1、英语经典人生哲理格言 自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。下面是应届毕业生为大家收集的关于英语经典人生哲理,欢迎大家阅读! 1、人之所以能,是相信能。 Can, is that the people can believe that. 2、要随波逐浪,不可随波逐流。 To chummed, do not go with the flow. 3、心中有所牵挂,生命才会坚强。 Some in the heart, life will be strong. 4、人生不必长睡,死后自会长眠。 Dont sleep long in life, since after the death of wil
2、l. 5、你来人间一趟,你要看看太阳。 You e to a trip to the world, do you want to take a look at the sun. 6、快乐是一种心态,不是一种状态。 Happiness is a state of mind, not a state. 7、幸福是,两双眼睛,看一个未来。 Happiness is, two pairs of eyes, see a future. 8、对的那条路,往往不是最好走的。 On the road, often not the best. 9、说出来的不是苦,说不出的才叫苦。 Say it out is n
3、ot bitter, said not to plain. 10、人生活的是经历,幸福总是在路上。 Life is experience, happiness is always on the road. 11、平生不做皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。 Life do not frown, there should be no teeth. 12、人生有些事,错过一时,就错过一世。 I have some things in life, miss, miss I. 13、拥有一颗无私的爱心,便拥有了一切。 Have a selfless love, then have it all. 14、没有承受困
4、难的能力,就没有希望了。 Without the ability to withstand difficult, there is no hope. 15、傻瓜的心在嘴里,聪明人的嘴在心里。 A fools heart in his mouth, a wise mans mouth in their heart. 16、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。 Any restrictions, all begins with his own heart. 17、承认自己的伟大,就是认同自己的愚疑。 To admit his greatness, is agree with their own f
5、olly. 18、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind each strenuously, there will be a double reward. 19、会在快乐时微笑,也要学会在困难中微笑。 In the happy smile, also want to learn to smile in difficulties. 20、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的.债! Dont say love easily, promises the promise is debt! 1、有志者,事竟成。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 2、
6、艰难之路,唯勇者行。 Difficult road, only for the brave. 3、人只要奋斗就会犯错误。 As long as the struggle will make mistakes. 4、事常与人违,事总在人为。 Things often contrary to people, things always in the. 5、行路人,用足音代替叹息吧! The traveller, with footsteps instead of sigh! 6、机会只对进取有为的人开放。 Opportunities are only available to those who
7、are ahead. 7、天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。 Genius only means hard-working all ones life. 8、进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。 Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. 9、站在巨人的肩上是为了超过巨人。 Standing on the shoulders of giants is to surpass the giant. 10、骄傲是断了引线的风筝稍纵即逝。 Pride is a broken wire kite transient. 11、骏马是
8、跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。 The horse is running out, therefore is playing out. 12、山路不象坦途那样匍匐在人们足下。 Not as smooth as prostrate on the mountain people you. 13、为原则而斗争比实践该原则要容易。 It is easier to fight for principles than to practice it. 14、泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。 Spring, the struggle of the road twists and turns, the more
9、pure heart. 15、只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。 Only board the top of the mountain, to see the scenery there. 16、哪里没有希望,哪里就不可能有努力。 Where there is no hope, there can be no hard work. 17、山路曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。 Mountain road twists and turns, but after all, toward the pinnacle of extension. 18、耕耘者的汗水是哺育种子成长的乳汁。 The sweat
10、of the plough is the milk that feeds the seed. 19、忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 20、教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。 Education is the talent s family, society is her talent. 21、智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印。 A wise mans dream is not beautiful, it is not as good as the footsteps of a fool. 22、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。 Busy collecting bees to talk with eloquence in front of people. 23、如果把才华比作剑那么勤奋就是磨刀石。 If the talent to the sword so hard is the grindstone. 24、经受了火的洗礼泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。 Through the baptism of the fire will also have a strong body of mud. 25、通过云端的道路,只亲吻攀登者的足迹。
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