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1、Taylor SwiftWe are never ever getting back together 绝对绝对分定了(官方中文版) I remember when we broke up, the first time. 我记得那次分手 第一次 saying this is it Ive had enough. 说 就这样吧 我受够了 cause like we hadnt seen each other in a month 就像 我们整个月没见面 when you said you needed spacewhat? 当时 你说你需要一点空间?不懂? Then you come arou

2、nd again and say. 之后你又回到我身边说 baby I miss you and I swear Im gonna change. 宝贝 我想你了 我发誓我会改变 trust me. 相信我 remember how that lasted for a day? 记得吗 那只维持一天 I say I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you. 我说 我恨你 我们分手吧!你打给我 说你爱我 Oh Woo-Oh We called it off again last night. 昨晚我们又分了 but oh woo-oh, th

3、is time Im telling you, 但 这次我告诉你 Im telling you, 告诉你! We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们 绝对绝对绝对 分定了 We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们 绝对绝对绝对 分定了 You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me. 你跟你朋友说 话传到我朋友 再传给我 but we are never ever ever ever getting back tog

4、ether. 但我们 绝对绝对绝对绝对 分定了 Likeever. 很.绝对 Im really gonna miss you picking fights. 我会想念你来找我吵架 and me falling for a screaming that Im right. 而我大叫着说你我是对的 and you hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record thats much cooler than mine. 而你只会躲起来图个清静 改听独立音乐说我不够酷 Oh, oh, You called me up agai

5、n tonight. 昨晚我们又分了 but oh woo-oh,this time Im telling you, 但 这次我告诉你 Im telling you, 告诉你! We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们 绝对绝对绝对 分定了 We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们 绝对绝对绝对 分定了 You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me. 你跟你朋友说 话传到我朋友 再传给我 but we are ne

6、ver ever ever ever getting back together. 但我们 绝对绝对绝对绝对 分定了 I used to think that we were forever, ever . 我曾经以为我们会永远永远在一起 and I used to say never say never. 我曾经说过 没有绝对 so he calls me and hes like . 他打给我说 “I still love you.” “我还是爱你” and Im just like “this is exhaustingyou know.we are never getting back

7、 together. 但我.我觉得 “这有点烦人你懂吗 我们绝对分定了。” Like ever.” “绝对。” We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们 绝对绝对绝对 分定了 We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们 绝对绝对绝对 分定了 You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me. 你跟你朋友说 话传到我朋友 再传给我 but we are never ever ever ever getting back t

8、ogether. 但我们 绝对绝对绝对 分定了 Oh Woo-oh oh You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me. 你跟你朋友说 话传到我朋友 再传给我 but we are never ever ever ever getting back together. 但我们 绝对绝对绝对绝对分定了 Begin Again Taylor Swift-Begin Again(再续前缘) Took a deep breath in the mirror 深呼吸,看着镜子里的自己 He didnt like it when I w

9、ore high heels. 他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子 But I do. 但却是我的最爱 Turned the lock and put my headphones on. 锁上门,躲进耳机里的世界 He always said he didnt get this song. 他总是说,不能理解这首歌的意义 But I do, I do. 但我却感同身受 Walked in expecting youd be late. 推开门的瞬间,我觉得你应该会迟到 But you got here early. 但熟悉的身影已经出现在那里 And you stand and wait. 静静的等

10、待 And I walk to you. 我朝着你的方向走去 You pull my chair out and help me in. 你温柔的拉开椅子,让我坐进 And you dont know how nice that is. 你不会知道,这画面有多美好 But I do. 但我却能领略其中的美妙 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid. 你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜 I think its strange that you think Im funny. 你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。 Cause

11、 he never did. 因为,他从不这样认为 Ive been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does. 过去的8个月我一直思考, 爱就只会 Is break and burn and end. 破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见 But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again. 但在星期三午后的咖啡馆,我却看见爱,再次浮现 You said you never met one girl 你说,你不曾遇见过一个女孩 who has as many James Taylo

12、r records as you. 收藏着和你一样多的James Taylor的卡带 But I do. 但你遇见了一个这样的我 We tell stories, 我们讲述着故事 and you dont know why Im coming off a little shy. 你不会明白,为什么我的脸上泛着红晕 But I do. 但我心知肚明 But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid. 你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜 I think its strange that you think Im funny. 你觉得我很有

13、趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。 Cause he never did. 因为,他从未这样认为 Ive been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does. 过去的8个月我一直思考, 爱就只会 Is break and burn and end. 破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见 But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again. 但在星期三午后的咖啡馆,我却看见爱,再次浮现 And we walk down the block to my car. 我们并肩走过街区,来到我的车旁

