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1、全站仪在公路数字测图和中线测量中的应用全站仪在公路导线数字测图和中线测量中的应用摘要:介绍全站仪在公路导线和中线测量等方面的应用技巧,提出全站仪使用中应注意的事项。关键词:全站仪/公路/测量/技巧。1全站仪在导线测量中的应用1.1全站仪坐标法的优点采用全站仪测点可直接用坐标法,而不需要用极坐标法, 使仪器操作员从繁重的数据计算中解脱出来几乎不用记录,只是简单记一下点号和点与点之间的关系,以备整理时参考,也不必配备记录计算员。内业整理的时候只要将数据从全站仪传输至计算器或直接将数据输入到计算机中,通过坐标平差,在计算机上用Auto CAD等软件绘出点位,取舍点位,求出每一弯道的偏角值,交点间距离

2、一级逐桩坐标等即可。1.2注意应用国家控制点及其三维坐标在用坐标法测点前, 尽量找到国家控制点和这些控制点的三维坐标,通过和这些控制点的联测,不仅可以检验自己的测量精度,而且在误差允许范围内可以通过这些坐标进行平差, 使测量精度更高。1.3点的设置应兼顾放中线的需要在设点时,不仅应设路线控制导线点,也应为放中线准备,在路线上通视条件好,地势较高处可以布设一些架仪器点, 这样做的好处是在放中线时有了更多的选择机会,不必为增设架仪器点而多次让仪器转站。1.4仪器操作人员配置及后视人员作用一般全站仪配合公路导线测量一共需要5-6人,其中前视位置3-4人,仪器操作员1人。后视人员可让全站仪记录更多的点

3、,对后期中线测量和路线设计可以起到非常大的作用。下面通过具体的工程实例来说明后视人员的重要性。在省道豫23线南阳市镜邓州至孟楼二级公路改建工程的导线测量中,由于是老路改造,因此测量原则是满足规范要求的前提下尽可能利用老路。一般直线段容易控制,而在弯道处要想尽可能的沿老路就必须让弯道半径选择 的非常合适。我们测量的做法是:后视的人对完后视后,再到弯道处沿老路的弯道放5-6个控制弯道半径的点, 让全站仪记录下点的坐标,这样在内业处理导线时, 到这些弯道处利用海地等路线设计软件, 通过调试半径使得曲线尽可能多地通过这些点。如在一个较长且两侧房屋很多的平曲线处,后视人员在老路曲线上测得12个点来控制曲

4、线,在内业处理时发现该位置设复曲线是最佳方案,避免了设一个曲线半径造成拆迁多而且地形不理想的失误。1.5导线测量应注意的问题用全站仪配合打导线也有一些需要特别注意的地方,否则可能引起较大误差甚至导致 返工。(1)对后视的时候一定要注意后视人立的后视点的点号和坐标是否与仪器输入的点号和 坐标一致,最好用对讲机互相通报一下点号,用棱镜对完后视后,再用仪器放后视点,看位置是否一致,这样可将出错几率降至最小。在省道豫48线西峡境内的导线测量中,由于初次使用坐标法,仪器操作员将架站点和后视点的坐标反了,结果在 电脑上展图时才发现路线在这个位置折了180角折回了,使得全天的工作都成了无用功。(2)在可能的

5、情况下,后视点离架站点的距离越远越好,一般情况下,架站点与后视点之间的距离应不小于架站至测点之间的距离。这样可以保证测量精度。(3)在坐标法测量中不要打倒镜,因为全站仪的坐标法核心实质还是将由偏角,距离得 来的数据经全站仪内部计算模块处理后换算成坐标,所以打倒镜等于整个坐标系统 转180,也就是说偏角偏了 180,结果当然是错误的。(4)全站仪测高程有它的局限性,其测高程的误差主要为竖直角观测误差,测距误差,仪器高与棱镜高测量误差,而这3种误差中误差数直角观测误差的影响最大,只能采取适当的措施来提高观测精度,如采用觇牌代替棱镜作为找准目标,适当增加测 回数,短距离传递高程,仔细量取仪器高和棱镜

