已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一、实验步骤:1. 在linux下编写一个应用程序,命名为an_ch2_1b。这个程序不断地输出如下行:Those output come from child,系统时间另外写一个应用程序,命名为an_ch2_1a。这个程序创建一个子进程,执行an_ch2_1b。这个程序不断地输出如下行:Those output come from child,系统时间观察程序运行的结果,并对你看到的现象进行解释。2. 在linux环境下编写一个控制台应用程序,程序中有一个共享的整型变量shared_var,初始值为0;创建一个线程并使其立即与主线程并发执行。新创建的线程与主线程 均不断地循环,并输出shar

2、ed_var 的值。主线程在循环中不断地对shared_var 进行加1操作,即每次循环shared_var 被加1;而新创建的线程则不断地对shared_var 进行减1 操作,即每次循环shared_var 被减1。观察程序运行的结果,并对你看到的现象进行解释。二、实验数据: an_ch2_1b.cpp文件:#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;string getTime() /获取系统时间time_t timep;time(&timep);char tmp64;strftime(tmp,size

3、of(tmp),%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S,localtime(&timep);return tmp;int main()while (true)string tmn = getTime();cout Those output come from child, tmn endl;sleep(1); /为了便于截屏使用sleep()函数延迟输出return 0;an_ch2_1a.cpp文件:#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;int main()pid_t pid;pid = fork();if

4、 (pid = -1) cout fail to create endl;else if (pid = 0) system(./an_ch2_1b);return 0;Consoleapp.c文件:#include #include #include #include int shared_var = 0;void * thread(void * arg)while (1)printf(in the thread shared_var:%dn, -shared_var);int main()pthread_t pt;int ret = pthread_create(&pt, NULL, (vo

5、id*)thread, NULL);if (ret != 0) printf(fail to create threadn);while (1)printf(in the main shared_var:%dn, +shared_var);pthread_join(pt, NULL);return 0;1. 生产者消费者问题(信号量)参考教材中的生产者消费者算法,创建5个进程,其中两个进程为生产者进程,3个进程为消费者进程。一个生产者进程试图不断地在一个缓冲中写入大写字母,另一个生产者进程试图不断地在缓冲中写入小写字母。3个消费者不断地从缓冲中读取一个字符并输出。为了使得程序的输出易于看到结果

6、,仿照的实例程序,分别在生产者和消费者进程的合适的位置加入一些随机睡眠时间。可选的实验:在上面实验的基础上实现部分消费者有选择地消费某些产品。例如一个消费者只消费小写字符,一个消费者只消费大写字母,而另一个消费者则无选择地消费任何产品。消费者要消费的产品没有时,消费者进程被阻塞。注意缓冲的管理。2. 用线程实现睡觉的理发师问题,(同步互斥方式采用信号量或mutex方式均可)理发师问题的描述:一个理发店接待室有n张椅子,工作室有1张椅子;没有顾客时,理发师睡觉;第一个顾客来到时,必须将理发师唤醒;顾客来时如果还有空座的话,他就坐在一个座位上等待;如果顾客来时没有空座位了,他就离开,不理发了;当理

7、发师处理完所有顾客,而又没有新顾客来时,他又开始睡觉。3. 读者写者问题教材中对读者写者问题算法均有描述,但这个算法在不断地有读者流的情况下,写者会被阻塞。编写一个写者优先解决读者写者问题的程序,其中读者和写者均是多个进程,用信号量作为同步互斥机制。1. 生产者消费者问题(pro_con.c)#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define N 10 /缓冲区大小为100char *buffer;int capacity = N;sem_t mutex, empty, full;void * produ

8、ce_1()while (1)sem_wait(&empty);sem_wait(&mutex);int r1 = rand() % 26; int ju = 0; for(int i = 0; i N; i+) if (bufferi = 0)bufferi = A + r1;printf(生产者1号生产一个产品 : %c 剩余容量为:%dn, bufferi, -capacity); ju = 1; break; if(ju = 0)printf(没有足够容量!n);sem_post(&mutex);sem_post(&full);usleep(r1 * );void * produce_

9、2()while (1)sem_wait(&empty);sem_wait(&mutex);int r2 = rand() % 26; int ju = 0; for(int i = 0; i N; i+) if (bufferi = 0)bufferi = a + r2;printf(生产者2号生产一个产品 : %c 剩余容量为:%dn, bufferi, -capacity);ju = 1; break; if(ju = 0)printf(没有足够容量!n);sem_post(&mutex);sem_post(&full);usleep(r2 * );void * consume_1()w