14、 And I almost brought him up. 我几乎就要提起那个另我伤心的他 But you start to talk about the movies. 你却转而开始谈论电影 that your family watches every single Christmas. 那一部你们家庭每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片 And I wont talk about that. 我想我不会再提起他了 For the first time, whats past is past. 第一次闪过这样的念头,过去的,就让它封存在记忆里吧 Cause you throw your head bac

15、k laughing like a little kid. 你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜 I think its strange that you think Im funny. 你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。 Cause he never did. 因为,他从未这样认为 Ive been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does. 过去的8个月我一直思考爱会做什么。 Is break and burn and end. 破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见 But on a Wednesday in a cafe I wa

16、tched it begin again. 在星期三的咖啡馆,我抬起头 But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again. 那个阳光温暖的午后,我看见爱,再次浮现 Taylor Swift Red 泰勒斯威夫特红 Loving himis like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street 爱他,如同驾驶着崭新的玛莎拉蒂冲进死路 Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly 快如疾风,情深至罪,却也草草了结 Lov

17、ing him is like trying to change your mind once youre already flying through the freefall 爱他,如同自由坠落之后试图回心转意 Like the colors in autumn, so bright, just before they lose it all 好似秋色,纵使明艳,却将纷纷凋零 Losing him was blue, like Ive never known 失去他,是蓝色,我从未知否 Missing him was dark grey, all alone 思念他,是深灰,我孑然一身 F

18、orgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 遗忘他,是将他当做陌生人重新来过 Butloving him was red 而爱他,是红色 Lovinghim was red 烈焰般的红色 Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you 触碰他,如同美梦成真,尽现眼前 Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old fav

19、orite song 铭记他,如同熟知最爱的老歌,字字句句 Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing theres no right answer 与他争吵,如同竭力解开一道纵横字谜,却没有正确答案 Regretting him was like wishing youd never found out that love could be that strong 对他抱歉,如同企望自己从来没有发觉,对他的爱是那么真切 Losing him was blue, like Ive never know

20、n 失去他,是蓝色,我从未知否 Missinghim was dark grey, all alone 思念他,是深灰,我孑然一身 Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 遗忘他,是将他当做陌生人重新来过 But loving him was red 而爱他,是红色 Oh,red burning red 灼人的红色 Remembering him comes in flashbacks, in echoes 有关他的回忆排山倒海,不绝于耳 Tellmyself its time now, gotta let g

21、o 告诉自己,该放手了 But moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head 而当一切仍在脑海盘旋,怎可能将之弃于身后,毅然前行 Burning red 灼人的红色 Loving him was red 爱他,是灼人的红色 Losing him was blue, like Ive never known 失去他,是蓝色,我从未知否 Missing him was dark grey, all alone 思念他,是深灰,我孑然一身 Forgetting him was like trying to kn

22、ow somebody you never met 遗忘他,是将他当做陌生人重新来过 Cause loving him was red 只因爱他,是红色 Yeah,yeah red 烈焰般的红 burningred 灼人的红色 And thats why hes spinning round in my head 就这样,他,萦绕脑海,挥散不去 Comes back to me, burning red 如灼人的红色,向我涌来 His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead endstreet 对他的爱,如同驾驶着崭新的玛莎拉蒂,冲向不

23、归路 Taylor Swift I Knew You Were Trouble 我知道你是个麻烦 Once upon a time 在很久很久之前 A few mistakes ago 当一切都是无容置疑的时候 I was in your sights 我在你的视线里 You got me alone 只身一人 You found me you found me, you found me 你寻寻觅觅地找到了我,是的,你找到了我 I guess you didnt care, 让我猜猜看,你一定毫不在乎 AndI guess I liked that 再让我思索一下,你的毫不在乎是我喜欢上你的

24、理由 And when I fell hard 我深陷了有你的爱河里 you took a step back 可你却不是原地等我,而是往后退步 Without me without me, without me 离我而去,没错,你离我而去 And hes long gone 他的心永不属我,千里之外 When hes next to me 即使他不过近在咫尺 And I realize 我蓦然忆起 The blame is on me 所有问题的差错都在我身上 Cuz I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你降临于我的生活时,我就知道你是我无

25、法躲避的劫难 So shame on me now 现在只能深深地埋怨自己 I flew me to places Ive never been 你带我私奔,流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际 Till you put me down oh 直至你狠狠地将我推下沼泽任我下坠 I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你走近我生活的那一刻,我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱 So shame on me now 现在只能深深地埋怨自己 I flew me to places Ive never been 你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景 NowIm lying on t

26、he cold hard ground 而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面 Oh Oh trouble trouble trouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避 Oh Ohtrouble trouble trouble 劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 No apologies, 没有半句道歉 Hell never see you cry 他永远不会懂得你的哭泣 Pretend he doesnt know, 装作未曾发生,毫不知情 That hes the reason why 他就是你哭泣至天明的原因 Youre drowning, youre drowning, youre drowning 让你窒息

