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1、高考题型重组练(一)I 阅读理解A2019 湖北省调研In American countryside, the messagewehear is this: Go and get an educati on. Leave your small tow n and make somethi ng of yourself. Success and opport unity are found elsewhere.After graduating from a high school in Helena, Arkansas,I did go.I went to Colby College in Ma

2、ine. I had visited the school ahead of time, so I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew about the difference in weather. I understood the difference in social atmosphere. But I wan ted to stretch myself and get out of my comfort zone. And you know what? I absolutely loved my time there. But on

3、e thing took me by surprise the lack of countryside representation. Most of the other stude nts at Colby were from big cities: New Y ork, Bost on, Los An geles, San Fran cisco. And whe n I had conv ersati ons with these stude nt in or outside of class we almost always focused on topics facing large

4、American cities. In my education classes, it was always “urban this” and “ urba n that.It was like small tow n America did nt exist.And this urba n in terest does nt just happe n in college. I went to an educati on conference a couple of years ago, and a profess some one who had bee n at the forefro

5、nt of educati onal reform was there to deliver a keyno te. I was chose n to be part of a small group that got to meet with him. So there we were, five or six of us sitting in a room, and I asked him, “ What are your thoughts on the state of educati on in the coun trysida” And this man was speechless

6、.Ill never forget that moment. It speaks to a larger truth. Towns like mine are forgotte n.This trend of export ing tale nt and resourcesto our big cities this min dset of leav ing small tow ns and n ever coming back I dont want to add to that moveme nt. I want to reverse that moveme nt.Now its my t

7、urn to help people younger than me. And you know what? Im a sixth grade teacher in Helena now.体裁:记叙文题材:社会文化主题:美国的乡村逐渐被人遗【语篇解读】本文作者通过自己的大学生活经历以及在一次教育会议上与一位教授进行交流的故事说明了美国的乡村正在逐渐被人 遗忘的现象,作者也由此决定帮助乡村中的年轻人。1What do people in American countryside think of the future of the youth at home?A Secure.BFragile.

8、CPromising. DBright.答案与解析: B 考查推理判断。根据第一段中的 “ Leave your small town and make something of yourself. Success and opportunity are found elsewhere”. 可知,在美国的乡村,年轻人的就业前景并不稳定, 成功和机会都在别处。故选 B 项。2What did the author find in his college classroom? A Students chatted freely.BCountryside was ignored.CHe was lo

9、oked down upon.DStudents concentrated on education.答案与解析: B 考查推理判断。 根据文章第三段中的 “And when I had conversations with these students . it was always urban this and urban that” 和第四段 “ It was like small town America didnt exist.”可知,作者在他的大学课堂中发现大家总是探讨与城市相关的 问题,就好像乡村在美国不存在一样。也就是说,乡村被人们忽视了。 故选 B 项。3How would

10、the author feel about the professors reaction?AIts emotional.CIts positive.B Its natural.DIts disappointing.答案与解析: D 考查推理判断。 根据倒数第三段 “Ill never forget that moment. It speaks to a larger truth. Towns like mine are forgotten”. 可 知,作者在教授对于自己提出的有关乡村的问题无言以对时,意识到 像自己家乡那样的乡村被人们遗忘了。由此可推知,作者对此感到失 望。故选 D 项。4W

11、hat is the author doing now? ATeaching in a college. BFighting for the movement. CWorking with the professor. DDevoting himself to his hometown.答案与解析:D 考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“After graduating from a high school in Helena”可知,作者的家乡在海伦娜,再根据最后 一段 “Now its my turn to help people younger than me. And you know wha

12、t? Im a sixth grade teacher in Helena now”. 可知,作者现在在家乡教书,帮助家乡中的年轻人,为家乡作贡献。故选D项。B2019 长沙四校一模 The concept of forgiveness hasalways remained a vital topic in spirituality. In recent years, more and more research has come out proving its ben efits backed by scie nee. In a study con ducted by the Nati on

13、al Un iversity of Sin gapore and Rotterdam School of Man ageme nt, Erasmus Un iversity (RSM), researchers divided 160 university students into two groups. The experiment began with a writing exercise during which the first group were asked to write about a pers on who they forgave. The sec ond wrote