6、高等。一般情况下,导线测量中测 点的高程只作参考,而不能用作水准测量。2全站仪在中线测量中的应用2.1架站位置的选择尽量选择那些地势较高, 通视条件好,可以看到更多中线上点位的位置。我们在刚开始用全站仪的时候,对这一点不太重视,结果往往搬站过多,不仅影响进度,也影响精度。特 别是在山区,如一个山头上的点可以看到周围几公里的中桩位置,而沿路线两侧架站往往需要好几站才可以敷设完这段中线。再如山区沿溪线的中线放线,由于平面线形往往不理想, 多有山头阻挡视线, 总是需要多次搬站, 如果我们选择路线河对岸的山腰,平地或者居民楼 1全站仪在公路数字测图和中线测量中的应用的房顶等来作为架站位置,则可以达到事

7、半功倍的效果。2.2测点少时的处理全站仪敷设中线遇到不通视时,在点少的情况下,应采取仪器所能看到离所放点位置最 近的点(一般不是中线上的点) 为参照物的方法处理。 在山区和路线上建筑物障碍物较多时, 有时搬一次仪器也就放一二个点,往往不再另外搬站,而是用移动参照点相结合的方法,每次取得了省时,省力,又满足精度要求的结果。2.3全站仪测高程功能的应用技巧全站仪虽然测水准程序比较烦琐,而且精度不高,但有时候测高程的功能可有效发挥。如在山区沿溪线的改线测量中,有些路线的几个中线点上了山头,如果用水准仪来测这几个点的高程,根据以往经验,水准仪往山头上转架几次仪器后容易引起误差过大,造成水准点之间不闭合

8、。我们的做法是:在山脚下选一个比较理固定的参考点,用全站仪读出该点的Z轴高程,可以算出这些点相对于山脚下参考点的高差,这样做的好处是:在不影响测量精度而得到山上点高程的同时,避免了水准仪山头容易引起水准点之间不闭合的发生。2.4全站仪与其他测量方法的结合使用中线测量用全站仪可提高测量速度,但由于自身的测量机理使得它有一定的局限性,如每遇到不通视的时候往往需要搬站,特别是平原测量,因为一起搬站要耽误很多时间,影响测量速度。其实,中线敷设过程中并不一定要过分依靠全站仪,要结合以往的花杆皮尺“穿杆”法等。我们在平原微丘地区,特别是直线段较多的地区,测量中线的方法是:全站仪只 用来放控制点,即直线每

9、300m放一个中线点,曲线段的中线点全部由全站仪放,直线段的 点由A,B2个人专门在中线组前面敷设,辐射后A继续往前面300m放下一个中线点,留 B拿一根花杆给后面中线组当“前视”,由中线组利用望远镜,皮尺,花杆,对讲机等工具来“穿杆”,当中线组到这个用全站仪放的中线点经2点复核合格后,前面300mA处的点也用全站仪对好了, B到A处立前视,A继续往前走,这中间全站仪随时可以通过对讲机来复 核中线组自己用“穿杆法”放的点位。另外非常重要的一点是:全站仪搬站的时间最好选在 直线段上,这样做的好处是不让中线组等着仪器搬站而停工。我们用这种方法在省道豫23线南阳市境内邓州至孟楼段 (平原微丘区)二级

10、公路改建工程的中线测量中,创造出一天敷设10Km的速度。3结束语全站仪在我国出现只是最近几年的事,大面积的普及应用才刚刚开始,但它给我们带来的方便已经是非常显著了。在全站仪的使用过程中,都会有自己的心得体会,经验技巧,如果每一个使用者都能将自己的经验奉献出来,对我们大家来说是一笔不小的财富。参考文献:1JTJ061-99,公路勘测规范s,北京:人民交通出版社,19992聂让,全站仪与高等级公路测量m,北京:人民交通出版社, 1999.287-3003全站仪在公路数字测图和中线测量中的应用Total station in the highway center line conductors an

11、d MeasurementLi chun-sheng Zhao Bing Yang chun long(Nanyang Cily Planning Survey and Design Instilute of Highway Traffic Nanyang 473003) Abstract: The total station in the highway center line conductors and the application of measurenietu techniques, the Total Station 口射 matt he needing attention, K

