1、review,Outcome 1 Analyse complex written business information,Knowledge and/or skills,The skills and concepts required for reading and analysing complex text. The skills of summarising key information and supporting detail. An understanding of the range of types, purposes and uses of business docume
2、nts. A knowledge of the conventions of format and graphic communication. An understanding of the impact of language and presentation. Skills in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of written text in meeting an identified purpose and readership,Evidence requirements,Candidates will need to demons
3、trate skills by summarising and evaluating in detail a complex business text which is concerned with the presentation, analysis and synthesis of a substantial amount of information. The response must be written or recorded and: summarise the main points and supporting detail evaluate the effectivene
4、ss of format, language, structure and layout in meeting the needs of purpose and readership,Assessment guidelines,A summary and detailed evaluation may be made of any complex document, but it is suggested that the text selected could either be one which could provide a model of the type of text to b
5、e produced for Outcome 2 and/or would be a source document relevant to Outcome 2 and/or 3. Such integration would encourage skills development and avoid over-assessment. A formal structured complex business report, proposal or article on a relevant vocational issue could provide an appropriate text,
6、Outcome 2,Produce complex written business documents,Knowledge and/or skills,How to select and collate relevant information. How to arrange material for impact. How to structure information effectively to a prescribed business format. How to select register (voice) and language appropriate to purpos
7、e and readership. Accurate use of conventions of expression(措辞) and style(文体), spelling(拼写), punctuation(标点) and syntax(语法) Formal conventions of business documents,Evidence requirements,Candidates will need to demonstrate skills by producing one or more business documents presenting and analysing i
8、nformation on a complex issue. A minimum of 1500 words should be produced in controlled conditions, meet an agreed brief and be in a prescribed format. Texts should: Select and collate information effectively Present relevant information accurately Use a logical structure appropriate for purpose and
9、 readership Use language and register effectively Use conventions of layout and format consistently and accurately Use consistently accurate spelling, syntax and punctuation,Outcome 3,The seventh class February 23, 2008,Outcome 3 Organize and participate in a meeting,Outcome 3 asks you to organise a
10、nd participate in a formal meeting. This means that you will be asked to create paperwork to support a meeting, and to prepare and deliver an input for the meeting. You will need to show the following skills (7 points ) in preparing for this outcome,Knowledge and/or skills,How to plan and prepare fo
11、r a formal meeting. How to locate, select and present relevant complex information. How to organize and structure a contribution to discussion. How to respond and adapt to the contributions of others and progress interaction. The dynamics of oral communication. The format and structure of formal mee
12、tings. The format and structure of written records of meetings,Evidence requirements Candidates will demonstrate skills by taking part in and documenting a formal meeting which involves at least four others and which has a clear remit involving analysis and decision making relating to a complex voca
13、tional issue. A detailed observation checklist and/or a video recording should be retained as evidence of performance for each candidate. Each candidate should produce a notice of meeting and agenda prepare and present an agenda item accurately and effectively use tone, pace and non verbal communica
14、tion (NVC) appropriate to a formal meeting respond to the contributions of others to progress interaction complete an accurate formal record of proceedings,Assessment guidelines Candidates should take part in a formal business meeting and the papers produced should reflect this. Integration with oth
15、er Outcomes or coursework may be appropriate. Each candidate should make preparatory notes for the presentation of an agenda item which may be supported by visual aids, or the distribution of supplementary papers. Each candidate must write up records of proceedings which follow standard conventions,
16、5.3.1 Planning and Preparing for a Formal Meeting,You will soon be asked to organise and/or take part in a formal meeting. There are some things you should know about taking part in a meeting,1.What is a meeting? is an organised and planned event includes people who come together to discuss an agree
17、d item or items is comprised of individuals who share knowledge of the item(s) being discussed is structured in that it has people fulfilling certain roles requires people to follow certain conventions (or ways of acting) should allow for an exchange of views, and for people to share ideas requires
18、advance preparation and planning requires certain paperwork,2.Why have meetings? In the workplace, you will often come across problems or issues which are best solved by people working together. In a situation like this, people need to get together to discuss the issues, and then to agree a suitable
19、 course of action. Workplace meetings are the most likely way that people will get together to discuss an issue,The functions of meeting :2 points ideas are shared and communication is much improved. to agree on what should be done next and often the result of a meeting is a list of action points,3.