27、、沉溺 Heard you moved on, 听说你移情别恋,将对你的挚爱甩开脑后 From whispers on the street 人们在大街小巷八卦地讨论着 A new notch in your belt is all Ill ever be 而我就仅仅是你闪地发亮的真皮皮带上的一个小孔罢了 And now I see, now I see, now I see 此刻,我如梦惊醒 Hewas long gone 他早已离开,毫不眷恋 When he met me 他遇到我时我能感觉到 And I realize 我清楚的意识到 The joke is on me 这是我对自己开的

28、一个天大的笑话 I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你悄无声息地踏入我生活的那一瞬,我便知道你是我无法躲避的噩耗 So shame on me now 只能傻傻地埋怨自己 I flew me to places Ive never been 你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际 Till you put me down oh 直至将我狠狠地退入沼泽地里 I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你光顾我生活的那一刹那,我便知道你是我无法逃避的袭击 so shame on me now 只能傻傻地责怪自己

29、I flew me to places Ive never been 你带我看遍,我不曾浏览的风景 Now Im lying on the cold hard ground 而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面 Oh Ohtrouble trouble trouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避 Oh Oh trouble trouble trouble 劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 And the saddest fear 最悲伤的恐惧 Comes creeping in 永无止尽地蔓延在我的脑海里 That you never loved me, or her, or anyone 你不曾爱过我,也不曾

30、爱过她,亦或是任何人 Or anything, yeah 任何事情 I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你走进我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我无法躲避的劫难 So shame on me now 所以错在自己 I flew me to places Ive never been 你带我飞去,我不曾落足的角落 Till you put me down oh 直至将我狠狠丢弃 I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你走近我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱 So shame on me no

31、w 只能责怪自己 I flew me to places Ive never been 你带我看遍,我不曾浏览的风景 Now Im lying on the cold hard ground 而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面 Oh Oh trouble trouble trouble 劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 Oh Oh trouble trouble trouble 劫难,陷阱,无法逃避 I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你走进我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我的劫难 Trouble trouble trouble 无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法躲

32、避 I knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你走近我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我的陷阱 Trouble trouble trouble 无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法躲避 State of Grace 承蒙天恩官方翻译 Im walking fast through the traffic lights 快步穿梭于变幻的红绿灯间 Busy streets and busy lives 喧闹的街角,忙碌的时间 And all we know is touch and go 我们所知道的,便只有擦肩而过的遗憾 We alone with our chang

33、ing minds 思绪在不断的变化着 We fall in love。 我们坠入爱河, Till it hurts or bleeds, or fades in time 直至受伤,流血,或在时间里慢慢失去色彩 And I never saw you coming 不曾预见,与你遇见 And Ill never be the same 我的世界,从此改变 You come around and the armor falls 是你的到来,让我卸下了自护的盔甲 Pierce the room like a cannon ball 强有力的击碎坚硬的围墙 Now all we know, is

34、dont let go 此时我们所知道的,便是锁住时间 We are alone just you and me 相伴,就只有你和我 Up in your room and our slates are clean 在你的世界,一切都是如此纯洁 Just twin fire signs, four blue eyes 只有眼中热情的光芒,四目相对的蓝色火焰 So you were never a saint 你并不是一个圣人 And I love the Sades are wrong 我喜欢你的证明,sade的理论只是一种传言 We learn to live with the pain 我

35、们学会带着伤痛继续生活 Mostly of broken hearts 那些已经破碎的心 But this love is raging and wild 但这份爱确是如此炽灼,无法抵御 And I never saw you coming 不曾预见,与你遇见 And Ill never be the same 我的世界,从此改变 This is a state of grace 这,是一片圣洁美好的乐园 This is a worth while fight 这,是一场值得为其奋斗的战争 Love is a ruthless game 爱情,是一场残忍的游戏 Unless you play

36、it good and right 除非,你能待它,真诚而正确 These are the hands of fate 命运向我们伸出双手 Youre my Achilles heel 你是我无法抗拒的弱点 This is the golden age of something good 在最美的年华里遇见你 And right and real 如此真切 And I never saw you coming 不曾预见,与你遇见 And Ill never be the same 我的世界,从此改变 And I never saw you coming 不曾预见,与你遇见 And Ill ne

37、ver be the same 我的世界,从此改变 This is a state of grace 这,是一片圣洁美好的乐园 This is a worth while fight 这,是一场值得为其奋斗的战争 Love is a ruthless game 爱情,是一场残忍的游戏 Unless you play it good and right 除非,你能待它,真诚而正确 I almost do 我已尽全力 I bet this time of night youre still up 我知道,每天夜里的这个时候,你还没有睡觉 I bet youre tired from a long,

