矿山机械及机械词汇汇总(doc 11页).doc_第1页
矿山机械及机械词汇汇总(doc 11页).doc_第2页
矿山机械及机械词汇汇总(doc 11页).doc_第3页
矿山机械及机械词汇汇总(doc 11页).doc_第4页
矿山机械及机械词汇汇总(doc 11页).doc_第5页
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1、机械:1. 三筒烘干机:Three Drum Dryer2. 转筒烘干机:Rotary Dryer3. 回转窑:Rotary Kiln4. 真空过滤机:Blet Vacuum Filter5. 浓缩机:Concentrator6. 摇床:Shaving Table7. 提升机:Elevator8. 双立环脉动高梯度磁选机:High-grade Magnetic Seperator9. 磁选机:Magnetic Ore Seperator10. 干式磁选机:Dry Magnetic Separator11. SF浮选机:SF Flotation Machine12. 浮选机:Flotation

2、Machine13. 高频筛:High Frequency Screen14. 高堰螺旋分级机:Screw Classifier15. 矿用搅拌筒:Mineral Mixer16. 圆盘式给料机:Disk Feeder17. 摆式给料机:Pendulum Feeder18. 间歇式(陶瓷)球磨机:Intermittence Ball Mill19. DMC型脉冲单机袋式除尘器:DMC Pulse Bag Dust Catcher20. KX型高细转子式选粉机: KX Super-fine Rotor Powder Concentrator21. 水泥磨/原料磨:Cement Mill/ Raw

3、 Material Mill22. 球磨机:Ball Mill23. 节能球磨机:Energy Saving Ball Mill24. SZF型系列直线振动筛:SZF Series Linear Vibrating Screen25. 输送机:Belt Conveyor26. 锤式破碎机:Hammer Crusher27. 环锤式破碎机:Central Hammer Crusher28. 圆锥式破碎站:Cone Crushing Plant29. 反击式破碎站:Impact Crushing plant30. 颚式破碎站:Jaw Crushing Plant31. 移动式破碎站:Mobile

4、Crushing Plant32. 对辊破碎机: Roll Crusher33. 螺旋洗矿机:Screw Ore Waher34. 洗石机:Stone Washer35. 高效洗砂机:Sand Wahing Machine36. 棒磨机:Rod Mill37. 冲击式破碎机:Vetical Shaft Impact Crusher38. 反击高效制砂机:Impact Fine Crusher39. 圆振动筛: Circle Vibrating Screen40. 多缸液压圆锥破碎机:Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher41. 圆锥破碎机:Cone Crus

5、her42. 反击式破碎机:Impact Crusher43. 颚式破碎机:Jaw Crusher44. 振动给料机:Vibrating Feeder词汇:1. metallurgy: 冶金2. ore: 矿石,矿物3. crushing ratio: 破碎比4. end production: 产品料度,用均匀形容5. water conservancy: 水利6. breakage fight pressure: 破碎抗压强度7. back-striking/impact: 反击式8. three-tube crush part: 三腔破碎区9. non-key awl case: 无键锥

6、套10. wear-resisting board hammer: 高效耐磨板锤11. insert handle: 插入安装12. incline bearing sent: 倾斜轴承座13. tooth-shape back striking board: 齿形反击衬板14. many ways to open: 机架多方位开门15. safety spring system: 弹簧保险系统16. overload protection device: 防过载保护装置17. sealing modes: 密封形式18. lubricating system: 润滑系统19. crushin

7、g chamber: 破碎腔室20. medium crushing: 中度破碎21. fine crushing: 细碎22. cylinder: 缸体,圆柱体23. hydraulic: 液压24. eccentric distance: 偏心距25. the content of fine graniness: 细粒级含量26. discharge opening on closing edge: 闭口边排料口粒级27. type of chamber: 腔型28. crushing cone: 破碎锥29. diameter of large end: 大端直径30. discharg

8、e opening: 排料口31. feed opening size of the open edge: 开口边给料口尺寸32. feed opening size of the open edge when recommending the min.discharge opening: 推荐最小排料口进开口边给料尺寸33. Max. feed size: 最大给料尺寸34. Main motor power: 主电动机功率35. quarry: 采石场36. eccentric shaft vibration exciter: 块偏心激振器37. patial block: 轮胎联轴器38