20、the topics may be involved,Progress reviews Examining ways of increasing sales Re-organising an aspect of production Discussing the need to purchase new equipment Planning an event (a social event, an open day, a publicity event etc.) Planning the holiday rota Deciding how to allocate budgets Discus
21、sing the requirements of a new job Planning how to fulfil a customers order Overcoming a problem,4.What preparation is required ? A successful meeting requires preparation. Its not enough just to get people together around a table,Identify one or more topics. Identify the people who will be asked to
22、 attend the meeting. Identify a time, date and venue. Create paperwork to invite people to the meeting (a Notice of Meeting). Prepare a list of topics to be discussed (an Agenda). Prepare your own input for the meeting. This needs to be relevant to the purpose of the meeting. Be ready to respond to
23、others in the meeting. Be aware of features such as voice projection, modulation(韵律) and non-verbal communication. Create paperwork to record the outcome of the meeting (Minutes,5.3.2 Locating, selecting and presenting relevant complex information,For the assessment, you must identify a suitable top
24、ic for your meeting or discussion,When choosing a topic you must make sure that: The topic is vocationally relevant There is an issue which people can discuss in different ways. (If there is only one way forward, then there is probably little point in having a meeting!) The topic is sufficiently com
25、plex to allow for a formal meeting,Once you are sure of the topic, then you should carry out some research to gather the information that you need for your input at the meeting. The list on pages 63 and 64 of this student guide (i.e. the Unit Student Guide) can help you to identify some sources of i
26、nformation,1.What information is required? (Select information) Depends upon the purpose that your writing has. It is important that you are clear about the purpose before you begin, otherwise you might gather a lot of information that is not directly relevant to your purpose,2.Where can I get infor
27、mation from?(collect information) Information can come from a variety of sources, depending upon what you want to find out. Here are some examples, but this is not an exhaustive list,Written sources,Books and journals (the library is a great place to start) Newspapers and magazines The Internet, CD
28、ROMs, and similar multi-media sources Handbooks and other company documents Questionnaires Surveys Catalogues, price lists and product specification sheets Other reports and studies,Verbal sources,Interviews Meetings and discussions Information gathered over the telephone (e.g. a call to a supplier)
29、 Surveys,Observed (real life) sources,Observations carried out in the workplace Field trips Visits (to suppliers, to other firms etc) Results of trials and experiments (e.g. using a new type of raw material in a sample batch to see how effective it is,exercise You have been asked to send out a memo
30、to a colleague about a breakdown in a piece of equipment. What information do you need, and where would you get this information,Suggested solution,What piece of equipment has broken down ; What exactly the problem is. You would get this information from the supervisor, team leader, or someone who w
31、orks in the area affected,Summary: Planning and Preparing Meetings allow for people to come together to discuss topics. You need to prepare in advance for the meeting to be successful. This often requires you to gather information. There are many places from which you can get information. You need t
32、o ensure that the information you gather is useful for the meeting,exercise,Background You work as a PA (personal assistant) in the Beijing headquarters of a large manufacturing company. You and four of your colleagues have been given the task of planning and organizing a conference for the companys
33、 most senior Beijing managers, together with their inner Mongolia counterparts, who are based in Hohht,The conference, which will start the planning process for combining Beijing and Hohht company operations, will take place over two days in a large city at the end of next month, and all the manager
34、s will spend the third day (which should be a Saturday) sightseeing at the chosen location. You and your colleagues should hold a brief meeting to decide on your priorities for organizing this conference. This meeting should allocate each committee member an area of research, as well as deciding on
35、other areas on which decisions have to be made. What topic or topics do you need to identify in the brief meeting,Suggested solution,when and where the conference should take place hotel accommodation how the managers should travel to their destination, including projected (expected) costs sightseei
