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1、 7A Unit 5 过关测试1、 单词1、 猜测 _ 2、圣诞节_ 3、用颜料涂_ 4、 叫,嚷_ 5、特殊的_ 6、烟花_ 7、 收音机(复数)_8、似乎_ 9、围绕_ 10、 重要的_ 11、离开,脱离 _ 12、演出, 秀_ 13、 满的_ 14、在里面_ 15、其他的_ 2、 词组1、 用多种方式庆祝中秋节_2、 在那天团聚并赏月_3、 喜欢把我们的脸涂成白色_4、 敲我们邻居的门_5、 在10月31日晚上举行一个聚会_6、 用南瓜做灯笼_7、 在我家附近的一个饭店里_8、 查出更多的新闻_9、 拍很多照片_10、 在纽约度假_11、 燃放烟花_12、 为我们把新衣服准备好_13、

2、在每年这个时候_14、 在一二月份_15、得到来自我叔叔阿姨的礼物_三、句子1、打扮穿上白衣服做一个护士的样子如何呢?_2、 在圣诞节受到各种各样的礼物真的很棒。_3、 谢谢你用吃的喝的招待我们。_4、 在万圣节, 我弟弟很少戴面具但是他喜欢和我们玩一个“不招待就使坏”的游戏。_5、 你多久度假一次?一年两次。_6、 他为什么需要如此多的粽子? 因为端午节就要来了。_7、 在聚会上有很多有趣的事情。_8、 舞狮什么时候开始? 晚上六点。_9、 捉弄别人是错的。 _10、 每年的春节联欢晚会似乎很重要。_11、 美国人经常喜欢举行世界各地不同节日的表演。_12、 眼不见, 心不烦。 _13、 是

3、我们该放烟花的时候了吗?_14、 大部分中国家庭认为春节是一个相当重要的假期。 _15、 多好吃的蛋糕!(2种方法) _16、 这儿有一张今年的在纽约庆祝新年的海报。_17. 在这一天孩子们玩得很开心。 _18、 假如明天不下雨, 明天在操场上将有一场歌舞表演。 _7A Unit 5 单元练习一、单项选择1. Its too cold. The window is_ now, please go and_ it. A open; closed B opened; close C opened; closed D open; close 2. Tom hopes _ go to Shanghai

4、 for a trip.A he can B him C him to D /3. I dont like going out for a walk _ cold evenings .A. inB. onC. atD. of4. He has a picture-book and two storybooks . _ of them are interesting .A. BothB. AllC. EachD. Every5. _ do you call your mothers sister?A. HowB. WhenC. WhyD. What6. - Which would you lik

5、e to get of the two coats?- Id like to choose _ one to save money for a book .A. the cheaper B. the cheapest C. a more expensiveD. most expensive7. I will go to work early tomorrow. Can you _my baby in the morning?A. put onB. dressC. wearD. dress up in8. How long Can I _ the book? - Two weeks.A. lea

6、ve B. keep C. borrow D. read9. Please _ who broke the window.A. look B. find C. find out D .look at10. - Have you found your lost mobile phone? - No, I havent. But I bought yesterday. A. it B. one C. another D. other11. They give us a treat _ some candy and we give some chocolates _ them _a treat.A.

7、 as, to, of B. of, as,to C. as, of, to D. of, to, as12. We use _ pumpkins to make our_lanterns.A. big orange, special own B. orange big, own, special C. big orange, own special D. orange big, special own13. He is _ honest boy. Ypu can believe _ he says. A. a, what B. an, how C.an, what D .a, how14.

8、-Why dont we _? - Its a good idea .A . going fishing B . to go fishing C . go fish D . go fishing15. Who are you waiting _ the bus stop?A. for B. at C. for at D. near16. -How far is your school from here? -Not very far. Its about twenty_ walk.A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes D. minute17. Here _ a ca

9、rd and two letters fro you . A. are B. have C. will be D. is 18. I have money than you, but I have friends than you. A. more; more B. fewer; more C. less; more D. more; less19. Wow, there are so many books, I really cant decide _ .A. which to buy B.what to buy C. to buy which D. to buy what20. _does

10、 your grandfather often wait?A. WhoB. WhatC. Where D. Which二词汇运用(根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空)1. _ one of your friends never _(chat) with you on the Internet?2. We always c_ the Chinese New Year at home.3. _ one of your friends never _(chat) with you on the Internet?4.Michel Jordan is one of the best basketball

11、 _ (play)5 .How many _ (man) writers are there in a room?6 .Here _ (come) the bus.7 I will meet him _ the morning _ October 2nd.8 I like listening _ music _ the radio.9. Out of s_, out of mind.10. We cut out shapes _ (make) the eys, the nose and the sharp teeth .11. If the old man _ (not give) us a

12、treat tomorrow, we can play a trick on him .12. Today is a s_ day for me. Because its my birthday today. I will have a party for it.13. Peter_ a house with a garden. Hes the _ of it. (拥有)14. You can do it like that after_ (cut) the pictures our.15. This bowl of soup _(taste) delicious. Do you want s


14、ywillgetsomethingtoe_.Weallk_elephantscancarrylargethings,andd_canlookafterhouses.Andwecanteachanimalstoworkinfactories.InAmerica,forexample,peoplet_apestomakecards,andscientiststhinkthatthoseb_monkeysmaydrivetrainsoneday.四、翻译句子1. Jack每天看多长时间的电视?_ _.2. 春节的时候我们总会把自己好好打扮一番。_ _.3. 我表弟需要每天游泳一个多小时来保持健康._

15、.4. 我们喜欢用玻璃制成杯子。_.5. 每个人都对即将到来的运动会感到很兴奋。_.6. 他为什么用最好的巧克力招待她?_.7. 春节期间,我最喜欢的事情就是放烟花。_ _ 7A Unit 5 过关测试一单词1 guess 2 Christmas 3 paint 4 shout 5 special 6 fireworks 7 radios 8 seem 9 around 10 important 11 off 12 show 13 full 14 inside 15 other/else二词组1 celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in many ways2 g

16、et together and enjoy the moon on that day 3 like to paint our faces white4 knock on our neighbors doors 5 have a party on the evening of October6 make lanterns out of pumpkins 7 in a restaurant near my home 8 find out more news 9 take a lot of photos 10 be on holiday in New York11 let off fireworks

17、 12 get new clothes ready for us 13 at this time of year14 in January or February 15 get presents from my uncles and aunts三句子1 How about dressing up as a nurse in white?2 Its really great to get all kinds of presents at Christmas.3 Thanks for giving us something to eat and drink as a treat.4 On Hall

18、oween, my brothers seldom wears masks but he likes playing a game called trick or treat.5 How often do you go on holiday? Twice a year.6 Why does he need many rice dumplings? Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.7 There are lots of interesting things at the party.8 When does the lion dance begin? At 6p.m.9 Its wrong to play tricks on others.10 The Spring Festival Gala seems very important every year.11Americans often like to have shows about different festivals around the world.12 Out of sight, out of mind.13 Is it time for us to let off fireworks?14 Most Chinese families thin


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