressure loss is encountered in compacting the granules. This allows for larger parts with more projected area. The remaining features of a piston-type preplastifying machine

56、 are identical to the conventional single-plunger injection machine. Fig. 2-5 illustrates a piston or plunger preplastifying injection molding machine 3. Screw-Type Preplastifying Machine In this injection-molding machine, an extruder is used to plasticize the plastic material. The turning screw fee

57、ds the pellets forward to the heated interior surface of the extruder barrel. The molten, plasticized material moves from the extruder into a holding chamber, and from there is forced into the die by the injection plunger. The use of a screw gives the following advantages: (1) better mixing and shea

58、r action of the plastic melt; (2) a broader range of stiffer flow and heat sensitive materials can be run; (3) color changes can be handled in a shorter time, and (4) fewer stresses are obtained in the molded part. 4. Reciprocating-Screw Injection Machine This type of injection molding machine employs a horizontal e


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