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1、Cultural relics,The protection of cultural relics,Question: What is a cultural relic,Cultural relic,A cultural relic is any object, building or item that was made sometime in the past. It may be thousands of years old or it may be a few hundred; A cultural relic may or may not be valuable; It tells

2、us something of the way people lived at the time it was made. This may be because of its method of manufacture or how the item was used,Look at the pictures below and discuss whether they are cultural relics or not,Ming Dynasty vase,Taj Mahal,ivory dragon boat,Mogao Caves,Yuanmingyuan in China,Eiffe

3、l Tower in France,Colosseum in Greece,Sydney Opera,The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy,the Pyramids in Egypt,YangliuqingFolk Painting,The Bronze of Rabbits Head,Old Town of Lijiang,Discussion,What makes them valuable and famous,a long history; structure; important events that took place there,Why is

4、a cultural relic important,Symbols of their countries,A concrete annotation (注释) of their cultures,Have a memorable significance,Bring in money from tourism,Have you ever seen a piece of amber? What do you know about it,Amber is a hard yellowish brown clear substance. It is often used for jewels and

5、 decorative objects,the Amber Room,Whats this,The Amber Room,Created in the 18th century, it disappeared during World War II, and was recreated in 2003. Before it was lost, the Amber Room was sometimes dubbed the “the Eighth Wonder of the World” due to its singular beauty,the Amber Room,著名的“琥珀屋”始建于1

6、709年,当时的普鲁士国王为了效仿法国皇帝路易十四的奢华生活,命令普鲁士最有名的建筑师兴建“琥珀屋”,“琥珀屋”面积约55平方米,共有12块护壁镶板和12个柱脚,全都由当时比黄金还贵12倍的琥珀制成,总重至少达6吨,“琥珀屋”同时还饰以钻石、宝石和银箔,可以随意拼装成各种形状,建成后光彩夺目、富丽堂皇,被誉为“世界第八奇迹,the Amber Room,1716年普鲁士国王Frederick William将琥珀屋作为礼物送给俄罗斯彼得大帝(Peter the Great),1941年,纳粹德军攻入圣彼得堡,将王宫中的“琥珀屋”拆卸了下来,装满27个箱子运回了德国柯尼斯堡。二战结束后,“琥珀屋

7、”从此下落不明,从世人眼中神秘失踪了。直到圣彼得堡300年纪念的时候,才由俄国巧匠重新复原出了当时的面貌。这一复原工程历时25年,耗资1100万美元,Is the Amber Room a cultural relic,Skimming for general idea,The passage is mainly developed in the order of _. A. place B. people C. time,1. Choose the best answer,Check your answer,How did the Amber Room become one of the w

8、onders of the world,How was a new Amber Room built,How did the Amber Room get lost,How was the Amber Room made,Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift,Para 3,Para 5,Para 4,Para 1,Para 2,2. Match the main ideas and the paragraphs,Scanning for specific informati

9、on,1) How long did it take Prussian artists to finish the Amber Room? A. 5 years. B. 8 years. C. 10 years. D. 12 years. 2) Why did Frederick William I give the Amber Room to Peter the Great? A. To stop the war between the two countries. B. To get the best Russian soldiers. C. To get the land of Russ

10、ia. D. To get weapons from Peter the Great,3. Choose the best answer,Check your answer,3) Who added more details to the Amber Room? A. Catherine II. B. Peter the Great. C. Frederick William I. D. Frederick III. 4) What happened to the Amber Room during World War II? A. It was saved by the brave Russ

11、ians. B. It was burned by the German Nazis. C. Pieces of the Room were buried in a place in German. D. Pieces of the Room were sent to Knigsberg by train,1 Frederick I 2 Frederick William I 3 Peter the Great 4 Catherine II 5 The Nazi army 6 The Russians and Germans,A stole the Amber Room. B sent a t

12、roop of his best soldiers to the King of Prussia. C had the Amber Room made. D had it moved outside St Petersburg. E gave it to the Czar as a gift. F built a new Amber Room after studying pictures of the old one,4. Read the passage and join the correct parts of the sentences together,1) The Amber Ro

13、om was designed for the palace of Frederick. 2) Frederick Williamgave the Amber Room to Catherine. 3) Peter the Great received important visitors in the Amber Room. 4) The Amber Room was hidden by the Russians when Russia and Germany were at war. 5) A new Amber Room was built in St Petersburg,Peter

14、the Great,not,amber,yellow-brown,gold and jewels,Frederick William,winter palace,details,6. Complete the chart below,removed from,train,lost,the 300th birthday,The clue of the story,Peter the Great,Catherine II,Frederick I,Frederick William I,Nazi,passed down,as a gift gave,passed down,stolen by,Fre

15、derick I (1657-1713,普鲁士的第一位国王,琥珀屋的最初拥有者。 1657年7月11日生于柯尼斯堡。当时,普鲁士是波兰的一个公国。而腓特烈一生的精力在于寻求成为国王。腓特烈奢华挥霍,其孙腓特烈大帝称祖父为“贪财王”,不过,腓特烈一世以国王称号和王者风范,收取民心、团结领地,对霍亨索伦家族有不可磨灭的巨大贡献,Frederick William I (1688-1740,腓特烈一世之子,人称“士兵王”,由于他生活简朴吝啬,又舍不得在经济文化建设上花钱,也被称为人称“乞丐国王”。 他的父亲腓特烈一世成功地使普鲁士变为一个王国,而他本人则大大加强了这个王国的军事力量。腓特烈威廉一世是

16、一位性格严厉穷兵黩武的战士国王,他以极其粗暴的军人作风对待臣民,把军事训练的严酷推向极至,但是也为普鲁士日后的扩张准备了坚实的军队和经济基础,Peter the Great (1672-1725,彼得大帝继位后积极兴办工场,发展贸易,发展文化、教育和科研事业,同时改革军事,建立正规的陆海军,加强封建专制的中央集权制。继而发动了战争,夺得波罗的海出海口,给俄罗斯帝国打下坚实基础。可以说,近代俄国的政治、经济、文化、教育、科技等方面的发展史无不源于彼得大帝时代。 马克思最为褒奖的18世纪的两个伟大帝主,一个是中国的康熙大帝,另一个是俄国的彼得大帝,俄国历史上唯一被称为“大帝”的女沙皇。出身于德国贵

17、族,原名索菲亚,彼得大帝死后来到俄国,并取名叶卡捷琳娜。由于彼得三世另有新欢,叶卡捷琳娜的皇后地位面临被废的威胁,于是在1762年率领禁卫军发动政变而即位。对外奉行侵略政策,扩大了俄罗斯帝国的疆域,Catherine II (1729-1796,The Amber Room, the best and biggest work of amber art that ever _(make), was first built for the palace of Frederick I. In 1716, Frederick William I gave it to Peter the Great

18、_a gift and _he got some of the Czars best soldiers. _ the Amber Room became part of the Czars winter palace in St. Petersburg and _ a small reception hall for important visitors. Later, Catherine II told her artists to add more details to it. Unfortunately, in September, 1941, When Russia and Nazi Germany _, the Amber Room was secretly _ the Nazis. 100,000 pieces of the room were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is _ the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room _ was rea


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