12、ey words: Total Station Road measuring techniques1 Total station in the wire measurementU Total Station Coordinate the advantages ofTotal Station can be used directly with lhe measuring point coordinate method, rather than polar coordinates law required, so that heavy equipment operators from the ca

13、lculation of the dam out. Outside the industry are now virtually no records, only a simple mind and the next point with the point of the relationship between the finishing industry for the reference period, but also do not have staff with a record of the calculation, Finishing in a time when the ind

14、ustry as long as the data transmission from the loin! station to PC2E5CK) calculator or directly to the data input to a computer, after coordinate adjustmcnL on lhe computer using Auto C ADdrawing software such as points, cut*ofT pointT and calculated the angle value of each curve, lhe distance betw

15、een the point of interseciion as well as the coordinates of each pile and so.1.2 Note and the application of $tate-controlkd three-dimensional coordinates of pointsCoordinates meihod used before, as far as possible the country to 11 nd controD 卩 oints and control paints of these three-dimensional co

16、ordinates, and these control points through the joint test, not only can test their measurement accuracy, and cnor-yun Xu scope can be 匚arried out through the adjustment of these coordinalcs. so (hat a higher measurement accuracy13 Point set should take into account the need to take the middle laneI

17、n the set point, not only should be wire line control points, hat is, to point the center line should also prepare for the release, depending on the route pass conditions and higher terTain can be laid at a number of aircraft equipment, the benefits of doing so is to take the middle lane when there

18、is a greater chaice and do not have equipment for n additional two points to allow devices to stop several timcsLL 4 Apparatus after the operation nd staffing as the role of staffjoial Station with the road generally traversing a total of 5 - 6 people, depending on the location of the previous 3 to

19、4 people, cquipmeni operator 1, the htier depending on a person. After lhe coral station as the staff can record more points, the center line of the latter line of measurement and design can play a very large rok Warks through the following specific examples to illustrate the importance of after, as

20、 the staff Henan Provincial Highway 23 in Nanyang City Line to Bangladesh floor habitats Dengzhou secondary roads traversing alteration works, because it is the old GM, the measurement principle is to meet the regulatonF requirements under the premise of using the old as much as possibk. Easy to con

21、lrol the general line segment, untl the Department in order to bend as much as possible along the old road on lhe bend radius must be a very suitable choice. We measured the key is: the people, as after lhe after, after, asT to turn the comer along the old release 56 bend radius control point, so To

22、tal Station io record the coordinates of points, so within the industry to deal with wires, the Departnwnt of these bend lines such as the use of design software in Haiti through the debug radius curves make as much as possible through tlicse points. If hoth sides of a longer and a lot of flat curve

23、s Housing Department, later as in the old curve measured 12 卩aints io control the curve, including the industry deal with the position found in the complex curve is the best option to avoid the set caused by the demolition ofa muki-radius 匚nrvres Lind linear non-id cal errors.L5 Wires should be note

24、d that the issu of measurementTotal Station with the wire used to fight some of the areas in need of special attention, otherwise larc errors may arise even lead to rework,.1) When the lattei; as we must pay attention to people aftr the kgisLitioih as the hitter point of view and coordinate with the

25、 importation of equipment ncl tuke the pointsConsistent standard, it is best to use wulkic-talkie communications with each other6 like dots with a prism depending on the exhausted, the used equipment after the release point of view to see whether the same location, so that error probability can be r

26、educed to a minimum, Henan Provincial Highway 48 in line Xixia throughout the wire measurement, as first-time coordinates, apparatus, aircraft operators will view the Site and post the coordinates of the ant i-lost, resulting inShow map on your computer when the road at this location found that the

27、180 D fold kok retiimed to make the work day has become,work with no avail2) Where pussible, after the point of view Irom the plane farther from the site possible, under normal circumstances, after lhe two sites and between (he pointof viewPut up a station should not be less than the distance to the

28、 distance between the measuring point, so io ensure accuracy,3) In the measurement of coordinates do not lirinj; down the mirrni; because the wholt pointMiriam core essence of the coordinates of law or by the declination, the distance obtained internal calculation by the total station data processin