9、. amplitude: 振幅39. strong exciter: 激振力强40. vanguard technology: 先锋技术41. limestone: 石灰岩42. chamotte:火泥, 粘土,熟料43. mix material:混合材料44. calcium phosphide: 钙化物45. dolomite: 白云石46. pearl ore: 珍珠矿岩47. chemical fertilizer: 化肥48. fire-proof material: 防火材料49. decibel: 分贝50. triturate: 磨碎51. water and electri

10、oity industry: 水电行业52. double-roller: 双辊53. four-roller: 四辊54. hydroelectric project: 水力发电工程55. disposition: 配置56. brittle material: 脆性物料57. media ore: 媒矿石58. coke: 焦炭59. slag: 炉渣60. red sandstone: 红砂岩61. shale: 页岩62. osteoporosis limestone: 疏松石灰石63. crispy material: 酥脆物料64. compound: 化合物,65. materi

11、al-in size: 给料粒度66. material-out size: 出料粒度67. multi-storey screen: 多层筛网68. sieve: 筛,漏勺69. disperse: 分散70. input roller capacity: 输送能力71. intrinsic: 固有的,本征的72. tiered: 层列式的,分层的73. axletree: 轴承,轴子74. centripetal:向心的75. spherical: 球形的76. plank: 板材77. evacuation: 抽空,排泄78. grill: 烘烤79. nonferrous metal:

12、 有色金属80. black metal: 黑金属81. ball load: 装球量82. rotational speed: 筒体转速83. feeding size: 进料粒度84. dischaging size: 出料粒度85. form of mill: 磨机形式: open: 开流、 close: 圈流86. form of transmission: 传动形式:edge:边缘87. reduction drive: 减速机88. rate: 速比89. motor: 电机90. powder concentrator: 选粉机91. plane vortex: 平面涡流理论92

13、. cyclone: 旋风式93. dust catcher: 除尘器94. stand-alone bag filter: 单机袋除尘器95. dedusting equipment for top and bottom of he scattered points: 机顶和机底分散扬尘点除尘器96. wind capacity: 处理风量97. filtration area: 过滤面积98. wind filtration speed: 过滤风速99. bag number: 滤袋数量100. running resistance:设备阻力101. thickness of feedin

14、g: 入口含尘浓度102. thickness of exit: 出口含尘浓度103. under pressure: 承受压力104. blower power: 风机电机功率105. air consumption: 耗气量106. electro magnetic pulse valve: 电磁脉冲阀数量107. diameter of mill: 配套磨机直径108. speed fo main shaft: 主轴转速109. fineness: 产品细度110. wind content 风量111. swinging times: 摆动次数112. swinging range:

15、摆动行程113. max.feed size: 给料粒度114. by cubage: 容积式计量115. clutch: 联轴器,抓住116. disc diameter: 圆盘直径117. circular disk speed:圆盘转速118. particle size: 物料粒度119. felderspar: 长石120. quartz: 石英121. clayclunch: 粘土122. thick ore liquid: 泥浆粒度123. flotation: 浮选124. pulp: 矿浆125. medicament: 药剂126. effective volume: 有效

16、容积127. stirrer: 搅拌器128. internal size of trough: 槽内部尺寸129. hierarchical: 分层的,分等级的130. dehydrate: 脱水131. obliquity: 倾斜度132. mesh: 网孔,筛孔133. seive pore: 筛孔134. cape: 筛面倾角135. molybdenum: 钼136. rough sizing: 粗选137. selection: 精选138. counter-flotation: 反浮选139. impeller: 叶轮140. xcaper: 刮板141. four-groove

17、ln one body: 四槽一体142. martite: 假象赤铁矿143. hematite: 赤铁矿144. toggle plate: 肘板,推力板,肘环套接板145. belt wheel: 带轮146. fly wheel: 调速轮147. returning spring/rear brake: 后制动回簧148. triangle belt: 三角皮带,三目带149. genea wheel:150. reciprocate: 互给,互换151. trajetory: 轨迹,弹道152. chromium: 铬153. gypsum: 生石膏,玄精石154. alum: 明矾