14、 about a situati on where they did not forgive another person and still felt bitter.After the writing exercise, the researchersmeasured how high each participa nt could jump in cen timeters. The results found that those who had writte n about forgive ness jumped higher, on average, tha n those who f

15、ocused on negative (消极的)feelings. “A state of being unforgiving is like carrying a heavy burden, a burden that victims bring with them when they face the physical world. Forgiveness can lighten this burden,” the team explains.“ The ben efits of forgive ness may go bey ond the con structive con seque

16、 nces that have bee n discovered in the psychological and health fields,” writes Xue Zheng of RSM. “Our research shows that forgivers perform better on challe nging physical tasks.In additi on, the study no ted that holdi ng on to grudges can in crease deep thinking, which may decreasethe availabili

17、ty of cog nitive (认知的)resources that can otherwise be used to deal with physical challe nges such as jump ing or climb ing a hill. In other words, focus ing on n egative thoughts about some one who has harmed us takes up en ergy that would otherwise be better spe nt elsewhere.So if you find yourself

18、 carrying that feeling, consider this: By holding on to the pain of the past, we bear that burden on ourselves. By replac ing an ger with positive feeli ngs of un dersta nding and sympathy for the one who has hurt us, we get rid of the heavy burde n of an ger weigh ing on the mind and body.体裁:说明文题材:

19、心理调节主题:原谅【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,不愿意原谅别人除了给自己带来心理压力外,还会加重身体负担,不利于身心健康。【难句分析】In other words, focus ing on n egative thoughts aboutsome one who has harmed us takes up en ergy that would otherwise be better spe nt elsewhere.分析:本句是主从复合句,句子主干是 focusing on negative thoughts about some one takes up en ergy。who

20、 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 someone that引导定语从句修饰先行词 energy,且从句本身用了虚拟 语气,其中的otherwise是虚拟语气标志词。译文:换句话说,把注意力放在对伤害我们的人的负面想法上会 占用我们的精力,而这种精力本可以更好地用在其他地方。5What were the second group asked to write about?ACases where they got lasting hurt.BPleasure they were happy to share.CSomeone who once helped them out.DLessons they

21、 learnt from their experience.答案与解析: A 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的 “The second wrote about a situation where they did not forgive another person and still felt bitte r ”可知,第二组学生被要求写一个他们不愿意原谅某人, 并且 回想起来仍然难过的经历, 故 A 项“他们受到持久伤害的情形 ”正确。6How did the researchers conduct their study?ABy comparing information collected.

22、BBy giving challenging physical tasks.CBy holding high jump competitions.DBy interviewing some university students.答案与解析: A 考查推理判断。根据第二段可知,研究人员搜集 两组学生跳高的数据,发现描述自己原谅别人的学生跳得比情绪消极 的学生高。由此可见,研究人员通过对搜集的数据作对比来开展研究。7Which does the underlined word “ g rudg es” in paragraph 4 probably refer to?AAppreciationB

23、ToleranceCHateDSuffering答案与解析:C 考查词义猜测。结合第四段内容对 grudges造成 的后果 “ in crease deep thi nki ng, which may decreasethe availability of cognitive (认知的 ) resources that can otherwise be used to deal with physical challenges such as jumping or climbing a hil”l 这一描述可知, 画 线词的意思是“怨恨,怀恨”,与hate意思相近。8What does the

24、 author advise readers to do at last?ABe positive about the future.BHope for the best.CReduce the working burden.DLet go of your pain.答案与解析: D 考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的 “By holding on to the pain of the past. get rid of the heavy burden of anger weighing on the mind and body” 可知,作者建议人们原谅伤害自己的人, 释放心 中的痛苦,减轻自己的

25、负担。II 完形填空2019 黑龙江省检测l took an auto rickshaw (人力车)from the town to the medical college where my friends mother was _1_. As I was _2 back pain, I asked the driver, a pretty young boy, to ride it _3_. Though I was _4_ some rude replies like how it usually is, he replied “Okay, Sir” gently and _5_ his