29、g nxdules arc converted into coordinates, so bring down the mirror coordinate system is equivalent to totaling the whole 180 D, that is to say less biased angle of 180 the resu It of course is wrong.4) Ibtal heigbt measurtment hits its li mi tut ions, the mciisurtnieiit vrror of the main elevalion u

30、f the obsenation error lor the vertical angle, ranin error; apparatus highWilh high measurement error of the prism, which is three kinds o f errors in vertical angle observation the impact of the error the most only to take appropriate measures to improve the accuracy of observation, such as the use

31、 of spy license allowed the goal to rep lace the prism as the appropriate measure to increase the number of short-distanc? tnuuiminion of elevation carefully check the amount of high cqidiptnem and higher prism. Linder normal circumstances., traversing the measuring point in the elevation values for

32、 reference only, and can not be used 猶 lhe standard of measurement.2 Total Station in the center line Measurement 2put up a station in the location of choiceAs far as possible(o select those higher, depending on the conditions of a good pass, you can see more points in the online position, Wc have j

33、ust started using Total Station, when not paid much attention to this point, the results tend to move off station More, not only affect the 卩rogress, but also accuracy Especially in mountainous areas, such as on top of a nKJuntain wc can see a few kilometers around the location in the pik, and along

34、 both sides nf the road often requires several stations put uo a station can only be deposited end of this set up the center line. Another example is the middle of the mountains edge streamlci actinomycete line, as the horizontal alignment is olten not ideal, many hills to black Line of sight, alway

35、s need to stop several limes to move, if we choose to route the other side of the river the mountain. The ground floor or the roof of the residents do, such as the location for put up a station can be highly effective.2.2 points fewer processingTotal Station, as the barrier encountered hy the laying

36、 of the center line, in the case of small points should be taken from the machines can scu the most recent release Points (generally not in the Line of points) for the reference approach. Routes in the niauntains and lhe obstacles were more buildings, and stjmeiimes moving cquipmcnl will lake a 12 p

37、oint move is often no longer the other stations, But with the mobile reference point and reference poinl fbr measuring a combination of methods, each has made to save time, effort, and lhe resuIts meet he accuracy requirements.23 Total Measurement Application of functional skillsAlt hough the level

38、of total station measure me nrs cumbersome procedures, and accuracy is not high, but sonictimcs the fiincnon of height can be measured effectively.As in Mountain edge streamlet line mcasurcinciU of change, some routes in several midlinc point on the mountain, if measured by leveling to lhe elevation

39、 of these points,based on past experience, Level turn to the hilltop after two previous instruments Easily lead to error is tooresulting in closure between the standard points. Our approachis: in the mountains at the foot of the election of a fixed reference point tbr comparison, With coral station

40、read out the points ofZ-axis height, and then release with Total Station in the midline point of these hills, when they point the way to measure the Z-axis height can be calculated in relation to these points, the refcrertce poini lhe foot of the hill ,The 全站仪在公路数字测图和中线测量中的应用elevation, so that measu

41、red by leveling the height of the reference point, coupled with the height dififerencc between them, they will have the hills on th. center lin of the elevation points. This the benefit is: docs not aflct the measurement accuracy has been the high point of the moumain at the same time, the way to av

42、oid leveling easily lead to the standard of lhe hilt between the occurrence of non-cl0surc.2.4 Potai Station with other measurenient methods used in conjunctionMeasuring Total Station can be centerline to improve the measurement speed, but because of its own measurement of the iijsc of the mechanism

43、 of making it have some limitations, such as the barrier, when, as often required when moving points, in particular Measurement in the plains.血 slution equrpment to move a lol of time to delay, the impact of the mcasurcincnts. In fact, the process of laying the center line docs not necessarily have

44、to rely too much on total station, in conjunction with the previous tape under a flower, wear bar Law. WQ micro-hill in the plains art證爲 especially tn areas with more line segments, the method of measuring the center line is: only used to take comrol of Total Station Point, that is, line segments, o

45、ne for every 300 m center line, the curve point above the center line of the release by the Total Station, straight from the points A, B 2 personal expertisc lay in front of the middle group, after the laying of A continue to the front300 m down a center line point B tu stay under to take a flower behind the center line group when the Front View, froin the center line group using binoculars, measuring tape, flower clubs, walkie-talkies and other tools to wear


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