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1、Lesson 39 Am I all right,Touch the parts of your body,GAMETIME,head,hand,arm,finger,knee,foot,neck,shoulder,stomach,wrist手腕 waist腰 toe 脚趾 elbow肘,leg,back,Whats the matter,Whats wrong with you,Are you all right,Do you feel well,Are you ok,Is there something wrong with you,How do you feel,Whats the ma

2、tter,a cold,a fever,a sore back,a sore throat,I have,Whats the matter,headache,stomachache,toothache,do an operation on a patient,exchange,relatives,Read aloud and tell me the sentences right or wrong,While John was back home, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful

3、. The doctor refused to tell him the truth. When John was alone, he went to find the doctor himself. The doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for two more weeks. One of John Gilberts relatives had telephoned the doctor to ask some questions about his operation,T,T,F,F,F,Vocabulary,

4、operation n. 1.手术2.操作, 运转, 经营3.行动, 活动 have an operation on 医生建议马上做手术。 The doctor advised an immediate operation . 营救行动将在星期五下午展开。 The rescue operation is going to begin on Friday afternoon. operate vi. (对)动手术 operate on sb v.运转; 操作;经营 successful adj. 成功的 她是个成功的商人。 She is a successful businesswoman. s

5、uccess n. 成功 成功源于自信,Confidence leads to success. succeed v. 成功 succeed in 她在科学领域取得了巨大成功。She succeeds greatly in science. following adj. 下一个 第二天the next day, the following day 第二个星期the next week, the following week patient n 患者, 病人 病人已经从昏迷中恢复过来了。 The patient has recovered from the coma. adj. 有耐心的 be

6、patient with sb Ada 是一个好老师,她对她的学生很有耐心。Ada is a good teacher. She is very patient with her pupils. patiently adv,alone adj. 独自的 alone 用作形容词,通常只是表示客观上的一个人,而不表示寂寞或孤独等感情色彩,并且在句中只用作表语。 lonely用作形容词,表示“孤单的”、“单独的”、“无伴的”等,通常只用作定语: a lonely house in the field lonely 表示“寂寞的”、“孤寂的”,带有较强感情色彩,相当于 sad because one

7、lacks friends or companions,可用来说明人,也可用来说明 life, days, years 等; 可用作表语或定语。如:feel lonely leave me alone我烦着呢, 别理我 / leave him alone 让他一个人呆会儿,exchange n. (电话的)交换台 exchange n.交换, 调换, 兑换, 交流, 我们学校有很多交换生。There are numerous exchanges of students in our school. vt.交换, 调换 他们在会议上交换了经验。 They exchanged experience

8、 at the meeting . inquire v. 询问, 打听 inquire sth of sb 从某人那打听 inquire about sth 询问某事,certain adj. 某个 some+可数名词单数时表示某个(某一个) certain 后面的东西不能定 a certain boy / two certain boys 某一个 a certain +n : a certain patient = some patient 某两个two certain +n(复数) : two certain patients for some reason由于某个理由 =for a ce

9、rtain reason,caller n . 1.打电话的人 2.访问者,探望者 操作员告诉打电话的人线上正忙。 The operator told the caller that the line is busy. relative n. 亲戚 a member of your family 我叔叔是我最近的亲戚。 My uncle is my nearest relative. adj. 相关的,相对的 这里有些相关的书给你。 Here are some relative books for you,根据两个人的电话请回答,Mr. Gilbert said that he was inq

10、uiring . He asked whether Mr. Gilberts operation was The doctor told him that it was successful. He asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed The doctor told him that he would have to Dr. Millington asked the caller whether he was a 6. The patient answered that he was not a , but Mr. John,Exercise: 1.

11、 The question has not been answered _ Taiwan will be included on the Olympic torch relay route. Athat Bwhether Cwhich Dif B 2_ English is his favourite subject A. I asked him if B. I asked him that whether C. I asked him that D. I asked him which A 3 I d like to invite you to a party this evening. T

12、hank you, but _ Ill be free I m not sure at the moment. A. while B. if C. when D. whether D 4-What are you anxious about? -_ A. If we succeed B.That we can succeed C. Do we succeed D.Whether we can succeed D,Fill in the blanks,John Gilbert was in hospital. He had just had an o_ and he wanted the doc

13、tor to tell him whether the operation had been successful. The doctor, however, r_ to tell him anything. The f_ day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. One day, when he was a_, he called the hospital e_ and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered his phone, john said that he wa

14、s i_ about a certain patient named John Gilbert,peration,efused,ollowing,lone,xchange,nquiring,He asked the doctor if Mr. Gilberts operation had been successful and the doctor answered yes. Her continued to ask if Mr. Gilbert would be a_ to go home and the doctor said that he would have to s_ in hos

15、pital for a_ two weeks. Then john told the doctor that i_ of being a r_ of his, he was Mr. Gilbert himself,llowed,tay,nother,nstead,elative,discussion,Have you ever visited a hospital or had an operation? Should doctors always inform patients about their condition? Why or why not,Grammar,Direct spee

16、ch and reported speech 在日常交流中,有时我们需要引述别人的话。直接引用别人的原话(放在引号内)就是直接引语,用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语,直接引语转换成间接引语“闯五关,第一关:人称代词 直接引语变间接引语时,要注意人称代词和指示代词的变化。要根据说话的对象进行人称的变化,并使句子的意思前后一致。如: “You should be careful next time.” My father said to me. My father told me that I should be careful next time. Tom said to me, “ I can