18、155. tile: 瓦片156. gangue: 尾矿,矿石157. layout: 外形,设计,轮廓158. compact: 简约的,小型的,紧凑的159. coarse grinding: 粗磨160. lump coal: 块煤161. basalt: 玄武岩162. plaster: 灰泥,墙粉,石膏163. fine crushing: 细磨164. low abrasion: 低损耗,低磨损165. centrifugal force: 离心力166. tertiary: 第三级的,第三系的,第三的167. actuate: 促使,驱动168. decontamination:

19、 净化,排除污染169. wedge-shape: 楔形170. adjusting bolt: 调节螺杆171. gasket: 衬垫172. horizontal axis: 水平轴173. welding: 焊接174. fluid counpling: 液力联轴节,液力偶合器175. eccentric sleeve: 偏心套筒176. mortar: 砂浆,泥浆177. manganese: 锰178. gravel: 砂砾,粗砂179. wear-resisting: 耐磨180. silicon carbide: 金刚砂181. corundum: 刚玉,金刚砂182. sint

20、ered bauxite: 矾土183. magnesia: 氧化镁184. stack: 堆积, 堆,垛185. asphalt: 沥青186. synchronous: 同步的,同期的,同时的187. configuration: 外形, 轮廓188. be configured with: 与。配置189. diesel: 柴油190. chassis: 底盘,底座191. radius: 半径192. self-propelled: 自助推进的193. auxiliary: 辅助的,补充的,备用的194. trainler: 拖车,挂车195. open-cast mining;露开采

21、196. cobble: 卵石197. spatial: 空间,三维空间的198. stockpile: 原料堆199. inclination: 斜面,倾斜200. suspend: 吊,悬挂201. lump: 块202. batch: 批次,批量203. rub: 擦,揉搓204. spiral: 螺旋形的205. wear part: 易受磨损的零件206. bimonthly: 两月一次的207. bolt: 螺栓208. pulp: 纸浆,矿浆209. medicament: 药剂210. groove: 槽,沟211. NdFeB: 212. martite: 假象赤铁矿213.

22、 hematite: 赤铁矿214. limonite: 褐铁矿215. siderite: 菱铁矿216. ilmenite: 钛铁矿217. polianite: 锰矿218. wolframine: 219. garnet: 石榴石220. mossite: 重泥铁矿221. xenotime: 磷钇矿222. kaoline: 223. lepidomelane: 铁锂云母224. monazite: 燐铈镧矿225. immerse: 浸入226. silt: 泥沙227. deslime: 除矿泥228. chassis: 机架,底盘229. armor: 装甲230. inlet

23、: 入口,小湾231. robust: 强壮的,健全的,耐用的232. hoist: 把。吊起,升起,233. silicate: 硅酸盐234. chute: 斜槽,滑道,溜槽235. concentrator:236. strand: 股数,屡数237. chromite: 铬铁矿238. pyretic: 煤渣239. zirconate: 锆酸盐240. rutile: 金红石241. tungsten:钨242. tantalum:钽243. colombite:244. swirl: 旋转,漩涡245. tubular: 管形的246. cabin;舱室247. ceramic:

24、陶瓷的248. corrugated: 起皱纹的,249. slurry tank: 泥浆槽250. beneficiation: 选矿251. outlet: 出口,出路252. stir: 搅拌253. agitator: 搅拌器254. slit: 切开,撕开255. gear: 齿轮256. buoyancy: 浮力257. slice: 切片,薄片258. thermocouple: 热电偶,温差电偶259. combustion: 燃烧260. dehydration;脱水, 除湿261. tailing: 残渣,尾料262. concentrator: 选矿机,浓缩机263. solenoid valve: 电磁阀264. pneumatic: 充气的,气泵的265. acid: 酸味的266. alkali: 强碱267. helical: 螺旋状的268. intake: 吸入,纳入,液体等的进入口269. static proof: 抗震270. applicability:适用性,适用范围271. furnace:


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