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1、Unit 4 Save the treesReading (1)学习目标:一、语言知识:1.认识和理解单词against,branch,convenient,example,fight,furniture,gas,harmful,imagine,major,oxygen,produce,save。2认识和理解短语take in ,come from, for example, in fact, look around, be made of, millions of等。3.认识单词root。4.初步接触现在进行时这一语法现象。二、语言技能:1.通过观察标题和图片,预测阅读文本的话题。2.通过略

2、读和找读主阅读篇章,了解篇章大意。三、文化意识:爱护树木,尊重自然,保护环境,做地球的朋友。四、情感态度:了解树木为人类所作的巨大贡献,树立保护树木的意识。五、学习策略:通过图片,准确理解阅读的主题。学习过程:课堂导学:Step 1 Pre-reading1. Cartoon talk学法指引:同学们,请猜一猜Hi 和Lo 之间又发生了怎样的幽默事件呢?请看P43的卡通图片,然后回答一下几个问题吧。(1) Wher are Hi and Lo? .(2) Whatis Lo doing? .(3) What is in Los left hand? .(4) Who is playing a

3、trick(诡计) on whom? 2. Brainstorming学法指引:小组讨论,发挥集体智慧的力量,根据一下的“蛛网图”,列出人类能够从树木获得的各种物品。可以从use, eat, drink, wear等方面来思考。列举的越多越好哦! Step 2 While-reading1. First reading(Skimming)学法指引:同学们,请快速阅读P45的标题和观察该页的插图,回答P44,B的两个问题。2. Second reading(Scanning)学法指引:同学们,请认真阅读P45 的文章,填写下列的表格。(每条横线填一个单词)Trees in our daily l

4、ivesTrees are importantE xamplesTrees are major fighters against . They keep the air and .They take in from the air and produce for us to breathe.Trees make our lives more . Many things in our daily lives such as and come from trees.We also get , and from trees.A lot of is made of .Step 3 Post-readi

5、ng 学法指引:总结Rebecca和Dr Jones的对话内容,在同位之间进行模拟采访活动。来吧,大胆展示真英雄!A: How do trees help?B : .A: How do trees make our lives more convenient?B : .A: What should we do with trees?B : .自我评价:How well do you know about this period?I can read an interview about trees.Reading (2)学习目标: 一、 语言知识:1. 认读和理解单词短语come from,

6、in fact, look around和be made of。2. 了解由后缀-ful 构成的形容词。二、 语言技能:能运用本课学习的一些短语和句型描述树木的重要性。三、 情感态度:通过了解树木为人类所做的巨大贡献,增强热爱自然、保护资源的意识。四、 学习策略:学会根据后缀对单词进行归类。课前自主学习:1. 找一找学法指引:同学们,请听课文录音,看一看你们有什么不懂的单词、短语、句型,写出来。短语中文意思短语中文意思有用的句型:(1) (2) (3) 不懂的句子是:(1) (2) (3) 课堂导学1. 议一议学法指引:同学们,把你们不懂的单词、短语、句型等拿出来,和小组成员交流,互相解决不懂

7、的问题。2. 练一练学法指引:同学们,你们知道-ful是形容词的后缀吗?某些名词或动词后面如果跟了-ful,那这个名词或动词就成了形容词。根据这个规则,请同学们按要求完成下面习题。译中文:useful ;harmful ;beautiful 把下列词变成形容词:help ;hope ;care ;forgot ;thank 3. Language points(1)take in 吸进回顾:take part in 参加 take a trip 去旅行take photos 拍照 take care of 照顾;照料 take exercise 锻炼身体 take a rest 休息一会儿 t

8、ake medicine 服药 take a message 传递信息(2)come from =be from 来自 (3)be made of 由制成,制成品一般可以看出原材料。 be made from 由制成,制成品一般看不出原材料。(4)millions of 大量的,数以百万计的。(5)stop doing sth. 停止做某事(停止手头上正在做的事情)stop to do 停下来去做某事课堂检测(1) Fill in the blanks.Trees make our lives more c .For example, the w in your pencil, the pap

9、er in your notebook and f in your house all c from trees. Trees take in h gases from the air and p oxygen, so they are very u . It is hard to i a world without trees. (2) 完成句子。 1) 学生们正在讨论这种能量来自何处。 The students _ where the energy _ . 2) 他们不在这儿。确切地说,他们一小时以前走的。 They are not here. _ , they left an hour

10、ago. 3) 她环顾四周, 却一个同学也没看到。 She _ but could not see any classmate. 4)一些科学家们认为外星人世界是由石头构成的,而不是气 体。 Some scientists think the alien world _ rock, not gas. 5) 这个工厂每年生产数百万件玩具。 The factory _ _ toys every year.Grammar课堂导学学法指引:同学们,请观察以下句子,看一看划线部分的词有什么特点和规律,加油! I am watching TV. My mother is not cooking in th

11、e kitchen. The boys are playing football. Is she dreaming? What is it eating?同学们,经过认真的观察,你们发现了什么?把他们写下来!1) 这些句子都使用了什么时态? 2) 这些句子的谓语是怎样构成的? 3) Be动词的变化规律是什么?(请填写下表)主语形式Iwe/they/you/复数He/she/it/单数Be动词的形式4)这些句子的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句分别是怎么构成的?(请填写下表)句式肯定句否定句一般疑问句特殊疑问句构成主 语 + + 主语+ +V-ing +主语+ 特殊疑问词+ +主语+ 5)

12、想一想,怎样对例4进行回答? 6)现在分词是怎样构成的?有哪些规则? 动词ing形式的构成:一般情况不发音e结尾重读闭音节结尾ie结尾一般加ing以辅音字母+不发音的e结尾的动词去e后加ing以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,双写这个辅音字母,再加ing以 ie 结尾的重读开音节的词改 ie 为y, 再加ing7) 以下动词一般不用于进行时态:believe hear like mean smell understand hateknow love see taste want例句:I believe you are right. 我认为你是对的。I like the red dre

13、ss. 我喜欢这条红裙子。 The cake smells good. 蛋糕闻起来很香。自我检测:(一) 选用am, is, are填空。1 Mary _ reading a picture book.2 John and his brother _ fighting outside.3 _ they dancing and singing now?4 I _ doing my homework.5 What _ Xiao Ling doing now? 6 _ you cleaning your room? 7 Toms parents _ watching TV in the living

14、 room. 8 I _ writing an article for the newspaper. 9 _ your father playing chess with his friend? 10 He and his classmates _ listening to the teacher carefully.(二)单项选择。1 The boys _ a large board to the classroom. A. are carrying B. is carrying C. carries D. are carry2 They _ the trees. A. are climbi

15、ng not B. not climbing are C. not are climbing D. are not climbing3 So hows it _ at work these days? Still enjoy it? A. go B. going C. to go D. went4 Is she _ a new book? A. write B. wrote C. writes D. writing5 Look! Jim _ his birthday cake into four pieces. A. cut B. cutting C. is cutting D. are cutting(三) 用所给动词的现在进行时态填空。1 I _ (play) the piano.2 What _ you _ (do) at home now?3 _ you _ (write) the article?4 We _ (plant) trees.5 My si


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