26、word.On reachi ng _6_ I asked him how much and _7_ he poin ted to a box kept near to his seat and replied, “ Put anything that you think is _8_ for this ride. ” I got _9_ for a minute and then I saw a label over the box and I _10_don ati on for the n eedy patie nts.Mea nwhile, the watchma n _11_ to

27、us aski ng us to move the vehicle. But seeing the driver, he smiled and said “ Hello, Sir. ” The driver smiled at him and left. Upon _12 I asked the watchma n more about him, to which his reply was this: Hes a _13_ here. His pare nts died earlier. The superi ntendent 负责人)of our hospital gave him thi

28、s auto as a _14_ for passing the exams with good marks. He _15_ half of his earning in the first month to _16_ for the auto, to which the superintendent said NO with a smile. He the n started 17 rides to the medical college 18 or ask ing people to put the money in the box. At the end of every mon th

29、, he uses it for the _19_ of poor people in our hospital.I was _20_. I did nt know what to say. I find myself very fortun ate to have a ride with this MBBS student who is actually a super human be in g.体裁:记叙文 题材:人物故事主题:好人好事【语篇解读】本文叙述了作者的一次乘车经历。在乘车过程中,司机不收费用,作者对此感到很好奇,后来作者了解到该司机免费提 供到医科大学的交通服务、为穷人支付医

30、疗费用,认为他是个好人。1. A.received B. adoptedC. settled D. admitted答案与解析:D句中where引导定语从句,根据其先行词“themedical college”可知,此处指作者坐人力车去了朋友妈妈曾上的医科 大学。故选D项。2. A.suffering from B. learning aboutC. researchi ng into D. focus ing on答案与解析:A 根据空后的back pain可知,作者背疼。suffer from 意为“患有”。故选A项。3. A.naturally B . elegantlyC. smoot

31、hly D. comfortably答案与解析:C 作者背疼,故要求司机把车驾驶得平稳些。smoothly 意为“平稳地 ”。故选 C 项。4A.guessing BexpectingCimagining D saying答案与解析: B 根据空后的 “ some rude replies like how it usually is”可知,作者根据通常的情况预料对方会给出粗鲁的回复。expect意为“预料”。故选 B 项。5A.weighed BconsideredCkept Dhad答 案与 解 析 : C 根 据 司 机 所 给 予 的 回 答 “Okay, Sir.” 及 “gentl

32、y” 等信息可以推知,司机答应了作者,且这么做了。 keep ones word 为固定搭配,意为 “信守诺言 ”。故选 C 项。6A.spot BdestinationCaddress Dlocation答案与解析: B 根据第一段开头一句可知, 作者坐了一辆人力车 去医科大学,再联系空后的 “I asked him how much”可知,此时到达 了目的地。destination意为“目的地”。故选B项。7A.in return Bin peaceCin place Din order答案与解析: A 根据句子前半句可知, 作者询问需要支付多少车 费,故此处是司机给予的回应。 in re

33、turn 意为 “作为回报 ” ,此处可延 伸理解为回应某人。故选 A 项。8A.accurate BcountableCsatisfactory Dequal答案与解析: C 根据司机的回答可知, 他并没有给出所要支付的 具体的钱数, 再联系下文中作者在盒子上看到的标签的内容可以推知, 司机告诉作者认为值多少钱就付多少。satisfactory意为“合适的;令人 满意的 ” 。故选 C 项。9A.delighted BdisappointedCamused Dconfused答案与解析: D 作者想知道需要支付的钱数, 可是对方并没有给 出具体的回答,故可以推知作者对此感到困惑。 confu

34、sed 意为 “困惑 的”。故选 D 项。10A.wrote BreadCmarked Dstated答案与解析: B 根据空前的 “ I saw a label over the box” 可知, 作者阅读了盒子上面标签上写的文字 为贫困病人募捐。 故选 B 项。11 A.u rged BskippedCmarched Drushed答案与解析: D 根据空后的 “asking us to move the vehicle” 可 知,警卫跑过来让把车移走。 urge 意为“催促”,表示 “催促某人 ” 时其后不加介词。12 A.anxiety BapologyCamusement Dappreciation答案与解析: A 根据空后的 “I asked the watchman more about


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