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1、新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Unit6 How do you feel? Part B Lets talk,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Mother : Bless you! oh,no! You have a fever. You should see a doctor. Father : Oh. But what about the zoo? Mother : Its OK. I will tell the kids,新E六

2、年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Its time to do sth Its time for sth,该做.的时候了!该了,该吃晚饭了,Its time to eat dinner,Its time for dinner,Its time to get up,该上床休息了,Its time to go to bed,Its time for bed,该上体育课了,Its time to have PE class,Its time for PE class,该与大家说再见了,Its time to say goodbye to everyone,该

3、起床了,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Mr.Liu :Whats wrong,Mr.Liu : Dont be worried. You should see a doctor,Zhang Peng:I feel ill. What should I do,make a dialogue,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Mr.Wang : Whats wrong,Mr.Wang : Dont be afraid. You should do more e

4、xercise,Zhang Peng : I feel worried. What should I do,make a dialogue,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Mother : Its cold outside,Mother: Dont be worried. You should wear warm clothes,Mike: What should I do,make a dialogue,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,John : Whats wrong,Mr.Liu : D

5、ont be angry. You should take a deep breath and count to ten,Oliver :I feel angry. What should I do,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Its time to get up,talk about,come here,Whats wrong,1. 该起床了 2. 谈论 3. 到这儿来 4. 出什么事了? 5. 看医生 6. 去动物园 7. 不要难过 8. 下次 9.(身体

6、)不太好 10.不要生气 11.深深吸一口气 12.需要帮助,see a doctor,go to the zoo,Dont be sad,next time,Not well,I can read and write,Dont be angry,take a deep breath,need some help,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,Whats wrong,Its time to get up,He should see a doctor this morning,Dont be sad,We can go next time,Do

7、nt be angry,Dont be worried,Dont be afraid,How does dad feel,Not well,绿色圃中小学教育网,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,你会说吗,Dont open your books,Dont open the door,Dont close the window,Dont be late for school,Dont read in the sun,Dont swim in the lake,1.不要生气,Dont be angry,2.不要难过,Dont be sad,3.不要迟

8、到,4.不要开门,5.不要打开书,6.不要在阳光下看书,7.不要关窗户,8.不要在湖里游泳,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,A: How are you, ? B: I am angry. A: whats wrong? B: Because my dog take my pen away . A: Im happy to hear that. Dont be angry. You should take a deep breath,angry,新E六年级英语上册

9、Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,A: How are you, ? B: I am very sad. A: Why ? B: Because my cat is ill . A: Im sorry to hear that. Dont be sad ! Lets go to the pet hospital,sad,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,A: How are you, ? B: I am ill. A: Im sorry to hear that. Dont be worried ! Lets go

10、to the hospital,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,parents(所有格) _ 2. here(同音词) _ 3. ill(反义词)_ 4. see(同音词)_ 5. this(复数) _ 6. sad(反义词) _ 7. next(反义词) _ 8. well(形容词)_ 9. you(宾格) _ 10.angry(反义词)_ 11.we(宾格) _ 12.zoo(复数) _,Parents,hear,healthy,sea,these,happy,last,good,you,happy,P60,us,zoos,新E六年级英语上

11、册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,1. Your father is ill. (一般疑问句,否定回答,2.He should see a doctor.(一般疑问句,否定回答,3.We can go to the zoo today. (一般疑问句,4.Dad is not well.(划线部分提问,Is my father ill? No, he isnt,Should he see a doctor? No, he shouldnt,Can you go to the zoo today,How does dad feel ,按要求写句子,How is d

12、ad,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,5. Sam is sad. .(划线部分提问,6. You should take a deep breath.(划线部分提问,7. Come here , please.(否定句,What should I do,Dont come here,How does Sam feel ,How is Sam,8.We can go next time. (否定句,We cant go next time,按要求写句子,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B Lets talk,12. I

13、m happy . Im going on a big trip .(合为一句,9.I am sad. (划线部分提问,10. I am sad because I failed the math test.(划线提问,11. You look so happy . (一般疑问句,13. I hear sorry am to that . (连词成句,How are you ,How do you feel,why are you sad ,Do I look so happy ,Im happy because Im going on a big trip,I am sorry to hear that,按要求写句子,新E六年级英语上册Uni How do you feel B


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