1、Ecological Footprint virtually every action we take to reduce climate change also reduces overshoot, and vice versa,Ecological Overshoot,Earth Overshoot means that we are reducing the ability of the earths land and water to support humans and other species into the future. If we conquer climate chan
2、ge without depleting other natural assets, we can rebalance our Earth budget,Sustainability and Overshoot,The ecological footprint of a country may exceed the eco-capacity available within its boundaries, resulting in a national “ecological deficit” the country may suffer a degradation of its resour
3、ce stocks and of environmental quality more commonly, there is an attempt to offset the national overshoot by importing goods and services from other countries this may be considered equivalent to “exporting” the resource depletion and environmental damage,ecological footprint and bio-capacity (ha/p
4、erson,Countries with an Ecological Deficit,ecological footprint and bio-capacity (ha/person,Countries with an Ecological “Surplus,A Canadian Footprint,Examining the factors contributing to the ecological footprint of an “average” Canadian helps to clarify the degree to which our lifestyle choices af
5、fect the environment. These data (ha/person) are based on a study of the Canadian footprint by Wackernagel and Rees (1996,1988-2007年辽宁省人均生态足迹(EF)、人均生态承载力(EC )、生态赤字(ED)变化趋势,张晶晶, 胡晓钧*, 杨继松.辽宁省生态足迹动态变化分析,安徽农业科学, 2010, 38( 29) : 16407- 16409, 16494,1998-2007年辽宁省人均生态足迹构成,1998-2007年辽宁省万元GDP生态足迹变化趋势,丁祖荣,李
6、静,杭州市生态足迹计算模型与生态足迹分析,中国城市经济, 2010年 10期,杭州市人均生态足迹构成变化情况,杭州市人均生态承载力构成变化情况,杭州市人均生态赤字,The Canadian and China Footprint,Canada: the calculated footprint of an “average” Canadian is 6.4 Gha/person the eco-capacity within the borders of Canada affords 14.4 ha/person this leaves an ecological “surplus” of 8
7、.0 ha/person, assuming the current population and lifestyle are maintained Global: the global average footprint is 2.2 ha/person the global bio-capacity affords 1.8 ha/person and so, there is an ecological “deficit” of 0.4 ha/person this suggests that humans are living beyond the bio-capacity of Ear
8、th and its biosphere,China: 1.6 Gha/person 0.8Gha/person this leaves an ecological “deficit” of 0.8 ha/person,1900,2100,2003,2050,outcome:We need four earths in 2100,A person should live in harmony with nature” Proverb of the Greek Stoic philosopher, Zeno (ca. 336-265 BCE,Footprint calculator,/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ http:/www.epa.vic.go
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