10、hile (1)sem_wait(&full);sem_wait(&mutex);int ju = 0; for (int i = 0; i = A&bufferi = Z)printf(消费者1号消费一个产品 : %c 剩余容量为:%dn, bufferi, +capacity); bufferi = 0;ju = 1; break;if (ju = 0)printf(没有消费者1号所需的产品!n);sem_post(&mutex);sem_post(&empty);int r3 = rand() % 26;usleep(r3 * );void * consume_2()while (1)s

11、em_wait(&full);sem_wait(&mutex);int ju = 0; for (int i = 0; i = a&bufferi = z)printf(消费者2号消费一个产品 : %c 剩余容量为:%dn, bufferi, +capacity); bufferi = 0; ju = 1;break;if (ju = 0)printf(没有消费者2号所需的产品!n);sem_post(&mutex);sem_post(&empty);int r4 = rand() % 26;usleep(r4 * );void * consume_3()int ju = 0;while (1

12、)sem_wait(&full);sem_wait(&mutex);int ju = 0; for (int i = 0; i = A & bufferi = a & bufferi = z)printf(消费者3号消费一个产品 : %c 剩余容量为:%dn, bufferi, +capacity); bufferi = 0;ju = 1; break;if (ju = 0)printf(没有产品可以消费!n);sem_post(&mutex);sem_post(&empty);int r5 = rand() % 26;usleep(r5 * );int main()buffer = (cha

13、r*)malloc(N * sizeof(char*);for (int i = 0; i N; i+)bufferi = 0;sem_init(&mutex, 1, 1);sem_init(&empty, 0, N);sem_init(&full, 0, 0); srand(time(0);pthread_t tid5;pthread_attr_t attr;pthread_attr_init(&attr);pthread_create(&tid0,&attr,produce_1,NULL);pthread_create(&tid1,&attr,produce_2,NULL);pthread

14、_create(&tid2,&attr,consume_1,NULL);pthread_create(&tid3,&attr,consume_2,NULL); pthread_create(&tid4,&attr,consume_3,NULL); for(int i=0;i5;i+)pthread_join(tidi,NULL);return 0;2. 用线程实现睡觉的理发师问题(barber.c)#include #include #include #include #include #include #define N 5sem_t customer,barber;int chairs,w

15、aiting = 0,work = 0;pthread_mutex_t mutex;void * Barber ( ) printf(无顾客,理发师睡觉n); while (1) sem_wait(&customer); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); chairs+; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); work = 1; printf ( 理发师正在给一名顾客理发. %d 个顾客正在接待室等待。n, -waiting); sleep(2); printf ( 一名顾客理发完成。n ); work = 0; sem_post(&barber);

16、 if(waiting = 0)printf(无顾客,理发师睡觉n); void * Customer ( void* arg ) int *p = (int*) arg; int x = *p; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if ( chairs 0 ) chairs-; sem_post(&customer); if(waiting = 0 & work = 0) printf( 第 %d 个顾客进来 , 唤醒理发师.n , +x); waiting+; else printf ( 第 %d 个顾客进来 , %d 个顾客正在接待室等待.n , x+1 , +wa

17、iting ); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); sem_wait(&barber); else pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); printf ( 第 %d 个顾客进来,没有座位而离开!n , x+1 ); int main ( ) sem_init (&customer , 0 , 0 ); sem_init (&barber , 0 , 1 ); chairs = N; pthread_t bar; pthread_t cusN*100; int cus_idN*100; pthread_create ( &bar , NULL ,

18、Barber , NULL ); int i; srand(time(0); for ( i = 0 ; i N*100 ; i + ) usleep(*(rand() % 30); cus_idi = i; pthread_create ( &cusi , NULL , Customer , &cus_idi ); pthread_join ( bar , NULL ); for ( i = 0 ; i N*100 ; i+ ) pthread_join ( cus_idi , NULL ); 3. 读者写者问题(reader_writer.c)# include # include # i

19、nclude # include # include # include # include # include sem_t RWMutex, mutex1, mutex2, mutex3, wrt;int writeCount, readCount;struct data int id;int lastTime;void* Reader(void* param)int id = (struct data*)param)-id;int lastTime = (struct data*)param)-lastTime;printf(读进程 %d 等待读入n, id);sem_wait(&mute

