



1、形容绝望失落的英文句子【篇一】形容绝望失落的英文句子得不到那份工作,叫人失望极了.Not getting the job was a terrible disappointment.十字宝贝这个时候一定失望极了.Darling strawberry that time would certainly extremely disappointed.得不到那份工作,叫人失望极了.Not getting the job was a terrible disappointment.这个可怜的人失望极了,就上吊自杀了.The poor man was so disappointed that he ha

2、nged himself.琼斯先生失望极了.Mr.Jones frustration was overwhelming.白宫在描述这个数字时称其令人“失望极了”.The White House described the figures as disappointing.当我的入学申请被哈佛大学拒绝时,我失望极了.It was a big letdown when I was not accepted by Harvard university.我什么工作都找过了.我失望极了,我甚至想I applied for every single job in the world.I was so de

3、sperate,I even applied to 布莱克真的跌入了谷底,老板吼了一顿,他真的感到很沮丧和失落心烦.Blake was really down in the dumps after his boss shouted at him,he really felt depressed and frustrated.在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且要快乐.When you had fallen to the bottom of your life,every people around you would tell you:Be hard-bitten an

4、d be happy!【篇二】形容绝望失落的英文句子1、从长远来说,我们都死了。In the long run, we are all dead.2、孤单落幕,我的悲伤感染了谁?Lonely curtain, my sorrow infected with whom?3、阴情不定的我,你懂的驾驭吗?Yin feeling uncertain of me, you know how to control it?4、最先退出的不是我,而是你的心。The first to quit is not me, but your heart.5、你有新的旅途,而我却留在当初。You have a new j

5、ourney, and I have left it at the beginning.6、彼岸花开开彼岸,奈何桥前可奈何。The other side of the flowers open on the other side, the bridge before it.7、不要说我变了,直接说你厌倦好了。Dont say Ive changed, say youre tired of it.8、你爸你妈真善良,都把你养这么大了。Your father your mother is so kind, you keep so big.9、感动太少真话太少好友太少笑容太少。Moving too

6、little too little too little friends too little smile.10、我该经历怎样的长途跋涉,才能遇见你。How can I have a long journey to meet you.11、不主动就会失去,但主动多了真的好累。Dont lose, but more active really tired.12、他日嫁得如意郎君,谢君当年不娶之恩。We find marriage, Xie Jun did not marry.13、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命以前。What I miss is not you, but you give the

7、 fatal once.14、我充足坚强,并不代表所有伤我都能扛。Im strong enough not to be able to carry all the hurt.15、你微笑着站在远方,我在这里寂寞流浪。You smiled and stood in the distance, I am here lonely wandering.【篇三】形容绝望失落的英文句子1、我们都一样、流着眼泪笑着说自己没事。We are all the same, flow tears smiled and said he is ok.2、你以前的舍不得,变成了现在的无所谓。Have you ever b

8、een to, turned into a now doesnt matter.3、所谓繁花不过一梦,我曾用爱雕刻时光。The so-called flowers but a dream, I was carving time with love.4、寂寞有一千种滋味、却只能有一种体会。Loneliness has one thousand kinds of taste, but can only have one kind of experience.5、不是我割舍不下,仅仅早已没有了选择。Not Im going to give up, but have no choice.6、爱很难投入

9、,但一旦投入,便更难走出。Love is hard to get into, but once the input, it is more difficult to come out.7、虽然我走的很慢,但我却从没有后退过!Even though I walk slowly, but I never retreat!8、花开是花落的回忆,遇见是别离的序曲。Flowers is a flower fall memories, meet is the prelude of separation.9、暗恋是成功的哑剧,说出来就成了悲剧!Unrequited love is successful pa

10、ntomime, say it is a tragedy!10、不是我感伤,仅仅情绪太过于苍白无力。Not sad, I just mood too pale.11、微笑,有时候是一种没有说出口的伤痛。Smile, sometimes is a kind of injury did not say exports.12、或许我狠庸俗,持续寻找那可耻的幸福。Maybe I malicious vulgar, constantly looking for the shame of happiness.13、不要给我希望,得到的却是莫大的失望。Dont give me hope, and got great disappointment.14、放不下,舍不得,忘不


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