36、ng on the Saturday,Additional reading material,When is the meeting to be held? Where is the meeting to take place? Who is to participate in the meeting? Who is to prepare the agenda? Have all participants been informed? Who is to take the minutes? Have all necessary copies and materials for the meet
37、ing been prepared? Has the equipment needed for the meeting been checked? Has the meeting place been arranged,5.3.3 How to Organise and Structure a Contribution to Discussion,In a meeting, you will be expected to contribute and to react to the contribution of others,1.Know what you are expected to c
38、ontribute In meetings, everyone will probably have something to say. When you are being assessed, its very important that you do say something in order to pass the assessment! Your assessment task will make it clear what you are expected to do you will be expected to have prepared an agenda item for
39、 discussion. Also, you will be expected to respond to the contributions of others by asking and answering questions, providing extra information, elaborating on points and so on,2.Do your research (information) When you are preparing your input for the meeting, you will probably need to do some rese
40、arch in advance. The research you undertake will depend upon what your contribution is. For example, if youre going to be talking about a new product line that your company is going to introduce, you will need to find out what the product is, what its price will be, who its going to be marketed at,
41、what it will cost to produce it and so on,3.Plan your contribution Planning your contribution requires a bit more than good research. You must also plan the order in which youre going to present your information. Think about how your contribution fits into the whole meeting. Many topics will overlap
42、 with others and you need to be ready on the day of the meeting to change your input slightly, according to what has been said before,4.Using Notes If you are attending a meeting, then you will know in advance what the subjects for discussion are. You should prepare, by considering what you want to
43、say on the subject,THE FUNCTIONS OF NOTES,Many people feel that they can just turn up, and voice their opinions spontaneously(自然地). This works for some people, but some meetings go off at tangents, and its easy for points to be missed out. If youve prepared notes, then its easy for you to help to br
44、ing the discussion back to the issues,Notes also help you to remember what you want to say. Sometimes a meeting can become noisy and heated, and its easy in such circumstances(境况) to forget what you wanted to say. Your input shouldnt be read directly from your notes, but rather you should try to use
45、 your notes to jog(唤起,提醒)your memory. Use your notes to list the key words and phrases that you want to say,EXAMPLE,Some notes prepared by someone preparing to attend a meeting in which she was going to explain new shift times. The notes dont fully make sense as they are, but you can see how there w
46、ould be enough information here for the speaker to get her message over,5.Taking notes during a meeting You can also take notes during meetings and discussions. This is really useful when someone says something that you feel you must respond to. By writing down what was said, you can easily refer ba
47、ck to it when its your turn to talk. In addition, you will be asked to write minutes of the meeting after it has finished. Your notes will help you with this task,1.Using your own words, explain what a formal business meeting is. 2.What two pieces of paperwork do you prepare before a meeting? 3.What
48、 piece of paperwork do you prepare after a meeting? 4.Why is it important that you know what the meeting is about before you attend the meeting? 5.Why are notes useful in a meeting,Suggested solution,A formal business meeting is an organised and planned gathering of several people who are called tog
49、ether to discuss topics known in advance. It allows for an exchange of views or for the sharing of ideas. A Notice of Meeting and an Agenda should be circulated in advance of a meeting. Minutes are written after a meeting is held. You need to know what you are expected to contribute. You need to gat
50、her information so that you can contribute effectively. You need to be able to structure your contribution so that it makes sense. They can help to remind you of what you want to say. They can help you to write minutes after the meeting,Summary: Organising and Structuring your Contribution Find out in advance what you are expect
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