



1、写作课教学设计设 计 人: 洪 薇课 题: 牛津英语上海版,八年级下册,Unit 4教学内容: U4 Writing课 型: 写作课教学时间: 40分钟学情分析:这则漫画描述了两名旅游者去神秘岛途中的一段惊险历程,文章有一定的新单词,学生通过观察漫画,并分小组讨论每一副画描绘的场景与事件,为漫画配上合理对白与说明文字,并进一步让学生大胆猜想结局。教学目标:1. 认知目标: 课标词汇 island, storm ,wave, jacket拓展词汇mystery短语weather forecast天气预报;life jacket 救生衣; thank goodness谢天谢地;make it获得成

2、功2. 能力发展目标:1)能够通过图片与提示,为漫画设计与编写说明文字与对白。2)培养学生运用课堂所学知识去谈论实际的学习生活的口语表达能力和整合知识的能力。3. 情感目标:通过小组分工合作完成,培养团队合作学习精神。教学重点:1. 能够通过图片与提示,为漫画设计与编写说明文字与对白。教学难点:1. 通过构思故事情节,设计与编写说明文字、对白和结局等步骤,完成一则漫画故事。2. 能运用材料中的有效信息组织语言表达,整合知识,进行简单的口头输出。教学流程设计:Aims: To get students to know about comic strips. To build on writing

3、 skills. To Learn about the methods and skills of pictures writing. To enlarge students vocabulary on the given topic.Materials: Oxford English student book A Type of the lesson: WritingTime phaseSpecific aimsTeacher activityStudent activitySkills involved6minsPre-WritingTo prepare the students for

4、what they are going to write.1. Warm-up: Look at the cartoon and comic strips, and guess the name.Brainstorm around the topic of comic strips.Speaking;2. To get students to guess what happened in the storyTry to guess based on the title and pictures of the story.Speaking;To help the students to unde

5、rstand the chronological sequence in the story.To get students to put the pictures into correct order so as to get a coherent story.Try to put the pictures into correct order.Anticipation.5minsWhile-Writing To train students to identify the sentences in order to get specific information.1. To introd

6、uce the typical structure of a narrative story to the students. 2. To get students to identify the general ideas of each part of each pictures of the story.1. To identify the speech bubbles and caption. 2. To write down the speech sentences of characters. Train Ss writing skill6minsTo arouse Ss inte

7、rests of the story3. To raise Ss ability to describe pictures.To act out the story.To answer the questions.Have a better understanding of the story.6mins6minsWhile-WritingTo help students to reach a detailed understanding of the story.4. To ask students to finish task 3 .To fill the blanks.WritingTo train the students to write down the story.5. To ask students to finish task 4.To write the story.Writing6minsPost-WritingTo train the students to retell the story.To get students to retell the story according to the key words. Work in groups to practice.Speaking5minsSummary &Self assessmentTo


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