17、 help you with your English.” Tom told me that he could help me with my English. He said, “This book isnt mine.” He said that book wasnt his,人称 人称的变化“一主、二宾、三不变”。 意为在改为间接引语时,直接引语里的第一人称照主句的主语变化。第二人称看主语的宾语而变化,第三人称无需变化。 Tom said to Kate , Are you going there with me? Tom asked Kate if she was going ther

18、e with him. 第一人称me随主语Tom变化为him,,第二人称you随Kate变化为she。 Kate said to Tom , Are you going there with me? Kate asked Tom if he was going there with her. 第一人称me随主语Kate变化为her,第二人称you随宾语Tom变成he。 I said to Tom , Are you going there with me? I asked Tom if he was going there there with me. 第一人称me随主语I 变化,第二人称yo

19、u随Tom变化为he,注意:直接引语转换成间接引语时,间接引语多为带宾语从句的主从复合句,转移过程应注意下列变化: 动词(verbs) 间接引语主句动词主要有say, ask , tell, wonder 等。如: He said to mum, “I can do house work for you.” He told mum that he could do housework for her. She said to me, “Do you like milk?” She asked me if I liked milk,第二关:引导词陈述句:verb + that 从句 She sa

20、id, “Im very glad to have such a chance.” She said that she was very glad to have such a chance. 一般疑问句:ask/wonder + whether/ if+从句 She said ,“Are you interested in English?” He ask (me) if /whether I was interested in English,选择疑问句: ask/wonder + whether+or/or not I asked him, “Will you stay at home

21、or go to a film tonight? I asked him whether he would stay at home or go to a film that night. 反意疑问句:ask/wonder + whether/if +从句 Youve already got well, havent you? she asked. She asked whether /if I had already got well. 特殊疑问句: ask+ sb.+特殊疑问词+从句 He asked me ,“Whats your name?”(疑问语序) He asked me wha

22、t my name was.(陈述语序,例外:如果在直接引语的特殊疑问句中,疑问词做主语或主语的修饰语,则语序不需要变化. “Who can answer my question?” the teacher said to us. The teacher asked us who could answer the question. “Whose picture is the most beautiful in your class? asked the boys father. The boys father asked him whose picture was the most beau

23、tiful in his class,祈使句:ask/tell/advice/+ sb.+ (not) to do sth suggest that+从句 He said to me “Shut the window, please”(肯定句) He ask me to shut the window. He said,“ Dont make so much noise”(否定句) He told us not to make so much noise. “Lets go to the cinema.“ Tom said.(表建议) Tom suggested that they shoul

24、d go to the cinema. 感叹句: what或that引导 She said,“ What a lovely day it is! She said what a lovely day it was. She said that it was a lovely day. He said,“ How interesting the story is! She said how interesting the story was. She said that the story was interesting,Conclusion: structures and conjunctio

25、ns(句式/连词,第三关:时间状语和地点状语 直接引语变间接引语时,时间状语和地点状语等要做相应的变化。如把now改为then, today改为that day, yesterday改为the day before, ago改为before, tomorrow改为the next day, here改为there等。 He said, “Ill go there today.” He said that he would go there that day. 注意: 如果当地转述,here不必改为there,动词come 不用改成go,如果当天转述,yesterday,tomorrow也不用改

26、变。 Kate said, I will come here tomorrow to help these children with their English. Kate said that she would go there the next day to help those student with their English. Kate said that she will come here tomorrow to help these children with their English.(在当天当地转述,第四关:时态的变化,指示代词、时间状语、地点状语、方向性动词的变化,

27、直接引语变间接引语时,如果主句为现在(或将来)时态,间接引语的时态不变;如果主句为过去时态,间接引语中的谓语动词也要相应地用过去时态。如: 1. He says, “I am going to Beijing tomorrow.” He says that he is going to Beijing tomorrow. 2. She said to me, “Li Ping will come tomorrow.” She told me that Li Ping would come the next day. 温馨提示:如果转述的内容是客观真理时,自然现象或是谚语、格言时态不变。如: H

28、e said, “The earth goes around the sun.” He said that the earth goes around the sun,第五关:句子结构的变化 直接引语变间接引语时,间接引语要用陈述句的语序。引导词要放在间接引语的最前面,接下来按“主谓宾”顺序排列。即:直接引语转换成间接引语时用陈述语序 He asked Mike, “Where did you go?” He asked Mike where he had gone,Translation,1,汤姆问杰克第二天是否能到。 2,汤姆问杰克第二天什么时候到。 3,简问你明天是否有手术。 4,妈妈问

29、你昨天是不是一个人在家。 5,警察问我上个星期是否有亲戚来拜访。 6,老师说今天的作业必须完成,Youve already got well, havent you?” she asked. She asked _. A. if I have already got well, hadnt you B. whether I had already got well C. have I already got well D. had I already got well. B 2. He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a League member?” He asked me _. A. am I a Party member or a League member B. was I a Party member or a League member C. if I was a Party member or a League member D. whether was I a Party member or a League member. C,3. He asked, “How are you getting along?” He asked _. A. how


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