20、x3);sem_wait(&RWMutex);sem_wait(&mutex2);readCount+;if(readCount = 1) sem_wait(&wrt);sem_post(&mutex2);sem_post(&RWMutex);sem_post(&mutex3);printf(读进程 %d 开始读入,%d 秒后完成n, id, lastTime);sleep(lastTime);printf(读进程 %d 完成读入n, id);sem_wait(&mutex2);readCount-;if(readCount = 0) sem_post(&wrt);sem_post(&mute

21、x2);pthread_exit(0);void* Writer(void* param) int id = (struct data*)param)-id;int lastTime = (struct data*)param)-lastTime;printf(写进程 %d 等待写入n, id);sem_wait(&mutex1);writeCount+;if(writeCount = 1) sem_wait(&RWMutex);sem_post(&mutex1);sem_wait(&wrt);printf(写进程 %d 开始写入,%d 秒后完成n, id, lastTime);sleep(l

22、astTime);printf(写进程 %d 完成写入n, id);sem_post(&wrt);sem_wait(&mutex1);writeCount-;if(writeCount = 0) sem_post(&RWMutex);sem_post(&mutex1);pthread_exit(0);int main() pthread_t tid;pthread_attr_t attr;pthread_attr_init(&attr); sem_init(&mutex1, 0, 1); sem_init(&mutex2, 0, 1); sem_init(&mutex3, 0, 1); sem

23、_init(&wrt, 0, 1); sem_init(&RWMutex, 0, 1); readCount = writeCount = 0;int id = 0; srand(time(0);while(1) int role = rand() % 100; int lastTime = rand() % 10; id+;struct data* d = (struct data*)malloc(sizeof(struct data);d-id = id;d-lastTime = lastTime;if(role = 50) /写 printf(创建写进程,PID : %dn, id);p

24、thread_create(&tid, &attr, Writer, d); sleep(rand() % 8);return 0; 1. 实现一个“difftree”命令,其功能是比较两个目录下的文件结构和文件信息。当在命令行方式下执行“difftree ”命令时,能够比较目录dir1和 目录dir2是否具有相同的结构,对相同的部分,进一步比较相同文件名的文件内容。列出比较的文件系统结构图。本实验是对单个文件比较的扩展,设计中需要考虑目录操作。difftree.c#include #include #include #include #include #include #include in

25、t filelevel1 = 0, filelevel2 = 0;char DIRNAME1256, DIRNAME2256;void my_error(const char *strerr) perror(strerr); exit(1);void findfile(char fileName1, char direntName1, char direntName2) char command512 = diff ; DIR *p_dir = NULL; struct dirent *p_dirent = NULL; p_dir = opendir(direntName2); if(p_di

26、r = NULL) my_error(opendir error); while(p_dirent = readdir(p_dir) != NULL) char *backupDirName = NULL; if(p_dirent-d_name0 = .)continue; int i; if(p_dirent-d_type = DT_DIR) int curDirentNameLen = strlen(direntName2) + 1; backupDirName = (char *)malloc(curDirentNameLen); memset(backupDirName, 0, cur

27、DirentNameLen); memcpy(backupDirName, direntName2, curDirentNameLen); strcat(direntName2, /); strcat(direntName2, p_dirent-d_name); findfile(fileName1, direntName1, direntName2); memcpy(direntName2, backupDirName, curDirentNameLen); free(backupDirName); backupDirName = NULL; else if(!strcmp(fileName

28、1, p_dirent-d_name) char FileDirName256; strcpy(FileDirName, direntName2); int curDirentNameLen = strlen(direntName2) + 1; backupDirName = (char *)malloc(curDirentNameLen); memset(backupDirName, 0, curDirentNameLen); memcpy(backupDirName, FileDirName, curDirentNameLen); strcat(FileDirName, /); strca

29、t(FileDirName, p_dirent-d_name); strcat(command, direntName1); strcat(command, ); strcat(command, FileDirName); printf(%s%sn, p_dirent-d_name,文件相同,比较:); system(command); closedir(p_dir); void comparefile(char direntName1, char direntName2) char command512; DIR *p_dir = NULL; struct dirent *p_dirent

