七年级英语Unit 8When is your birthday_第1页
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1、七年级英语Unit 8When is your birthday? 导学案(一)1. 熟练掌握序数词的构成方法,学会日期的表达方法,同时学会用when引导的特殊疑问句询问某人的出生日期;学习名词所有格的构成和使用。2. 通过独立学习、合作交流、互相帮助的学习方法来获得知识,培养自主学习能力。3. 学会制定自己的日程表,合理安排自己的时间,做时间的主人。同时,学会邀请他人参加活动, 从而提高自身的社交能力。Section A (1a1c)课时重点:1. 学习十二个月份的英文表达和简单的序数词。2. 学会询问他人的生日。 一、填一填1. 5月2日_ 2. 1月5日 3. 6月3日 4. 你的生日

2、5. 我的生日 二、译一译1. 你的生日是什么时候? 2. 我的生日是5月2日。 3. 国庆节是什么时候? _三、想一想仔细观察教材上1a中表示月份的单词,哪些月份的拼写方法有相似之处呢?_ _活动一1. 仔细观察教材P43上1a的图片,以小组为单位,相互之间进行模拟表演。完成任务所需的语言结构:A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is on./ Its on.活动二听教材P43上1a的录音第一遍,完成1b的要求,为对话编号。听录音第二遍,写出Linda, Mary和Mark的生日。活动三利用本课时所学的知识,调查全组同学的生日,并记录下来。同学过生

3、日时,别忘了说“Happy birthday!”哟!NameBirthday 完成任务所需的语言结构:A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is on./ Its on.知识超市在英语日期的表达中,表月份的英文单词首字母必须要大写,后面的“天”用序数词表示。一般在序数词前要加定冠词the, 但在表示生日时可省略。在具体的某一天前用介词on,如果只有年或月就用介词in。例如:The bookstore will open in May. He goes to the supermarket on Monday morning.做一做:用适当的介词填空。1

4、. I go to school September. 2. When is your birthday? Its August 3rd.3. I usually watch TV Sundays.4. I often go swimming summer (夏季).Section A (1a1c)一、汉译英1. 一月 2. 二月 3. 三月 4. 四月 5. 五月 6. 六月 7.七月 8. 八月 9. 九月 10. 十 月 11. 十一月 12. 十二月 二、单项选择( )13.When is your birthday?My birthday is July .A. twelve B.

5、twelfth C. the twelveth D. twelveth( )14. comes after (在之后) August, but before (在之前) October.A. November B. September C. August D. July( )15.Is your birthday November 24th? . A. Yes, it is B. Yes, its C. Yes, you are D. Yes, they are( )16. How many days (多少天) are there in May? A. Thirty-first. B. Tw

6、enty-nine. C. Thirty. D. Thirty-one.( )17.is the eighth month (月) of a year (年).A. May B. April C. August D. July三、阅读理解Mary, Lucy, Xiao Wang and Wei Fang are talking about their favorite months in a year. Mary loves December because she loves Christmas. She can play happily and receive (收到) many pre

7、sents. And she doesnt like June because it rains (下雨) often at that time. Lucy chooses July because she can go on holiday (假期). Every summer holiday, her parents take her to travel (旅行) around the country. Xiao Wang thinks March is the best month in a year. Its very sunny, but not too hot. People ca

8、n go camping and enjoy fresh air (新鲜空气).Wei Fang enjoys October a lot because there is Mid-autumn Festival. It is sunny as well. They all agree that the worst (最坏的) month is September because they have exams (考试) in that month.( )18. Who loves December?A. Lucy. B. Mary. C. Xiao Wang. D. Wei Fang.( )

9、19. Why does Lucy like July? A. Because she can go shopping.B. Because she can go to school.C. Because she can join the art club.D. Because she can go on holiday.( )20. Which month does Wei Fang like best?A. September. B. January. C. October. D. December.( )21. Which month dont they like? A. September. B. January. C. February.


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