38、 hard week 我知道,漫长辛苦的一周工作,一定让你倍感疲劳 I bet youre sitting in your chair by the window, looking out at the city 我知道,你正坐在窗前,看着窗外的城市 And I bet sometimes you wonder about me 我知道,时不时地,你也会想想我过得好不好 And I just want to tell you 而我只想对你说 It takes everything in me not to call you 每次想打给你,都要竭尽所能克制自己 And I wish I coul

39、d run to you 多希望能奔向你 And I hope you know that 但愿你知道 Every time I dont, 为了停住几乎迈出的脚步 I almost do, I almost do 我已倾尽全力 I bet you think I either moved on or hate you 我知道,你定认为我以继续生活,或积怨于怀 Cause each time you reach out theres no reply 只因你每次与我联络,回应都是空白 I bet it never, ever occurred to you that I cant say he

40、llo to you 我知道,你不会明白 And risk another goodbye 吝惜一声问候,是怕再换回一句告别 And I just want to tell you 而我只想对你说 It takes everything in me not to call you 每次想打给你,都要竭尽所能克制自己 And I wish I could run to you 多希望能奔向你 And I hope you know that 但愿你知道 Every time I dont, 为了停住几乎迈出的脚步 I almost do, I almost do 我已倾尽全力 We made q

41、uite a mess, babe 我们争吵地那样激烈 Its probably better off this way 也许现在的生活,才能让彼此过得好些 And I confess, babe 我承认 That in my dreams youre touching my face 在梦中,你曾抚摸我的脸 And asking me if I want to try again with you 问我是否愿意再试一遍 And I almost do 而我几乎沦陷 And I just want to tell you 而我只想对你说 It takes everything in me no

42、t to call you 每次想打给你,都要竭尽所能克制自己 And I wish I could run to you 多希望能奔向你 And I hope you know that 但愿你知道 Every time I dont, 为了停住几乎迈出的脚步 I almost do, I almost do 我已倾尽全力 I bet this time of night youre still up 我知道,每天夜里的这个时候,你还没有睡觉 I bet youre tired from a long, hard week 我知道,漫长辛苦的一周工作,一定让你倍感疲劳 I bet youre

43、 sitting in your chair by the window, looking out at the city 我知道,你正坐在窗前,看着窗外的城市 And I bet sometimes you wonder about me 我知道,时不时地,你也会想想我过得好不好 Starlight 星光 I said oh my, what a marvellous tune It was the best night, never would forget how we moved The whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were

44、 dancing dancing Like were made of starlight Like were made of starlight Im a barbie on the boardwalk, summer of 45 Picks me up, play one night at the window He was 17 and crazy, running wild, wild Cant remember what song it was playing when we walked in The night we snook into a yacht club party Pr

45、etending to be a duchess and a prince I said oh my, what a marvellous tune It was the best night, never would forget how we moved The whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing dancing Like were made of starlight, starlight Like were made of starlight, starlight He still look at you w

46、orrying so much about things you cant change Youll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking away He was trying to skip rocks on the ocean saying to me Dont you see the starlight, starlight? Dont you dream impossible things? Like oh my, what a marvellous tune It was the best night

47、, never would forget how we moved The whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing, dancing Like were made of starlight, starlight Like were made of starlight, starlight Ooh ooh hes talking crazy Ooh ooh dancing with me Ooh ooh we could get married Have ten kids and teach them how to dr

48、eam Ooh ooh ooh x4 Oh my, what a marvellous tune It was the best night, never would forget how we moved The whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing, dancing Like were made of starlight, starlight Like were made of starlight, starlight Like were made of starlight, starlight Like we

49、dream impossible dreams Like starlight starlight Like we dream impossible dreams Dont you see the starlight starlight Dont you dream impossible things Treacherous 变幻莫测官方翻译 Put your lips close to mine 将你的唇靠近我的唇 As long as they dont touch 维持着不碰触的距离 Out of focus, eye to eye 模糊中互相凝视 Till the gravitys to

50、o much 直到无法继续下去 And Id be smart to walk away 然后我会聪明地移步走开 But youre quick sand 但你却仍在原地 This slope is treacherous 变化莫测的是你我的距离 This path is reckless 鲁莽的是这弯曲的轨道 This slope is treacherous 变化莫测的是你我的距离 And I, I, I like it 然而,我深爱着这一切 I cant decide if its a choice 即便这是选择题我也无法选择 Getting swept away 赶快扫走它 I hear the sound of my own voice 我听到自己发出的声音


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