30、= NULL; p_dir = opendir(direntName1); if(p_dir = NULL) my_error(opendir error); while(p_dirent = readdir(p_dir) != NULL) char *backupDirName = NULL; if(p_dirent-d_name0 = .) continue; int i; if(p_dirent-d_type = DT_DIR) int curDirentNameLen = strlen(direntName1) + 1; backupDirName = (char *)malloc(c

31、urDirentNameLen); memset(backupDirName, 0, curDirentNameLen); memcpy(backupDirName, direntName1, curDirentNameLen); strcat(direntName1, /); strcat(direntName1, p_dirent-d_name); comparefile(direntName1, direntName2); memcpy(direntName1, backupDirName, curDirentNameLen); free(backupDirName); backupDi

32、rName = NULL; else char FileDirName256; strcpy(FileDirName, direntName1); int curDirentNameLen = strlen(direntName1) + 1; backupDirName = (char *)malloc(curDirentNameLen); memset(backupDirName, 0, curDirentNameLen); memcpy(backupDirName, FileDirName, curDirentNameLen); strcat(FileDirName, /); strcat

33、(FileDirName, p_dirent-d_name); findfile(p_dirent-d_name, FileDirName, direntName2); closedir(p_dir); void PrintDirentStruct(char direntName, int level) DIR *p_dir = NULL; struct dirent *p_dirent = NULL; p_dir = opendir(direntName); if(p_dir = NULL) my_error(opendir error); while(p_dirent = readdir(

34、p_dir) != NULL) char *backupDirName = NULL; if(p_dirent-d_name0 = .) continue; int i; for(i = 0; i d_name); /如果目录项仍是一个目录的话,进入目录 if(p_dirent-d_type = DT_DIR) int curDirentNameLen = strlen(direntName) + 1; backupDirName = (char *)malloc(curDirentNameLen); memset(backupDirName, 0, curDirentNameLen); me

35、mcpy(backupDirName, direntName, curDirentNameLen); strcat(direntName, /); strcat(direntName, p_dirent-d_name); level += 1; PrintDirentStruct(direntName, level); memcpy(direntName, backupDirName, curDirentNameLen); free(backupDirName); backupDirName = NULL; closedir(p_dir); int main() memset(DIRNAME1

36、, 0, sizeof(DIRNAME1); memset(DIRNAME2, 0, sizeof(DIRNAME2); scanf(%s%s, DIRNAME1, DIRNAME2); printf(%sn, 第一个目录:); PrintDirentStruct(DIRNAME1, filelevel1); printf(n); printf(%sn, 第二个目录:); PrintDirentStruct(DIRNAME2, filelevel2); if(filelevel1 = filelevel2)printf(n两个目录文件结构相同n); comparefile(DIRNAME1,

37、DIRNAME2); return 0;1. 在linux中实现一个命令执行程序doit,它执行命令行参数中的命令之后统计1) 命令执行占用的CPU时间(包括用户态和系统态时间,以毫秒为单位),2) 命令执行的时间,3) 进程被抢占的次数,4) 进程主动放弃CPU的次数,5) 进程执行过程中发生缺页的次数2. 在linux中实现一个简单的命令解释程序,功能要求:1) 同时支持内部命令和外部命令,内部命令支持两个(cd、exit)2) 支持后台命令提示:实验中可能用到的系统调用如下: fork() 创建一个新进程 getrusage() 取得进程的资源使用情况 gettimeofday() 取当

38、前的时间 execve() 装入一个程序并执行 wait() 等待子进程结束 chdir() 改变进程的工作目录 strtok() 字符串解析1. doit.c #include#include#include#include#include#include#includeextern int errno;int main(int argc, char*argv)char command200;struct timeval start, end;strcpy(command, argv1);for (int i = 2; i argc; i+)strcat(command, );strcat(

39、command, argvi);gettimeofday(&start, NULL);system(command);gettimeofday(&end, NULL);if (errno != 0)printf(error:%sn, strerror(errno);exit(0);elsestruct rusage result;memset(&result, 0, sizeof(struct rusage);getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &result);double time = (double)end.tv_sec - (double)start.tv_sec) * 1000 + (double)end.tv_usec - (double)start.tv_usec) / 1000;printf(n命令执行占用的CPU时间: 用户态:%f毫秒t系统态:%f毫秒n,(double)result.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000 + (double)result.ru_utime.tv_sec *


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