



1、多模态教学法在大学英语词汇教学中的应用实证研究IntroductionThis part introduces the questions, background, significance andstructure of the research. At present, multi-modal teaching model hasdrawn much more attention and received its name from experts andscholars at home and abroad. And the number of applied research ofmu

2、ltimodal teaching model on English vocabulary is on the rise.However, it still requires further exploring what exact effects do themultimodal teaching model have on English vocabulary teaching andlearning. This article will analyze and discuss the detailed effects ofmultimodal teaching method on voc

3、abulary based on the experiments. Inthis thesis, there are two research questions. Firstly, To what degree doesmultimodal approach affect college students’ English vocabularylearning(sound recognition, word spelling and distinguishing lexicalmeaning) ? Secondly, To what degree does multimodal

4、approach affectcollege students’English vocabulary short-term and long-term memory?In the late 1990s, with the rapid development of informationtechnology in Western countries, multimedia, projection, digital camerasand other equipment were widely used, making it possible to studydiscourse from

5、 visual expression, sound, three-dimensional animation,color of clothing and other non-verbal symbols. In this context, thetraditional discourse analysis method, which only focused on thelanguage itself, can no longer meet the needs of comprehensive andaccurate discourse analysis in the age of scien

6、ce and technology. Sowestern researchers began to combine linguistic signs with nonverbalsymbols (such as expression, laboratory, teaching equipment, etc.) intothe framework of discourse analysis, which have expanded the researchmethods of discourse analysis. Thus, a new approach to discourseanalysi

7、s - multimodal discourse analysis is formed. In the past ten years,the research results of this field have been emerging, and the researchperspective has been extended to many fields such as language teaching,web design, film producing, architecture planning, newspaper andperiodical publishing, etc.

8、, which has influenced the directions of manydisciplines.In the perspective of applying multimodal discourse analysis intolanguage teaching, the instruction role of this new method has drawnmore and more researchers’ attention, who are trying to explore therelation between multimodality and la

9、nguage teaching and learning.Kress and van Leeuwen (2001) explored the methods of classroommulti-modal teaching. They analyzed the role of the non-linguisticsymbol modality in language teaching, such as gestures, body movements,pictures and etc. Jewitt (2006) studied the design and principles ofinte

10、ractive whiteboards in the classroom instruction and the relationshipbetween multi-mode teaching and modern media technology arediscussed. Hu Zhuanglin (2007) pointed out that the ability of students’Multimodal Literacy should be taken into account. Gu Yueguo (2007)analyzed the difference betw

11、een multimedia and multi-modal learningmodels, and explored the application of multimodal in network teaching.The researches carried out by the scholars did not focus on the same topic,the involved aspects are wide range, from the detailed language skills,listening, speaking, reading and writing, tr

12、anslating to the specificteaching content, grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing.Despite the various contents, there are also different research methods.Chapter1 Literature ReviewThis chapter is to present the previous studies on multimodalapproach, English vocabulary teaching and the related eff

13、ects onvocabulary teaching and learning in order to find out what has or has notbeen studied and what are the merits and demerits of the previous studies.1.1 Studies on MultimodalApproachIn this section, the developing route of multimodal teaching will beintroduced and the main achievement and quest

14、ions will also bementioned.The concept Multimodal teaching; was based on the background ofhighly developed modern information technology. The society hasentered into the hypertext age from the mere oral and reading and writingera. People can conduct a wide range of information interaction activities

15、through the Internet, for example, by E-mail, MSN, BBS, QQ, Wechat,video communication, role playing games and so on. All these haveconstructed a language register with distinctive meaning.Starting From the last decade of 2000, the scholars of the westerninternational language community began to cen

16、ter their attention to thestudies on Multimodal Teaching as well as its basic theory, multimodaldiscourse analysis. The achievements have been outstanding during theyears.The first to open the door of the multimodal study is M.A.K.Halliday. The systemic functional linguistic theory that he founded h

17、as agreat impact on discourse analysis. His views on the nature of language,language system, language function, language structure, language andcontext, cohesion and coherence, have been admitted by the academiccommunity.1.2 Studies on English Vocabulary TeachingVocabulary is an indispensable part o

18、f languages. However, thestudies about English vocabulary teaching and learning are much lessthan those of grammar and the reading. Fortunately, more and more scholars began to pay attention to vocabulary teaching with theimportance of vocabulary being emphasized along the years.Vocabulary teaching

19、is the teaching process and teaching activitieswith vocabulary as teaching contents and with the understanding andapplication of the target words as the teaching goal. We cannot call it asvocabulary teaching if the teaching aim is to cultivate learners’ listening,speaking, reading, writing, tr

20、anslation and other language abilities withthe interpretation of words indirectly involved rather than take thelearners’vocabulary learning and application as the direct teaching goal.About the content of vocabulary teaching, different researchers havedifferent idea on the standard of acquirin

21、g a word. Wallace (1982)suggests nine standards for the ability of knowing a word. These includerecognizing it in its spoken or written form, pronouncing it in arecognizable way in speech, spelling it correctly in writing, recalling it atwill, relating it to an appropriate object or concept, being a

22、ware of itsconnotation and associations, using it in the appropriate grammaticalform, using it with the words it correctly goes with, using it at theappropriate level of formality.Chapter3 Methodology.383.1 Research Design.383.1.1 Research Questions. 393.1.2 Research Subjects.393.1.3 Research Instru

23、ments. 433.2 Research Procedures.46Chapter 4 Results and Discussion.534.1 Effects of MultimodalApproaches on Vocabulary Learning.534.1.1 Effects on Sound Recognition. 594.1.2 Effects on Word Spelling. 634.1.3 Effects on Distinguishing Lexical Meaning.664.2 Effects of Multimodal Approach on Short-ter

24、m andLong-term Memory.71Chapter 4 Results and DiscussionThe results and discussion of the research questions are shown inthis chapter. The value of an empirical study is the results and discussion,which includes two parts: reporting results, analyzing results anddiscussing results. This chapter will

25、 examine the results related to theresearch questions, focusing on the discussion for each research questions.To begin with, this chapter shows the results from the immediate anddelayed vocabulary tests on the whole.4.1 Effects of MultimodalApproaches on Vocabulary LearningIn order to find out the e

26、xact effects of multimodal approach onvocabulary learning, the author conducted immediate and delayedvocabulary tests on both EC and CC. In this part, the author tries toanalyze the total score of the two vocabulary tests firstly. And thendetailed comparison between different section of the test wil

27、l beillustrated.As we can conclude in Table 4.1, the mean values are quite differentfrom the other, with 75.7 for EC and 70.9 for CC. However, the standarddeviation of EC and CC are almost equaled to each other. Both of themare nearly 15.6. From Table 4.2, The Independent Samples T Test resultsshows that the F of Levene’s test for Equal Valance is 0.002, and theSignificance value is 0.964 which is bigger than 0.05. That means the nullhypothesis should be accepted. The P value in the T-test is 0.0360.05,which shows that there is a big difference in the total score of immediatevoca


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