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1、小学生迎新春英语手抄报 春节是一个特殊的节日,对于所有华人来说,春节都是一个最重要的节日,以下是搜索一篇小学生迎新春英语,欢迎大家阅读! 过年啦!过年啦!除夕那天晚上,全家人都会聚在一起喜气洋洋地吃团圆饭,当然少不了一道菜鸡。俗话说“无鸡不成宴”,这不,爸爸领着一只活蹦乱跳的小母鸡回来啦。 Its a new year! Its a new year! On the eve of the new years Eve, the whole family gathered together to eat the reunion dinner together, and of course a di

2、sh - chicken. As the saying goes, no chicken is not a feast, this is not, Dad took a little hen back alive and kicking. 那只鸡挺着肥嘟嘟的身子坐在笼子里,样子很自信。外婆洒了一把米,它就不紧不慢地吃着,鸡嘴碰到地上发出“咯咯”声。平时,我很少这么靠近一只活鸡,所以兴奋地萌发了一个全新的想法,带它 下楼玩。 The chicken was sitting in a cage with a fat toot, and it was very confident. Grandmot

3、her sprinkled a handful of rice, it is neither fast nor slow to eat, chicken mouth met a giggle sound. Usually, I rarely so close to a chicken, so excitedly germination of a new idea, it went down to play with. “婆婆,你就答应了嘛,那只鸡明天就要被杀了,应该给它留下美好的回忆,再说了”在我百般游说下,外婆答应了。 The mother-in-law, you promise, that

4、 chicken is going to be killed tomorrow, should give it a good memory, besides. When I lobbying, my grandmother promised. 于是我扯着鸡的一只脚,在它的脚下系了三个死结,在小心翼翼地解开笼子,轻轻抱它出来,可刚才还是很乖的小母鸡一出笼便扑拉翅膀,可谓“鸡飞狗跳”。我好不容易才把它牵到楼下。到了楼下,它 又听话了,走路从容不迫,大模大样,走一步脖子就向前伸一下,虽然身子太胖,但却走得很稳健,颇有领导风范。看见这滑稽样,我笑得合不拢嘴。 So I pulled a chicken

5、 foot, at the foot of it, three knot, unlock the cage at carefully, gently hug it out, but just now was well behaved little hen flew out a pull the wings, can be described as general turmoil. It was not easy for me to pull it downstairs. Downstairs, and obedient, walk one step in an ostentatious man

6、ner, take it leisurely and unoppressively, neck stretched forward, although the body is too fat, but very robust, a leadership style. At the sight of the funny thing, I couldnt close my mouth with laughter. 小母鸡直径像一棵大树走去,不知为什么,它总是不停地绕着树转,我也得跟着它转,可它越转越快,把绳子绕了几个结,还是我跑得快,把它强制拉了出来。 The hens diameter goes

7、 like a big tree. Somehow, it keeps rotating around the tree, and I have to follow it, but it goes faster and faster, and makes several knots around the rope, or I can run fast and pull it out. 更气人的是,小母鸡竟然想走进花圃!糟了糟了,长得那么美丽的花圃,塞进一只胖母鸡,那不是破坏环境吗?而且花圃里连路都没有,它进去了怎么拉它出来呀!我使劲扯绳子,越扯它就越跑。“对不 起了,小母鸡。”我只能使出“大力

8、士”,连鸡带绳地把它甩出来,它被吓得“咕咕”叫。这是一位路人走过,惊讶地说:“哇,见过溜狗的,从没见过溜鸡的!”我顿时不好意思地笑了。 Whats more, the hen tried to walked into the garden! Bad, the beautiful flower bed, into a fat hen, isnt that damaging the environment? And there is no road in the garden, and it goes in how to pull it out! I pull the rope hard, and

9、 the more I pull it, the more I run. Im sorry, little hen. I can only make Hercules, even the chicken with the rope to throw it out, it is scared goo called. A passer-by walked by and said, Wow, see the dog, never see the chicken! I laughed at a moment of embarrassment. 我还没反应过来,小母鸡就拼命往花圃扑去,这只鸡,你不会是想

10、存心报复我吧!还是我好心,在你被宰之前给你乐一乐,谁知你这么麻烦!我气得脸变成了“囧”字。小母鸡拼命扑拉翅膀,脚在半空 中打转儿,还声嘶力竭地叫,我拼命地“拔河”,看来“人鸡之战”必然开始。 I havent reacted yet. The hen is going to rush to the garden. This chicken, you dont want to retaliate for me. Its still my kindness to be happy before you are slaughtered. Who knows you are so troublesom

11、e! My face has bee embarrassed. The hen pulled desperately flapping wings, feet in the air swirl, also called themselves hoarse, I desperately tug of war, it seems chicken war must start. 它“扑哧”一声跳进花圃,我想扯它出来,但没有路进去,只能钻进去,噢,树枝刮到手了。事到如今,只能把它抱出来了!我用尽力气,抱起那只鸡,可它却滑了下来,还留下了一种黏糊糊的东西 鸡粪!我气得火冒三丈,又逃不出花圃,表姐下楼来了

12、,我便大声呼救,最后,我与鸡一起狼狈地回到家。 It Puchi jumped into the garden, I want to pull it out, but there is no way to go, only to drilling, oh, the branch scratching hand. Now, only picked it out! I tried my best to hold up the chicken, but it slipped and left a sticky thing - chicken manure! I was so angry that I cant escape and fly into a rage, garden, my cousin went downstairs, I shouted for help, finally, I went back home along with the chicken distressedly. 大年三十,一盘香喷喷的鸡上桌了,可我却一口也不想吃,虽然小母鸡给我带来那么多麻烦,但和它毕竟有感情了,想起昨天的溜鸡记,我还会笑出声来。 In the new year thirty, a dish of delicious chicken came


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